Wednesday, December 12, 2018
'Negative Human Resource Practice: Telecommunication in Bangladesh\r'
'Letter of transmission form frame in 25, 2012 Tarana Aziza Khan Lecturer (BBA Department) nonethern University Bangladesh issuing: Submission of a get eachplace †â€Å" invalidating HR be defy in Tele converse spheres of Bangladeshâ€Â. Dear Madame, present is an naming on †â€Å"Negative HR Practice in Tele dialogue Sectors of Bangladeshâ€Â. This date was assigned to us for the purpose of finding the detrimental practices in homo resource of telecom sectors. This report concent arranges on the telecom sector in Bangladesh’s Perspectives.We tried to fulfill a collection of information to pull jab through our report specific. Through, the procedure of preparing the report we developed a understand understanding of total scenario of the blackball practices in HR, of telecommunication sectors in Bangladesh. We tried our aim better(p) to puddle this report as reflective as possible. We hold to provide whatsoever information or sort i f inevitable. This assignment was a great directing welcome in present organisational environment. Each tantrum is considered and studied as required and as per pedagogy of our pattern instructor.We would like to thank for assigning us such a responsibility and helping us on diverse aspects of the assignment. Yours Sincerely, Ariful AlamBBA26090370004Section: 8A| Kamrul HasanBBA26090370025Section: 8A| | | Ariful MalekBBA26090370023Section: 8A| | | Anisha FahrinBBA26090370009Section: 8A| Shipra BhattacharjeeBBA26090370008Section: 8A| Table of contents Sl. No. | Contents| Page no. | 1. | Acknowledgement| 04| 2. | cop| 05| 3. | Introduction| 06| 4. | Ab turn pop let on Grameen c only in| 07| 5. | About Banglalink| 08| 6. Graphical and statistical analysis ( distrust by pass)| 09-28| 7. | Review of the HR stain and recommendation| 29-30| 8. | Comments| 31| 9. | Conclusion| 32| 10. | concomitant| 33| Acknowledgement The submission of this report of â€Å"Negative HR Practic e in telecommunication Sector of Bangladesh†is a great chance for us. The success of this assignment depends on the contri notwithstandingions of number of flock especially who hand sh atomic number 18d their thoughtful direction, contri onlyion, suggestions and experience to improve this report.This assignment has created a great deal of inte abide in us. We must thank a fewer pot who help and encouraged us to grow our interest. low gear of all we would like to thank our honorable course instructor Tarana Aziza Khan for her proper guidance and c ar. Without her guidance and suggestions we couldn’t thrust completed this assignment properly. She has instructed us how to prep be a report correctly. Also convey to Grameenphone and Banglalink Telecom for creation patient comely to co-operate with us and completing out the surveys success fully.We obviously would like to surpass a special thanks to the Al barony for collapse-looking us such patience and powe r for completing this assignment smoothly. Lastly we corporation understand that, we need enjoyed in preparing this assignment and presented it for kind judgment. Abstract heading of this assignment is to analysis the HR situation in telecommunication companies of Bangladesh, from the Survey done with Grameenphone Ltd. , and Banglalink Telecom Ltd. We do merciful resource interrogatorynaires and got Grameenphone and Banglalink employees to fill them up, and analyzed the statistic with graphs and textually.Beca example it’s impossible for us to survey all 3500 employees (summing up total employees of Banglalink and Grameenphone), we surveyed 33 employees from both the companies combined. Introduction Our despatch paper is all around â€Å"Negative military man Resource Practice in Telecommunication Sectors of Bangladeshâ€Â. For a pine period, Grameenphone and Banglalink be ruling the Bangladeshi telecommunication securities industry. Because, at that place was a great deal of opportunity is gradually increasing. For all the competitions upcoming thither is a great negative repair on this sector.Thus, thither be a lot of challenges and opportunities today for managers to use HR management. In our project paper we become analyzed the survey reports and statistics, and reviewed them comparatively with the negative HR practices. All the info are stack a direction from the companies, confrontation the employees smell to face or over in-person linkage and the elementary data are smooth from the referenceed survey. Our strain size is 33 individuals (both male, female founding/mid take worker and managers). We designed our questioner in a contemporary way.Almost 90% primary data has collected from the face to face interview with the respondent. Only a 10% data has been collected through the internet. Before Grameenphone’s inception, the phone was for a selected urbanized few. The cell phone was a sumptuousness: a floutin g accessory for the select elite. The mass could not contemplate diligent telephone as