Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Pediatric Issues Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Pediatric Issues Paper - Essay Example Since the nutrient mix of breast milk is yet not fully known, giving DHA in infant formula can cause negative impacts. Secondly, the DHA added to infant formula is highly synthetic oil, extracted by growing fungus and algae in laboratories, through processing a toxic chemical hexane. It can at no chance be compared to breast milk. For gathering the required information, the WIC clinic in the area decided to take two measures. First was to ask, as a routine from every mother on their visit, about the method they use to nourish their infant. If the answer was Formula, they were further inquired about which formula they were using. Secondly, a representative was sent to every home in the nearby location to question different mothers about how they nourish their infant and incase of formula, which brand they use. Data was searched over the internet, locally published journals and magazines over infant health and growth. The research was thorough and focused on the rate of formula fed and breast fed babies and the effects on them of the chosen method of nourishment. (Positive or negative) The results raised an alarm to take the matter into serious consideration. Having DHA added, the formula was marketed ‘as closest to breast milk as ever’. With increased marketing, the number of mothers who believe that both methods are equally good also took a height. After the advent of the idea in 1996, the survey results showed that 12% of mother had this believe in 2003, which rose to a disappointing 24% in 2004 (results shown in appendix). The manufacturing companies had no way to control the demand by controlling the number of babies born, therefore, through intensive marketing, they changed the perception and succeeded in convincing and discouraging mothers to breast feed in order to increase their sales. It was shocking to hear firsthand horrible stories from mothers of how their infants
Monday, October 28, 2019
John Winthrops City Upon a Hill Essay Example for Free
John Winthrops City Upon a Hill Essay Q. What did John Winthrop mean by a city upon a hill? A. When John Winthrop states that â€Å"wee must Consider that wee shall be as a Citty upon a Hill†he indicates that the settlers who are to settle in the New World must hold their business and social and religious activities to a level above reproach, because they will be a test case to a world waiting for their settlement to fail. With â€Å"the eies of all people are uppon us†, the settlers must provide a shining example for others to follow behind. The Puritans believed that the conditions they were living in England had become extremely corrupted and so they left for the New World so that they could find ways to purify themselves and become better Christians. Because the corruption in England could not be fought from within England itself, it would have to be fought by beginning a new and model colony that could be looked upon as a representation of the way a truly Christian society should function in a manner that gives glory to God. Q. What does the author’s writing style tell you about the Puritans who settled in Boston? A. John Winthrop’s style of writing reveals several interesting facts about the Puritans who settled in Boston. First, God and Christian principles are mentioned in nearly ever sentence of this writing. The Puritans believed that their belief in God was the most important aspect of their lives, and so they incorporated that belief into every part of their daily lives. Next, the style of writing represents a simplistic form of expression, using all everyday terms and no obscure language. The Puritans were known to be very plain-spoken individuals. This is not to say, however, that they were uneducated, as this body of work shows clarity of thought as well as a well-constructed call to action to become a city upon a hill. Finally, John Winthrop’s style of writing indicates both a phonetic way of spelling as well as a formality in speech itself. Almost a form of middle English instead of modern-day English, the spellings of various words are much more flowery than the essay itself.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Ednas Awakening Essay -- essays papers
Edna's Awakening Kate Chopin's "The Awakening" is a work of litature like none other I have read. It is not hard to imagine why this major work of Chopin's was banished for decades not long after its initial publication in 1899. Most of society did not like the fact that "The Awakenings" main character, Edna Pontellier, went against the socially acceptable role of women at that time. At that time in history, women did just what they were expected to do. They were expected to be good daughters, good wives, and good mothers. Edna seemed to fit this mold at first, but eventually as the story develops Edna breaks free from that mold. Edna chose to do what society expected of her, she marries, and leaves her fantasies and dreams in the depths of the shadows. "The acme of bliss, which would have been a marriage with the tragedian, was not for her in this world. As the devoted wife of a man who worshiped her, she felt she would take her place with a certain dignity in the world of reality, closing the portals forever behind her upon the realm of romance and dreams." After marriage, Edna faced the expectations of motherhood and being a devoted mother, after all "if it was not a mother's place to look after children, whose on earth was it?" The outward appearance of Edna's life looked perfect, she was the envy of many women. "And the ladies, selecting with dainty and discriminating fingers and a little greedily, all declared that Mr. Pontellier was the best husband in the world. Mrs. Pontellier was forced to admit she knew of none better." The cover of her life was a picture of a fairy tale, but inside, the pages were filled with the emptiness and the loneliness she was feeling. During that ... ...obert, but he will not because it will disgrace her to leave her husband. Now, the wings that once held such possibilities for her new life were shattered and "a bird with a broken wing was beating the air above, reeling, fluttering, circling, disabled down, down to the water." In the end Edna takes a death walk down to the beach. When she arrives at the shore, she "casts the unpleasant pricking garments from her." This symbolizing the shedding of her "unpleasant" and "pricking" life. She could hear the waves inviting her, and "She felt like a new-born creature, opening its eyes in a familiar world that it had never known." As Edna swims towards eternity she thinks of many things. Now the shore was far behind and her strength was gone, not only to swim, but live. Edna underwent an "awakening" and as a result chose the endless sleep of death.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Hiring an Employee for Secretary Position Essay
Hiring an employee for secretary positions It is always a better idea to implement the specific process to hire an employee. Hiring department has developed series of process to begin the search and hire three desired candidate for the empty secretary positions. This will include distribution of application forms, understanding policies of hiring and conduction of interviews. I am reporting on me and my department’s role. My main role is to ensure the process has been followed in correct manner to hire the right person for this position. Our first significant step is to understand policies and procedures. Our application form will be available in our company’s official website. We make sure that every applicant are treated equal, there is no discrimination for employment in terms of race, color, national, origin, sex, religion, age, veteran status, sexual orientation or disability. The applications are reviewed to find the candidate with desired qualification for this position i. e. graduate degree in management from the university and outgoing positive personality with true passion of work. They will be called for the first interview. We have created certain questionnaire to ensure we get required information from the candidate. After this, we will hold a meeting to select most desired ten candidates. Then they will be called for second interview. Out of ten we will choose three for the position. Our department were discussing about providing one week training on application of our latest company software. We saw that employees took time to get used to the software when we updated it. So, it will be beneficial that new employees will have knowledge about it and can start the job right away without any hindrances. We are glad to let you know our procedures to hire employees. We are waiting for your approval so that we can start this process as soon as possible.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Dear Board of Directors Essay