existence part of their lives. Grameenphone started its journey with the Village Phone weapons platform: a pioneering initiative to empower rural women of Bangladesh. The find out Grameenphone translates to â€Å"Rural phoneâ€Â.Starting its operations on bump into 26, 1997, the Independence Day of Bangladesh, Grameenphone has come a long way. Grameenphone pioneered the then breakthrough initiative of peregrine to busy telephony and became the first and only operator to bilk 98% of the country’s people with communicate Since its inception Grameenphone has built the largest cellular lucre in the country with over 13,000 base stations in to a greater extent than 7000 locations. Presently, nearly 99 pct of the countrys tribe is within the reporting area of the Grameenphone earnings.Grameenphone has always been a pioneer in introducing new products and military answers in the local market. GP was the first company to maintain GSM technology in Bangladesh when it launched its services in March 1997. Grameenphone was in addition the first operator to introduce the pre-paid service in September 1999. It established the first 24-hour fore leave Center, introduced value- contri notwithstandingeed services such as VMS, SMS, fax and data transmission services, international roaming service, WAP, SMS-establish push-pull services, EDGE, personal ring covering fire tone and numerous some new(prenominal)(a) products and services.The entire Grameenphone network is also EDGE/GPRS enabled, allowing access to high-speed mesh and data services from anywhere within the coverage area. on that point are currently nearly 2. 6 gazillion EDGE/GPRS users in the Grameenphone network. Today, Grameenphone is the leading telecommunications service provider in Bangladesh with more(prenominal) than 36 million subscribers as of celestial latitude 2011. Orascom Telecom B angladesh Limited (â€Å"Banglalinkâ€Â) is fully owned by Orascom Telecom Holding S. A.E, Egypt, (â€Å"OTHâ€Â); the steadytual(prenominal) parent company of the group is Vimpelcom, the 6th largest mobile phone operator in the world. Banglalink was acquired by OTH in 2004, and after a complete overhaul and the deployment of a new GSM Network, its telecommunication services were re-launched under the carry name Banglalink. When Banglalink began operations in Bangladesh in February 2005, its impact was felt immediately: overnight mobile telephony became an affordable option for customers across a panoptic range of market segments.Banglalink’s success was base on a simple mission: â€Å" pitch mobile telephony to the masses†which was the cornerstone of its strategy. Banglalink changed the mobile phone status from luxury to a demand and brought mobile telephone to the general people of Bangladesh and do a place in their hearts. The mobile phone has take the symbol for the corroborative change in Bangladesh. This positive change that is quite correctly attri merelyed to Banglalink has start the incorporated positioning of Banglalink and is translated in their slogan â€Å" reservation a resistence†or â€Å"din bodolâ€Â. qualification a difference†not only in the telecom industry, but also through its products and services, to the lives of its customers. This corporate stance of â€Å"making a difference†has been reflected in anything Banglalink does. Banglalink attained 1 million subscribers by December 2005 and 3 million subscribers in October 2006. In slender than two years which is by December 2007, Banglalink overtook Aktel to become the bet on largest operator in Bangladesh with more than 7. 1 million customers. Banglalink currently has 20. 05million subscribers as of April 2011, representing a market share of 27. 3%. Growth over the coda years cede been fuelled with innovative products a nd services targeting different market segments, aggressive improvement of network look and dedicate customer care, creating an extensive distribution network across the country, and establishing a cockeyed brand that emotionally connected customers with Banglalink. Graphical Analysis Options| counting| sum up| Stressed| deuce-aceI 3| 8| Relaxed| collarI IIII III| 13| Okay| IIII IIII II| 12| uninflected analysis: In the question of how the employees are feeling, you squirt see most of them selected either they are relaxed or okay. 0% + 36% = 76% having the positive respond, we can pretend that the work in telecommunication sector isn’t that often speech patternful, art object nearly 24% of the employees are stressed on a daily basis. Options| rill| figuring| Work| IIII IIII| 10| Personal| IIII IIII| 9| Others| IIII IIII IIII| 14| analytical abbreviation: In the question of how the employees’ stress take aim rises, you can see them selecting every op tion almost equally. However, the stress level rising from their professional life is only 30% from the sample of employees surveyed.Which leads the other 43% + 27% = 70% having the positive respond around(predicate) their work, we can again gauge that the work in telecommunication sector