Upon implementing a Broad Differentiation strategy, Andrews Company desired to have highly demanded products in each of the market segments, hold the majority market share compared to our competitors and increase the value of our firm by the year 2021. We believed that this strategy could get us to that point and we have successfully done so. The start up of Andrews Company proved to be more difficult than anticipated due to high costs in marketing and R&D, investing in automation of sensors and due to our decision to take out most of our loans in the early stages of our product, leading to negative profits for the first two years. However, Broad Differentiation lucratively brought Andrews market share up to 30.93% outweighing the competition (Exhibit 1). Andrews Company will continue to implement this strategy with the goal to hold high demand, continue cutting costs with total quality management initiatives and by reevaluating our capacity and production issues, which will be discussed throughout the course of our analysis. Research and Development Proper allocation of funds towards research and development proved to be of high importance, allowing customers to have access to better-quality products. Andrews Company effectively adjusted each product to their proper ideal spot on the perceptual map by using the segment centers and ideal spot offsets annually. This allowed Andrews to gain optimal market demand, leading to us being able to charge a higher price than competitors later on, thus obtain higher profit among other initiatives. Our high demand was essential in offsetting the costs associated with investing in marketing and promotional budgets, buy/sell capacity and automation of products. Marketing By investing insistently in promo and sales in all the market segments, we were able to increase accessibility and market demand. It was Andrews’s goal to have our products be in the minds of customers of all types and charge a premium for our excellent designs. Another advantage Andrews had over our competitors was that we forecasted at our potential market share, rather than our actual, based on the presumption our customers will be loyal to our brand and we would continue to invest in marketing expenditures. Once we feel comfortable that we hold enough market share, we can then start to cut costs in this department. Finances Monitoring spending and Andrews finances was perhaps the most vital part of our success. In the earlier years of our company we took out large quantities of long-term debt to help finance investment in automation and lowering the cost of producing sensors. Each year Andrews experienced a steep increase in sales, while variable costs gradually increased (Exhibit 2). The extra debt we took out early on we believe to have assisted with the dramatic increase in profits each year (Exhibit 3). One thing Andrews could have done to also assist with the increase in profits was to issue stock, which would have helped raise more capital to invest in capacity capabilities. However, we felt that issuing stock would have diluted the price. We successfully raised our stock price to $281.95 by the end of 2021 (Exhibit 4). A 723% increase from the start of 2014. Production A barrier for further success of Andrews Company was production versus capacity. While production was upwards of 18,000+, capacity only resulted in roughly 11,000. Each year we gradually invested more and more in automation and capacity due to our rising profits, which allowed us to improve our margins (Exhibit 5). We should have properly invested in capacity in the earlier rounds to help bridge the gap between capacity and production. However, Andrews’s strategy was to focus on correctly adjusting our products on the perceptual map to their ideal spots and we planned to never invest so much so that this could not happen. TQM and Human Resources In 2017, Andrews met labor demands and we paid our employees a higher rate than competitors. This tactic was able to put some of the other employees in competitive firms to go on strike for several days, resulting in a higher market share and a better reputation among customers and potential employees. Andrews also spent money each year on training employees for a maximum of 80 hour and recruiting spend of about $4.5 million each year, increasing our productivity index to 129.9% by the end of 2021. At the beginning of 2016, Andrews made an executive decision to invest in total quality management. Of a budget of $4 million, we allotted $1.5 million in 2016 and 2017, then another $600 thousand in 2018. After this amount was spent, we would have seen diminishing returns and opted to cap out at $3.6 million. The substantial investment allowed us to reduce labor and material costs, while increasing demand, thus allowing us to steadily increase profits each year, especially during this three-year span when competitors did not spend enough in TQM. The Future of Andrews Andrews Company will continue to use its method of broad differentiation in the upcoming years and plans to issue stock in order to help with investing in capacity issues that we’ve had in the past. We will continue to spend on marketing, research and development and compensating our employees adequately in order to keep our high market share. Distinguishing our products will continue to be of the utmost importance, offering clientele a superior design. Appendix
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Desires and Dreams essays
Desires and Dreams essays In the story, Demian, desires play an important role. When Sinclaire follows his desires something good almost always comes out of it. When Sinclaire does not follow his desires and dreams something bad occurs. For example, when Sinclaire first became friends with Franz Kromer. Sinclaire had a bad feeling about Franz, but ignored it. Since he ignored his desire and his feeling not to be friends with Franz, Sinclaire pretty much got tricked with the orchard incident. Sinclaire knew there was something bad about Franz, he could sense it, but he ignored the gut feeling and just got himself in a mess. Sinclaire quoted, Side by side with this I lived in a world of dreams and drives and desires of a chthonic nature... Sinclaires feelings prove to be valuable throughout the story. Max Demian was a book full of rumors. People stayed away from him. Sinclaire saw something different, something interesting in Demian, therefore causing the two to converse and make friends. This relationship is one of the most important in both of their lives. In conclusion, when Sinclaire follows his desires and feelings almost everything will turn out for the good. To listen to the heart can be the best guidance in ones life. This is what I learned from this book. ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Self
Who am I? What am I? Where am I going? These questions have baffled the minds of humankind for centuries, since man was able to evolve a concept of self and consider his own nature. Man has come a long way since that day, but has no further answers in the quest for "Self-Concept". Who we are is, and always will be a reflection of different yet individual societies and environments in which we live. The roles we play in our specific societies give us a place of belonging and self. The self as an entity exists on two levels: mental and physical. Diverse environments and habitats are what give us our individuality and our ideas of self. What I mean is; would I be the same person I am now if I was born and raised in say, Saudi Arabia? Is my view of my self the same as my ideal self? I am tall; thin have short hair, fairly goal oriented. Is this how I perceived myself ten years ago. Am I the same person I was ten years ago? I am and I'm not. I am still in the same body, only bigger and still have most of the same interests and viewpoints on things, but I'm also different. I have expanded my knowledge, and elaborated on some and changed some views I once had. I was born in Canada and raised with the social norms and values of that of a Christian as opposed to that of a Muslim. I have never experienced war or lived in a society controlled by a Monarchy. My entire lifestyle would be different. My upbringing would be different. All my experiences would be different. My idea of norm and thoughts on gender, race and religion w! ould be differed. I would have different goals and heroes and activities for enjoyment. I would be a completely different person than I am now, due to the fact that I was raised in an entirely different culture than my own. My idea of self would contain altered aspects than now. As of now, I live and have always lived in a free, peaceful society. The role I hold in my specific society makes me who I am and gives me a pla... Free Essays on Self Free Essays on Self Who am I? What am I? Where am I going? These questions have baffled the minds of humankind for centuries, since man was able to evolve a concept of self and consider his own nature. Man has come a long way since that day, but has no further answers in the quest for "Self-Concept". Who we are is, and always will be a reflection of different yet individual societies and environments in which we live. The