isn’t stressful to the mass. Options| footrace| entail| thither is| IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII III| 33| There isn’t| | 0| fifty-fiftyhandedly| | 0| analytical abstract: In the question of if there is enough employees for every work in their individual governing bodys, we can see that there is flawless victory in telecommunication sector for the bring upment count, having recruited enough employee for all the works they would need to be done.A hundred portion of the people that we surveyed brook tell they are being totally supportinged by their organizations by distributing their works properly among employees. Options| match| attend| hand virtually| IIII IIII II| 12| average out| IIII IIII IIII I| 16| flaw| III| 3| There isn’t any| II| 2| uninflected scheme: In the respondents’ feed stakes, majority (49%) of them having selected the communication among all the employees are average; and the 36% of them has rated the communication as excellent, while rest of the minority surrender rated the communication system of the organization in a negative way.Thus, we can gauge from the majority having rated the communication system positively, it’s spot on. The minority probably need lack of interpersonal communication skills, causing them not to be able to interact or fail in with others. Options| conform to| Count| Yes| IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII III| 28| No| IIII| 5| analytical Synopsis: In the question of how the organizations are supporting the employees with the technological support, we can see that there is dominant victory in telecommunication sector for the tech support, being based on full on digital works.Abo ut 85 portionage of the people that we surveyed take express they are being totally supported technologi harbingery by their organizations. The other 15% are likely to be generally frustrated, and blaming it on the organization. Options| Tally| Count| in reality high| IIII IIII I| 11| Fair| IIII IIII IIII| 14| No pressure| IIII III| 8| Analytical Synopsis: In the question of how the organizations are pressuring them to disturb their monthly target or goal, majority of them ingest responded with the answer â€Å"Fairâ€Â, which means they are live up to with the amount of pressure given by their respective organization.However, having a close win over the second highest selection â€Å"Really high†rate of pressure could either be bully or a bad thing. It expertness be good because the organizations are workings to make their employee more, generating more productivity out of them. On the opposite end, another close call for â€Å"No pressure†at all is also a win-lose situation. Win, because the employees depart be relaxed, and less fatigued, but at the same time, the hard working employees will get de-motivated as their better works aren’t being appraised as good as they deserve.Options| Tally| Count| Yes| IIII| 5| No| IIII IIII IIII I| 16| Unsure| IIII IIII II| 12| Analytical Synopsis: This question basically determines how overmuch the employees know about indorsement’s way of regaining about the world resource insurance policy. About 36 percent of the employees are not sure-footed about impellingness’s mindset about human resource, whereas the rest 64 percent make believe confidently answered the question with direct yes and no, having the majority in â€Å"yesâ€Â, we’ll take it that authority is quite confident about their HR policy being flawless.Options| Tally| Count| Fair| IIII IIII III| 13| Average| IIII IIII IIII II| 17| Flawed| III| 3| Analytical Synopsis: The majority of the em ployees (52 percent) have responded to it dictum that they specify the HR form _or_ system of government is average, and another 39 percent have responded saying it is fair, both on positive account. So they’re most likely happy with the policy the way it is. The rest of the employees think the HR policy is flawed, but for their minority, it’s not a wide deal. Options| Tally| Count| No, there isn’t| IIII IIII II| 12| There is| IIII I| 6|Unsure| IIII IIII IIII| 15| Analytical Synopsis: As about 46 percent of the surveyed employees have said there was no submitness in the selection touch on, 18 percent has confidently said that is biasness in the selection process, and rest 36 percent are unsure of it. There’s a chance for biasness if there’s more people in the critical zone (who think there’s biasness and people who are unsure), than people that are saying there isn’t any biasness. Options| Tally| Count| There is| IIII IIII IIII III| 18| There isn’t| IIII| 5| Somewhat| IIII IIII| 10|Analytical Synopsis: majority of the surveyed people have let it be known that there’s uprightness among employees, as far as necessary at least. Although, 15 percent of the employees would beg to differ saying there isn’t any equity among employees. Considering minority level on the negative respondents, it’s probable that the minority could be wrong in close to extent. Options| Tally| Count| Excellent| IIII IIII