roles we play in our specific societies give us a place of belonging and self. The self as an entity exists on two levels: mental and physical. Diverse environments and habitats are what give us our individuality and our ideas of self. What I mean is; would I be the same person I am now if I was born and raised in say, Saudi Arabia? Is my view of my self the same as my ideal self? I am tall; thin have short hair, fairly goal oriented. Is this how I perceived myself ten years ago. Am I the same person I was ten years ago? I am and I'm not. I am still in the same body, only bigger and still have most of the same interests and viewpoints on things, but I'm also different. I have expanded my knowledge, and elaborated on some and changed some views I once had. I was born in Canada and raised with the social norms and values of that of a Christian as opposed to that of a Muslim. I have never experienced war or lived in a society controlled by a Monarchy. My entire lifestyle would be different. My upbringing would be different. All my experiences would be different. My idea of norm and thoughts on gender, race and religion w! ould be differed. I would have different goals and heroes and activities for enjoyment. I would be a completely different person than I am now, due to the fact that I was raised in an entirely different culture than my own. My idea of self would contain altered aspects than now. As of now, I live and have always lived in a free, peaceful society. The role I hold in my specific society makes me who I am and gives me a pla...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Plan for College in 11th Grade 8 Expert Tips
How to Plan for College in th Grade 8 Expert Tips SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips For many high school students, junior year causes tremendous anxiety because of its importance in the college planning process. Students are generally aware that what they do in the th grade matters to colleges, but they don't know exactly how to plan for college. In this article, I'll thoroughly explain everything you should be doing in the th grade to plan for college. If you're organized and equipped with this knowledge, you'll be able to successfully complete your junior year and increase the likelihood that you'll reach your college goals. Furthermore, I'll discuss aspects of college planning that you don't have to worry about in your junior year. This Isthe Most Important Year for College Planning Because your junior year is your last full year of school before you apply to college, it’s the most pivotal year in the college planning process. Your junior year grades are the last full year of grades colleges will see before they make admissions decisions. It’s the last complete academic year you have to learn about colleges and the financial aid process before deciding where you’ll attend. How to Make Your Junior Year Less Stressful Many students become incredibly anxious and stressed out during their junior year because they realize the stakes and feel overwhelmed by all their responsibilities.You can minimize your stress in th grade and reach your college goals by following our complete college application timeline. If you start working on your college planning in 9th grade, you’ll have much less to worry about and do when your junior year rolls around. Also, if you’ve excelled academically in your freshman and sophomore years, you can be confident in your abilities to do well in your junior year. What Do You Need to Do? All college-bound juniors have a number of responsibilities during their junior years. Here are eight tips onhow toplan for college and maximize your options. #1: Take the Right Classes The classes you take will greatly influence your college options. You should have been taking a college prep curriculum during your first two years of high school. If you didn’t, talk to your counselor about what you should do to become eligible for admission to college. You may have to take additional courses at your high school, online, or at a local community college. You can look at college websites to view their requirements for admission. Colleges will evaluate you based on the classes you’ve taken. Colleges, especially selective colleges, want to see that you’re challenging yourself and taking some of the hardest classes that are offered at your school. You don’t have to take every single honors or AP class, but to get into elite schools, you should demonstrate that you can do well in the most difficult classes. I recommend taking honors or AP classes in the subjects you're best at and the subjects you're considering studying in college. Here's an example of a good junior year schedule for a student who wants to be competitive for selective colleges. Note that this is just a rough guide, and you can take a more or less challenging schedule depending on your skill level and the courses offered at your high school: AP Biology Precalculus Honors American Literature AP US History Honors French III PE Elective Ultimate Goal: Have a schedule of challenging classes you can do well in. Tribesports/Flickr #2: Get Good Grades Not to put too much pressure on you, but your junior year grades are the most important for college admissions. They’re the last full academic year grades colleges will see before they make admissions decisions; colleges may not even get to see your first semester senior year grades, especially if you choose to apply early. If you didn’t do as well as you wanted in your freshman or sophomore year, you can use your junior year to demonstrate your improvement and show that you’re capable of succeeding in college. Learn how to get a 4.0 and better grades. If you don't do as well as you'd like in your junior year, it doesn't necessarily mean that your college dreams are shattered, though. You can make up for lower grades with higher test scores and exceptional achievements in your extracurricular activities. Additionally, if there's some extenuating circumstance that causes a dip in your junior year grades, you can explain the situation on your college application. Ultimate Goal: Get the best grades you can. #3: Get/Stay Involved in Extracurriculars Other than your grades and test scores, your extracurricular activities probably have the biggest influence on the quality of your college applications. Colleges want their students to have exceptional achievements outside of the classroom, and they’re looking for individuals who use their leisure time to pursue their passions. Some students believe they need to be well-rounded and do a ton of extracurriculars; however, to get into elite colleges, it may be more advantageous for you to develop a â€Å"spike†and exhibit excellence in a particular activity or field. If you play a sport, you can focus your energies on reaching the highest level in your sport and becoming a recruited athlete. If you excel in science, you can use your time outside of school to prepare for and compete in science fairs and competitions. Additonally, you can take extra science classes at a community college or volunteer to help a professor with research. Colleges prefer to see a sustained commitment to your activities, so if you participated in extracurriculars in your first two years of high school, you should try to stick with those activities, if possible. If you were part of a club, try to get a leadership position in that club. If you wrote for the newspaper, maybe you can become an editor. It's more impressive to show growth and accomplishments in the same activities than it is to start doing a bunch of activities in your junior year. Colleges want to see commitment and demonstrable achievement. Learn about the best extracurriculars for your college applications. Ultimate Goal: Demonstrate excellence in your extracurricular activities. Iqbal Osman/Flickr #4: Prepare For and Take Standardized Tests Ideally, you’ll be able to finish your standardized tests for college by the end of your junior year. That will free up time in your senior year to focus on your college applications, schoolwork, and extracurriculars. If you’ve been on top of the college planning process, you should have done some studying for the SAT/ACT in 9th and 10th grade. The SAT/ACT is an important component of your college applications. Figure out your target score, and if you’re trying to get into elite colleges, learn how to get a perfect score on the SAT or ACT. We recommend taking the SAT/ACT for the first time in the fall of your junior year, and, if you don't do as well as you'd like, you can retake the test in the spring or in the fall of your senior year. If you haven’t done any preparation for the SAT/ACT before your junior year, you can spend the fall studying and then take the test in the winter or spring. However, if you wait to take the SAT/ACT, then you'll have less time to retake it if you don't get your target score on your first attempt. Also, if you're intersted in qualifying for a National Merit Scholarship, you should take the PSAT NMSQT in your junior year. Furthermore, if you're considering applying to any