IIII| 14| Average| IIII IIII III| 13| Flawed| I| 1| There isn’t any| IIII| 5| Analytical Synopsis: Training is an important process for development of an employee.So we decided to ask them their opinion about the effectiveness of the prep process that they had gone through. legal age have responded positively saying the information is Excellent (43%), or Average (39%), and about 15 percent haven’t gone through training yet, and the rest about 3 percent, they think that th e training system might be flawed. Options| Tally| Count| Majorly| IIII IIII IIII| 15| Somewhat| IIII IIII| 9| unbiased| IIII IIII| 9| Analytical Synopsis: This question basically determines how many employees are satisfy with their performance appraisal method.About one-half the employees of the organizations are happy with their performance appraisal method, and the other half feels the need of better improvising. Options| Tally| Count| Fair| IIII IIII IIII IIII | 20| Biased| IIII II| 7| Flawed| III| 3| Unsure| III| 3| Analytical Synopsis: Just as the selection method question, in this question we have tried to get their opinion about how good their forwarding strategy is. 61 percent of them have answered positively, 9 percent were unsure, another 9 percent think the method is flawed and needs change, and about 21 percent thinks there’s in spades some biasness corrupting the process.So we can infer, there might actually be some biasness in the promotion strategy, which m ay not be too general though. Options| Tally| Count| all over the top| IIII II| 7| Pretty much| IIII IIII IIII| 14| torpid| IIII III| 8| It’s not| IIII| 4| Analytical Synopsis: This question determines the employees’ satisfaction level with their compensation, benefits and their switching tendency. According to the statistics data and results we can infer that around 43 percent of people are happy with their compensations and benefits and another 21 percent are more than happy with their compensations as they hink they’re acquire hold deared better than any company would treat them. Out of the rest, there’s another 24 percent who feel the need to be hardened better and are kind of in a confused state, where the last 12 percent wouldn’t miss a chance to switch to some other organization because they are really hard-pressed with their compensations. Options| Tally| Count| No| IIII III| 8| Reasonable| IIII IIII I| 11| Extreme| IIII I| 6| Unsur e| IIII III | 8| Analytical Synopsis: The majority (34%) of respondents have said the discrimination tendency among same level employees is in a resolveable extent, while 24% have said there was no favoritism tendency.Also, another 24% is unsure about the idea of favoritism in their respective organizations, whereas 18 percent of surveyed people have said there to be an extreme level of favoritism tendency, which could just be some hoax. Options| Tally| Count| Great| IIII IIII I| 11| Average| IIII IIII III| 13| Indifferent| III| 3| non much| IIII I| 6| Analytical Synopsis: Most of the surveyed respondents (33+40=73%) have replied in positive way saying there’s great / average opportunity to take care or grow in their organizations, whereas the other 27 percent would like to disagree saying there may not be as much opportunity out there for them.It could be that those employees are just bored at work because of having to do the same kind of work over and over again. Option s| Tally| Count| Over the top| IIII | 5| Pretty much| IIII IIII IIII IIII II| 22| Indifferent| IIII | 5| It doesn’t| I| 1| Analytical Synopsis: Majority (67+15=82%) having responded in a positive way, arranges this scenario that the hire out is completely secured up to their expectation, even 15% among them thinks that it’s even better than their expectation. Another 15 percent of people think that their job security could be better, and are not really much impressed with their job security.Rest 3 percent responded plain negatively. Options| Tally| Count| Over the top| IIII IIII IIII I| 16| Pretty much| IIII IIII IIII| 15| It’s not| II| 2| Analytical Synopsis: From the statistic, we can tell the HR Departments of Telecommunication sector doesn’t hold back employees from having the chance to relax and let the stress fall apart off as, 49+45 = 94 percent of statistical people have responded positively, while 6 percent of the employees are probably for so me reason left out, maybe for some biasness or whatsoever. Options| Tally| Count| Always| IIII IIII IIII II| 17| sometimes| IIII IIII| 10|Rarely| IIII I| 6| Not at all| | 0| Analytical Synopsis: Since there’s 0 percent rate of â€Å"not at all†being reached out to when necessary, there is definitely a lot of support from the authority to their subordinates there, and there’s only 18% of employees have said the authority hears them out, it could possibly be for the reason of too much stuff on going for them, having to plan and implement bigger things. Majority being 52 percent, always having good communication with the authority and 30 percent only reaches them when they have issues in their hands. Options| Tally| Count|People that added unornamented comments| IIII IIII I| 11| People that didn’t add extra comments| IIII IIII IIII IIII II| 22| Analytical Synopsis: As one trio of the statistical population made comments, mostly positive and a few about pr oblems and suggestions, we might infer that the one terce of the population are intellectual, and the majority two third of the statistical population not saying anything to the comment, could either mean that they’re most the time dedicated to their work, or the organization’s HR insurance policy isn’t giving them enough freedom to declare out, for which reason they are too timid to verbalise out.Review of the report and recommendations From the above graphical and statistical analysis, we can get a rough picture of the human resource practices in those telecommunication related organizations. The dimensional analysis puts up the following picture up in my mind. Employees are more relaxed than stressed every day, and the source of the stress is hardly work life, which is a success for HR part. Even with that, HR department may take a lot of stress reducing procedures to help ease the stress level and keep the employees keen on their work.The organizations also have good recruitment system, gathering enough experienced recruits to cover all the work as per organizational needs. There might be a little biasness in the selection process and promotion strategy, but it isn’t as bad as in other sectors, as it’s not change other employees’ mindset, also because even the worst recruit is skilled there. There’s also enough technical support because the organization wants their employees not to face any kind of frustration not being supported by any way.Authority is very confident about the HR policy being decent, while most of the employees are even aware of it. There’s good employee-to-employee, employee-to-authority, authority-to-employee communication, and most of them have strong interpersonal relationship, and even the acquaintances are friendly there, having light upon on the motivation level, uprising it by a sky high level. There’s fairly much a good level on equity among the employees, t here could be exception in some cases but still the rate would be very low.The organization sometimes might push the employee too much to achieve their monthly targets, but most the time the pressure level is reasonable for saying. The training process is quite good and effective but a few employees aren’t interpreted on any training program, whereas the employees are somewhat happy with their performance appraisal method. The compensation real is pretty much more than good for the employees, even with this highly priced lifestyle in Dhaka.Favoritism tendency is also in reasonable extent, which is not a big problem as all of them are getting the same chance to learn and grow from working in the organization. The employees are very happy with their job security also. Human Resource Department might be too tight on them sometimes when they’re saying out, for that they upkeep to speak out about the organization most the times. I think the HR department and the organiz ation could use some improvement to make the employee satisfaction level even higher to make the most out of them. Recruits shouldn’t be selected at all in bias conditions. * Promotion strategy needs improvising. * Hear out the employees more often. * Arrange more training for employees to make sure none’s left out. * affix the compensation of underrated employees. * Less pressure on employees, as pressure might cause stress, which isn’t good. * prize performance in more ways. * Take more steps to reduce stress. * Let not the employees fear you, causing them to sit shut still. * Allow employees to speak out. I would rate the telecommunication sector as followings:HR Policy| ????? | Recruitment Policy| ????? | filling Process| ????? | Communication| ????? | Chance to grow and learn| ????? | Compensation and benefit| ????? | Job Security| ????? | license| ????? | Support| ????? | Overall| ????? | Comment From the data, we can say that most of the employees are pretty much pleasant with their HR policies and they are happy to work with the organization in both Grameenphone and Banglalink. Yes, they would need some improvement, but who doesn’t? There’s always way for improvement no matter how good you are.In other words, the telecommunication sector has one of the best human resource management system comparative to other sectors of Bangladesh. Conclusion In the end, we can say that negative practice in HR in telecommunication is in very low rate, keeping their employees satisfied with adequate compensation and facilities that they expect. If this situation keeps up, we expect the best for the telecommunication business in the future. Appendix * Grameenphone Ltd. * Banglalink Telecom Ltd. * The Internet * Personal References\r\n'
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