schools or programs that require SAT Subject Tests, you should take those at the end of your junior year. Assuming you do some basic preparation and take the tests right after you finish related courses, you should do very well. For example, if you take the SAT Subject Test in chemistry in May while you're taking AP Chemistry, you shouldn't have too much difficulty with that Subject Test if you're doing well in your AP Chemistry class. Finally, especially if you're hoping to get into selective colleges, you should take Advanced Placement tests in the spring. Often, if you’re taking an AP class, you’ll be required or strongly encouraged to take the AP test for that class. If you elected not to take an AP class or are at a school that doesn’t offer AP classes, you can still self-study for AP tests and take AP exams. Doing well on AP tests demonstrates your readiness to do college-level work, and you can receive college credit by passing AP tests. Ultimate Goal: Achieve your target scores on the SAT/ACT, SAT Subject Tests, and AP tests. #5: Do Extensive College Research You should have a good idea of which colleges you want to apply to by the beginning of your senior year. Therefore, you should do extensive college research in your junior year. You need to ensure you’re aware of all your college options and figure out exactly what you’re looking for in a college. Do you want to go to a big or small college? Do you want to go to an urban, rural, or suburban school? Are you interested in a party school? An Ivy League school? A Big Ten school? A conservative school? A liberal school? You can use college finders, college search websites, guidebooks, ranking lists, and college fairs to get a better idea of your college options and narrow your college search. Also, you may want to take college tours to check out different college campuses, learn more about the schools, and get a feel for colleges in person. Additonally, if college representatives visit your school, you can speak with them and learn more about the schools they represent. Consult with other people who are knowledgeable about the college application and selection process. You can talk with your counselor, teachers, parents, college alumni, or current college students. Ask about specific colleges or the application process; if you're talking to somebody who knows you well, you can seek advice about which schools may be a good fit for you. Ultimate Goal: Figure out what you're looking for in a college and create a preliminary list of schools to apply to. #6: Learn More About Financial Aid Definitely, if you need financial aid to afford college, you should become knowledgeable about the financial aid process in your junior year. Furthermore, as you’re researching colleges, you should inform yourself about each school’s financial aid. Learn which forms are required and use websites like College Scorecard and FAFSA4Caster to get a rough idea about how much you’ll have to pay to attend each school. At this point, I recommend not disqualifying a school from consideration based on its cost or the financial aid you think you'll receive. You may end up getting scholarship money or receiving a more generous financial aid package than you're expecting. Educate yourself about how to save and pay for college. Involve your parents and learn about financial aid with them. Ultimate Goal: Know how to apply for financial aid and get a rough idea of how much the schools you're considering will cost you. #7: Apply for Scholarships If the cost of college is a concern for you or you just want to alleviate the impending financial burden of paying for college, you can apply for scholarships in your junior year. Check out our expert advice on how to find scholarships. Also, learn about the best scholarships for juniors. Most scholarships require an application and an essay, but you may be able to use the same essay for multiple scholarships. If you apply for more scholarships, you’ll have a better chance of winning some scholarship money. You can qualify for specific scholarships based on your background, extracurricular activities, or academic achievement. Ultimate Goal: Apply for four to fivescholarships by the end of your junior year. DigitalRalph/Flickr #8: Ask Teachers for College Recommendations It’s a good idea to ask your teachers if they’ll write your college recommendations in the spring of your junior year. By asking them early, they’ll be more likely to agree before they start getting tons of requests in your senior year. Furthermore, you’ll give them more time to consider what they’re going to write. Before asking, make sure you know which teachers to ask. Also, learn how to ask for recommendations. Generally, it’s best to ask teachers from your junior year, and ideally, at least one of your recommenders should teach a subject related to what you want to study in college. Most colleges that require recommendations want at least two from core academic subject (math, science, English, history, or foreign language) teachers. Ultimate Goal: Get your teachers to agree to write your college recommendations by the end of your junior year. What Not to Worry About While you should be doing thorough college planning in the th grade, you don’t need to have everything figured out by the end of your junior year. Here are some specific aspects of planning for college that you don’t need to stress about in your junior year. Picking a College Even though you should be narrowing your college search in your junior year and start thinking about how many colleges you’re going to apply to, you don’t need to have a dream school or top choice by the end of your junior year. At this point, it’s best to think about the qualities that your dream school would possess and keep a list of schools that could potentially be good for you. Also, for the schools you’re interested in, you can use the PrepScholar admissions calculator to get a rough idea of your chances of getting accepted to each school. Just google â€Å"prepscholar (name of school) admissions†to find the profile for each school and use the admissions calculator. With the calculator, you can plug in your GPA and standardized test scores to get an estimate the percentage chance you have of getting into that school. Based on your odds of getting accepted, you can start dividing your list into reach, target, and safety schools. Completing Your College Applications You don’t have to start working on your college applications and college essays in your junior year. If you want to be ahead of the game and make your senior year easier, it’s not a bad idea to start working on your college application essays in the summer before your senior year. However, even early application deadlines usually aren’t until the beginning of November of your senior year. If you start working on your applications at the start of your senior year, you should have ample time to write and revise your essays, complete your applications, and send your transcript and test scores to colleges. What's Next? Are you planning on going on a college tour? Know great questions to ask. Are you interested in selective colleges? Find out about the most selective colleges and how to get in. Are you relying on ranking lists to make your college decision? Learn why using ranking lists may not be the best way to determine the best college for you. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Effect of Colour on Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words
Effect of Colour on Advertising - Essay Example This essay "Effect of Colour on Advertising" outlines the usage of colors in different commercials and how it works. Also, it describes what a particular colour means. What colours have you chosen to use as marketing resources? What were the reasons for choosing the particular? Was it for the reason that you liked those certain colours, or did you have a certain marketing message that you wanted to pass on? Whereas visual application is a significant consideration, your colour choices might be giving a precise message to the market which you wish to target. Are you sure you recognize what kind of message it is that you want the viewer to get? You'd be sensible to consider o the subject of the psychology of colour when mapping out your marketing plan. Be it business card, catalogue or other marketing material, you'll have to choose colours for it. Colours not only improve the look of the item -- they also manipulate our behaviour. The colours that are chosen should reflect the interes t of your target population. Pepsi uses the blue colour to symbolize your as Pepsi is knows as the choice of the next generation. IBM’s blue colour reflects its target market’s electrifying personality, as they are most them are corporate clients. Market researchers have found out that impulsive shopper buy more dark colours, while traditional shopper prefer colours like light blue, so here it can be said that Pepsi adheres by this research and uses a tranquilizing blue colour, which is like by both, the impulsive shopper as well as the traditional one.
How Pulp Fiction can be read as postmodern Essay
How Pulp Fiction can be read as postmodern - Essay Example The term post-modernist, often used to refer to art and architecture, was applied to this film, and there was even a new word made specially to reflect this, namely â€Å"pulpmodernist.†1 The phrase pulp fiction refers to popular novels which are bought in large numbers by less well educated people and enjoyed for their entertainment value. The implication is that the film concerns topics of interest to this low culture, but as this essay will show, in fact the title is ironic and the film is a very intellectual presentation of issues at the heart of contemporary western culture and philosophy. Writing ten years before Tarantino made Pulp Fiction, the academic and critic Frederic Jameson identified some of the key features of postmodernism, and debated whether these were a true departure from modernism, or just a continuation of the same rebellious themes. His paper on postmodernism2 tends towards the latter view, but at the same time prophetically pinpointed the essential dep artures that postmodernism has made from what has gone before. Tarantino’s film does not continue the debate in an academic way, but instead presents a virtuoso visual performance of the ideas that Jameson could only dimly perceive. These ideas include pastiche, a crisis in historicity and a blurring of the distinction between high culture and low culture. One way that Tarantino uses pastiche is when he introduces very evocative settings, like for example the restaurant setting of Jackrabbit Slim’s Diner. The decor is flamboyantly 1950s style, which is not in keeping with the more modern setting of the main action in the film. The film set is exaggerated, with customers actually sitting in cars, and the waiters and waitresses dressed up as famous 1950s characters like Elvis Presley and Marylin Monroe. On another level the film plays with the cultural connections that the actor John Travolta has with the 1950s. The musical film Grease which is perhaps Travolta’s most famous film, takes place in this kind of setting. When Travolta’s character in Pulp Fiction encounters this scene, playing a much older character, and in a much more adult and violent film, it causes an ironic ripple. The audience makes an instinctive connection with what they know outside the film, and this explodes the usual time and action frame of film. In Pulp Fiction Vegas begins to dance and this again brings in a whole host of meanings related to the famous dance between Travolta and Olivia Newton John in Grease. In the later film, however, this is no innocent flirting between teenagers. The new context is a dangerous flirtation with the wife of a deadly killer, and both of the participants are adults who know the consequences of their actions. Critics have noted that this, also is ironic, quoting elements of older film styles: â€Å"The story of the flirtatious boss’s wife draws on established elements from the gangster genre, while her overdose provides an unexpected Gothic reference.†3 The trickle of dark blood from the pale body of Mia (Uma Thurma) is what recalls the Gothic horror genre. These evocative touches characterise Tarantino’s exuberant style. The scene where Vincent takes Mia to Jackrabbit Slim’s Diner and then home is therefore like a pastiche of Grease, and also of old gangster movies, and then also horror films, using exaggerated and deliberate quotation of key visual features to add new and unexpected layers of meaning to the story. This layering of images from earlier artistic works creates a pastiche with a particularly nostalgic affect. Jameson remarks that this is an
Friday, October 18, 2019
Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) PATHWAY (NURSING PATHWAY) Essay - 1
Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) PATHWAY (NURSING PATHWAY) - Essay Example The paper will be focused on two main parts. The first part will focus on a central patient in the central case. The second part, focusing on the justification of the methods will examine two different cases involve biological, psycholical and social factors relevant to ensuring the success of the ERAS framework. Joan is a 30-year old Caucasian lady of Anglo-Saxon origins married with two children aged between 3 and 5. She is an administrator at one of UK’s financial service entities. Joan has to go through a surgical operation for Appendicitis in a middle-sized medical hospital in South London. Joan has been told she will be discharged after 1 to 3 days and it will take 1 week to 1 month for the wounds to be healed fully and totally so she can return to normal life. Joan smokes one to three sticks of cigarettes a day and drinks alcohol occasionally. The standardised procedure for dealing with Enhanced Recovery After Surgery is steeped in the process of the ERAS society which asserts that a nurse or healthcare practitioner should do three main things as a general framework: These important information forms the basis for the evaluation and conduct of the operation. However, after the operation, there is the need for various degrees of the management of the impact of the operation through a given framework. The important elements and aspects of the post-operative management include amongst other things: This means that the broad framework of the strategy to be used will be one that will relieve the immediate pain and complications of the cuts in the surgical process (Ropper, 2010). It will focus on providing post-anaesthetic care and get Joan to be ushered into an era of recovery. Once the operation is done, there must be regular checks for complications that might need to be dealt with as a peculiar case relating to the patient (Alio-Sanz & Azar, 2009). Finally,
No line sources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
No line sources - Essay Example God showed his blessings to humanity by choosing Abraham since the divine nature bestowed on him finally resulted in a huge clan, fastened by the twelve sons of Jacob, who considered the God of Abraham as their supporter and guardian. Jacob’s son hawked their young sibling, Joseph to dealers, who in turn hawked him as a slave in the Egyptian land. This was God’s work and plan since there came a time where there was famine in the land of Canaan and all the family was forced to go to Egypt to buy food. Unfortunately, Joseph rescued his family by providing them with food. This was a pure indicator of Good’s mercies to bless humanity. God promised Abraham that he will give him a son at his old age. The promises were finally fulfilled when he gave out his son at the old age. The son was Isaac and through his lineage, the world has turned to be a place of blessings. Through Abraham, God has made the world to turn to Him once more, despite the rejection and ignorance of mankind (Genesis 12:5-10). From the story of exodus, when God delivered his people from the land of suffering and misery to the Promised Land, it was an indicator that God was working to bless all humanity through the promises. This was also one of the promises that God gave to Abraham that He will give his people land to dwell in. this was a sign of blessings. The covenant also that God made to Moses, for example giving His people Ten Commandments to guide them through their life to avoid evils. The purification of his people on Mount Sinai was a significant indicator of God’s effort to bless his people (Exodus 5:3-12). God also showed blessing to the humanity through King David. David let known himself in the battle with the philistines at this period. When Saul and his son died, David was in position to assume leadership. He created an administrative center in Jerusalem that overextended from the boundary of Egypt
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Paper1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Paper1 - Essay Example This is evident in the universal consent from bishops to the faithful highlighting concerns depicting of faith and morals (Ratzinger 60). Theology is inseparable from church because it plays a significant role in fulfilling the desire of God in reaching out to every individual by providing a deeper understanding of his word (Ratzinger 65). Theological science seeks to comprehend faith especially God and his salvation plan. Despite the challenges faced by theology due to the dynamic society, it has tried to live up with the pace bearing in mind delivering the truth as evident in the inspired scriptures. It is true that man is ignorant about his real nature, and God’s plan (Ratzinger 65). Theology is very crucial to churches because understanding the bible needs research and consultation. The contribution of the theological field cannot be underestimated because it sets the stage for growth and progress. Ratzinger, Joseph. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. May 24, 1990. Web. 31st January 2012
Jackson asministratiom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Jackson asministratiom - Essay Example For that matter, Jackson established the rules needed to initiate the Indian removal. His efforts were based on the view that such actions can be undertaken on a publicly acceptable manner which he maneuvered with ease. His goal though on achieving his goal immediately created detrimental effects due to other issues that compounded the situation such as economy (Satz 64). This can be attributed to the fact that the government needed to provide for the needs of the Indian emigrants which on the other hand are often neglected due to the goal to finish at the fastest possible time. The said needs are in relation to the lands in the West that served as replacement for the tribal lands the Indians owned (p. 64). Basically the said issue is not a simple matter since it had caused undermining of the confidence and trust of the people. One of the reason is the focus on the said project had caused the leader to neglect other aspects of leadership causing a shift in the leadership load to the leaders of the state. This created criticisms on his leadership. He, at one glance can be judged to have an obsession of the said project since he had been working for the said goal even prior to his presidency (p. 97) There are different conflicts that resulted in the said policy. One of which is the Cherokee case in Georgia which resulted in the Treaty of New Echota signed by John Ridge. This did not resolve the issues though since Ridge was not the recognized leader. Jackson’s successor, Van Buren though enforced the treaty resulting to 4,000 deaths from the Cherokees in the Trail of Tears. Later on, the tribes from Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida lived in associated with the white Americans refusing to leave the land but without creating conflicts (p. 126). The Indian removal resulted to the transfer of 45,000 American Indians to the western part of US. This is in addition to the millions of acres of lands purchased by the government. Such actions
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Paper1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Paper1 - Essay Example This is evident in the universal consent from bishops to the faithful highlighting concerns depicting of faith and morals (Ratzinger 60). Theology is inseparable from church because it plays a significant role in fulfilling the desire of God in reaching out to every individual by providing a deeper understanding of his word (Ratzinger 65). Theological science seeks to comprehend faith especially God and his salvation plan. Despite the challenges faced by theology due to the dynamic society, it has tried to live up with the pace bearing in mind delivering the truth as evident in the inspired scriptures. It is true that man is ignorant about his real nature, and God’s plan (Ratzinger 65). Theology is very crucial to churches because understanding the bible needs research and consultation. The contribution of the theological field cannot be underestimated because it sets the stage for growth and progress. Ratzinger, Joseph. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. May 24, 1990. Web. 31st January 2012
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Research Assignment Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Assignment - Research Paper Example The US import of oats is almost 80% of the total world imports. World production is on constant decline from 55.9 million tonnes in 1960-61 to about 23.0 million tonnes in 2010-2011. Russia is the largest producer of oats in the world but does not export any as most of the oats is consumed domestically. (OATS: SITUATION AND OUTLOOK 2010) Trade of various good including agricultural commodities between Canada and US is governed by the free trade agreement signed by them in the year 1988. Objective of this treaty was to eliminate barriers to trade in services and goods. The agreement facilitates and provides for a fair competition within the free trade area. Oats get benefit of this treaty and Canada being a surplus producer of oats became a largest exporter to US for last several years. The article 408 of this agreement states that there will not be any extra tax, duty or any charge on the export of any good. Moreover, article 603of this agreement also establishes that there will be no disguised barriers to trade. (Canada - United States Free Trade Agreement, 1988) In European Union, the Scandinavian countries such as Finland and Sweden are the principal oat producers and exporters too. These two exporters cater to the needs of other EU importing countries. Germany and Spain are the major importers of oat and trades among them are governed as per EU regulations (Europa 2011). Finland and Sweden joined the EU during 1995 and since then they were provided with oat export subsidies until 2006. Major objective for providing subsidy was to prevent those acres getting converted to other crop such as barley. Between 1995 and 2006, EU export to US averaged at 0.4 MT of oats per year; however with the withdrawal of the EU subsidy export to the US plummeted to just 0.04MT. Trade among the EU member countries does not attract any levy, or duties. That is the reason most of the oats produced in Finland and Sweden gets consumed in European Union only. Raw
Monday, October 14, 2019
Deer hunting with dad Essay Example for Free
Deer hunting with dad Essay Some of us have had that life changing experience spent with our fathers or mothers. The bond between a father and son can be something truly magnificent whether it is a small or a large event. The accumulation of memories is what makes a relationship so special and deep, and what keeps a parent and child so close throughout life. Such memories become embarrassing stories in front of new dates, toast at weddings, eulogies at funerals, and lifelong memories of someone who might just not be around any longer. This is an account of the single most incredible bonding moment I have ever had with anyone, and fortunately it is a memory of the coolest man I have ever met, my father. For twenty years I have been gathering memories of my father and while some are bad, ninety nine percent of them are great ones. The one funny thing about memories is that you never realize they are going to be memories until long after the occurrence takes place. For instance when I was very young, if I were to misbehave in public my father would take me on what we now call spankin walks where I would be lead out the door by the wrist while my father spanked my lil bottom until his message was clear. At the time it was not such an enjoyable walk, but now I can look back and laugh with an appreciation for how I was raised. Unable to predict the magnitude of such an experience, at the age of twelve my father took me deer hunting for the first time ever. It was late October and as a high school football trainer, he finally had a Friday evening off and wanted to make the most of it. We drove south to my uncles farm in Owen County, Kentucky, and stayed the night in his very primitive trailer to stage an early morning hunt. That morning my father and I headed into the woods with our muzzle loading rifles; his was a hand made replica of a Kentucky Long Rifle and mine was a $100 starter rifle. We took our spots in a tree stand we built the Saturday before. The stand was perfect for two people; sitting back to back we could each see our respective ends of the fields as well as a decent distance into the woods on the opposite side of the stand. Most of the morning went by without any action at all, but I grew to learn just how squirrels prepared for the winter. As the afternoon approached, my Dad asked me if I was ready to go back to the trailer for lunch to which I replied in a lil while, Im not too hungry yet. About twenty minutes later in a blur came a deer out into the field in front of me, so I shouldered my gun, took aim and fired. My father was half asleep and with no warning of my shot he almost fell out of the tree stand. When he turned and looked he saw the same magnificent eight point buck that was just as scared as he was. The deer took to running and Dad spun around his gun and took a desperation shot at the sprinting whitetail but his bullet found the side of the ridge instead of his moving target. With the deer out of sight we began to look at my gun and to see why the weapon had malfunctioned when I pulled the trigger. Upon further investigation, we found that after the hammer struck the cap to ignite the spark, the spark did not ignite the powder that was lodged in the barrel resulting in a misfire. Disappointed and disgruntled we made our way out of the tree and began the journey back to the campsite. Upon returning to the trailer, my Uncle and his three friends were waiting to hear a success story after hearing several shots coming from our area of the farm. After explaining the event we began to disassemble my gun and figure out the reason for its malfunction. At the bottom of the barrel we found a small piece of cloth that my father left in the barrel after cleaning the weapon. At that point I do not know who was more disappointed, Dad or me, since my golden opportunity was spoiled. I placed no blame on him, but I could tell his guilt would haunt him regardless. Since that day Dad has lost interest in deer hunting for reasons unknown to me, but he did spark a passion in his son to succeed at a task that I have yet to master. Eight years later I still have not had an opportunity at a trophy like the one that eluded us that day, but I have tried every fall and winter since then. The drive that I have to go into the woods for hours on end every season might have subliminal reasons that I have not truly thought about until I began to brainstorm for this project. I have begun to realize I might be trying to put a perfect ending on a nearly perfect afternoon with my father. Like any other memory, this one had no significant meaning until much later in life when the misfortunes can be laughed at due to a much deeper meaning of the tale. It is a story I can be proud of when it is recited in front of dates, at my wedding, or, God forbid, in a eulogy. Its a story that is only a portion of the memories that I have accumulated over the years. It is a story that I will never forget and will always recall when I need it. Since then my father an I have become closer and this experience will bond us together for the rest of our lives. I can only hope that my father can provide such a memory for my twelve year old younger brother.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Maritime Education And Training Education Essay
The Maritime Education And Training Education Essay E-learning systems have several names which basically mean the same: Virtual Learning Environment, Learning Management System, Course Management System, Learning Content Management System (LCMS), Managed Learning Environment (MLE), Learning Support System (LSS) and Learning Platform (LP). In Europe the term VLE is mostly used, but in United States the term CMS is favored over others (Kanninen, 2009). Todays learners can use some different ways to learn. One of them is technology based environments is inclusive of using of computers and Internet. Online learning is one of these type environments. An attractive side of online learning is that education service to come to the learner itself and flexible usage of it. In online learning, to perform effective instructional design is being difficult because of the learners characteristics that are related to learning are not being known. As a matter of fact, to bring into existence of effective learning for the learners in online learning environments, needs and expectations of the learners that are in these environments are comprehended and development of convenient environments which are adequate for different learning styles are required. Technology density environments cause a change of learning styles of the learners and bring up a concept that is online learning style to the agenda (DaÄÅ ¸ Geà §er, 2009). In the literature, the explanation of the online learning has been used different terminologies. Because of this, makes it difficult to develop a generic definition. Terms that are commonly used include e-learning, Internet learning, distributed learning, networked learning, tele-learning, virtual learning, computer-assisted learning, Web- based learning, and distance teaching (Anderson Elloumi, 2004). In the literature, there are many definitions which are reflect the diversity of practice and associated technologies of online learning. For example, while some researchers define online learning as educational material that is presented on a computer, the others defines online instruction as an innovative approach for delivering instruction to a remote audience, using the Web as the medium (Anderson Elloumi, 2004). Kanninen (2009) online learning is learning which takes place in a network; it could be the Internet or just a schools internal/closed net. Ally (2004) wrote that there are at least the 6 following synonyms used for online learning: e-learning, Internet learning, distributed learning, networked learning, tele-learning, virtual learning, computer-assisted learning, web-based learning, and distance learning. So it can be said that in online learning the learner is at a distance from the tutor or instructor and the learner uses some form of technology to access the learning materials. (Ally 2004) Online learning can be divided into three classes: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Contact learning supported by the net à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Multiform learning in the net à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Self studying in the net Online learning (sometimes referred to as e-learning or distance learning). In this study, online learning adopted the ASTD (American Society for Training Development) definition, which describes it as education which is facilitated and supported via information and communications technology (ICT). ASTD states that e- learning is: A broad set of applications and processes which include web-based learning, computer- based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital media. Much of this is delivered via the Internet, intranet, audio and videotape, satellite broadcast, interactive TV, and CD- ROM. The definition of e-learning varies depending on the organization and how it is used, but basically it involves electronic means of communication, education, and training (Franetovic, 2011). McGill Hobbs (2007) mentioned that a virtual learning environment (VLE) is an information system that facilitates e-learning. VLEs process, store and disseminate educational material and support communication associated with teaching and learning. Virtual learning environments (VLEs) are widespread in higher education today, typically used to deliver instructional materials and facilitate communication within a course. Briefly, we can define online learning in this thesis as an approach to a TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning), in a self regulated method, which utilizes information and communication technology to maximize the acquisition and processing of the knowledge in a VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) as a learner centered educational framework. Our conception of education is that it should help students to develop their personalities and to cope with the tasks and challenges that arise from their environments. More formally, education should assist young people in developing meaningful goals and provide them with the knowledge and skills to achieve these. To the extent that they manage to monitor and control the activities to reach their goals, they are said to self-regulate these activities (Steffens, 2006). The online environment calls for students to demonstrate self-regulated learning (Ally, 2004). Dabbagh (2007) characterized successful online learners as those who exhibited self-directed learning skills. Self-regulated learning has been framed in the online education context by Carson (2012) research as an active, constructive process whereby learners set goals for their learning and then attempt to monitor, regulate and control their cognition, motivation and behavior, guided and constrained by their goals and the contextual features in their environments (Bandura, 2001; Pintrich De Groot, 1990; Schunk, 2005; Zimmerman, 2002). the processes of self- regulation as a reciprocal cycle consisting of forethought, performance and self-reflection (Figure 2-2). Each of the phases consists of sub processes that play a greater or lesser part in learning depending on the task, the learner, and the environment (Carson, 2012). Figure (2-2): Phases and sub processes of self-regulation. From Zimmerman, B., Campillo, M. (2003). Motivating self-regulated problem solvers. Manochehr (2006) has made a study where he compared the effects on e-learning versus those on traditional instructor-based learning, on student learning, based on students learning styles. The result was that the learning style in traditional learning was irrelevant but in e-learning it was very important. The study showed that learners with an assimilating or converging learning style achieved better learning results in e-learning. DaÄÅ ¸ Geà §er (2009) stated that recent developments of the online learning are also related to Adaptive educational Hypermedia Systems (AEHS). An AEHS aims to build a model of the goals, preferences and knowledge of each learner and use this model throughout the interaction with the leaner, in order to adapt learning content to the needs of that learner that is adapted specifically to the learners (Brusilovsky, 1996). For example, in an AEHS, learning content knowledge of the subject is given to the learner. In addition, AEHS can support learners in their navigation by limiting browsing space, suggesting most relevant links to follow, or providing adaptive comments to visible links (Brusilovsky, 2003). AEHS researches are centered on learning style based personalization researches (Brown, 2006; Paredes Rodriguez, 2004; Piombo, Batatia Ayache, 2003; Graf, 2007).
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Hinduism Essay -- Religion, Dharma, Atman
Hinduism is a religion filled with many philosophical thoughts about the soul, following your duties, achieving liberation and understanding the consequences of karma. Many of the beliefs in Hinduism makes a person think of life and their own actions they do everyday since it can affect your next life. Hinduism sometimes also makes one wonder if all of these various beliefs and philosophical thoughts are true or not and if you don’t follow your duties (dharma), if consequences really do occur or not in the present life and the next life. Atman, which is the soul, is constantly craving for things and always wants something even after we obtain our desires; it is a non-stop process (Embree 33). The Self (atman) is taken over by pleasure and pain, which is true in life because there are always desires that give us pleasure and make us happy (Embree 36). But one also needs to remember that life has its ups and downs meaning, there always will be a time of pain in life. No one is ever satisfied in life, we are always wanting more and more each day. According to the Upanishadic thinker the material world is not very important, only you, your soul, and the actions you do are important (Embree 36). Nothing else is more important in the world than your personality, which is the self (atman). I don’t completely agree with the Upanishadic thinker that the material world does not matter. It does matter because our actions and the way our soul feels at certain situations, it all comes from the material world. Yes, our acti ons are just as important but the material world drives us to our actions that the soul does. Every act we make, every thought and every desire, shapes this and our future lives. Karma, action and the consequences of action... ...rma at a young age. A person has to be able to follow their dharma no matter, because it may not always be the right action but it has to be fulfilled because it is your dharma. Arjuna in Mahabharata did not want to kill his own people, because he knew it was a sin. Krishna convinced him that he would commit a sin if he failed to perform his own duty (dharma) as a warrior, because a warrior’s duty is to fight (Embree 281). Hinduism can relate everything to each other and that is why for many it is easier to understand the whole concept of Hinduism, the atman, following your duties, achieving liberation and understanding the consequences of karma. You must perform your dharma in your life and do good karma in order to either have a better soul in the next life or to escape the cycle of samsara. If one does not obtain or fulfilled, one may not achieve liberation.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Bleeding Kansas
In this paper I will point out some events leading to Bleeding Kansas, one of the cruelest wars in history. I would also like to include some facts about John Brown, an abolitionist who led his men to the Border Wars, which caused $400,000 worth of damage. I will also explain several wars that occurred leading up to the American Civil War. After reading my research paper readers will have a better understanding of the violence that occurred during these crucial times in Kansas.The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 set the scene by allowing the new territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide by popular sovereignty, an idea advocated by US Senator Stephan A. Douglas, if they would be free or slave states. The government assumed that few slave owners would attempt to settle in Kansas and make it a slave state, because it was thought to be too far north for profitable exploitation of slaves. Instead, it resulted in immigration to Kansas by activists from both sides, which began the bloody war s of slavery which lasted from 1854 to 1858.In October 1855, John Brown traveled to Kansas territory to fight slavery. November 21, 1855 the â€Å"Wakarusa War†began when Charles Dow, a free-stater, was shot by a pro-slavery settler. May 21, 1856 a group of Border Ruffians entered the Free-State town of Lawrence, where they burned the Free-State Hotel, destroyed homes, stores, two newspaper offices, and their printing presses in an effort to wipe out this â€Å"hotbed of abolitionism. †The next day Republican Senator Charles Sumner was brutally attacked by Democratic Congressman Preston Brooks as a result from Sumner’s fiery speech called â€Å"The Crime Against Kansas. These acts inspired John Brown to lead a group of men into the Kansas Territory on an attack at a pro-slavery settlement at Pottawatomie Creek. Here, John Brown and his men dragged five pro-slavers out of their homes and hacked them to death.John Brown had the opportunity to kill as many as ni ne men but he settled at five, the same number of antislavery men who had recently died at the hands of southern settlers. In August, thousands of proslavery Southerners formed into armies and marched into Kansas. Brown and several of his followers engaged 400 pro-slavery soldiers in the â€Å"Battle of Osawatomie. The last major outbreak of violence was the â€Å"Marais des Cygnes massacre†in 1858, where Border Ruffians killed five Free-State men. Brown fought off all attempts to apprehend him and maintained publicity that his acts were ordered and justified by God. Brown then led and armed his men to raid the US Federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia. By doing so Brown had hoped to arm slaves and spark an uprising attack on the slaveholders. The abolitionists were overpowered by a company of US Marines under the command of Robert E. Lee. Ten of Brown’s group including two of his sons was killed.Five of them escaped and seven including Brown himself were capture d. Brown and the others were tried by the state of Virginia shortly after. Brown was convicted of murder, conspiring in a slave rebellion, and treason. On December 2, 1859 John Brown was executed by hanging in Charleston. Brown believed that the only way to overthrow slavery was by violence. On January 29, 1861 Kansas was admitted into the Union as a free state, as a result from the Wyandotte Constitution, a document presenting the abolitionist view. The four-year Civil War Began in April of 1861 which took more than 600,000 lives and abolished slavery.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Swot Analysis Of A Manager Of A Fast Food Shop
Strengths –Years of experience working, managing and owning a fast food restaurant Good communication skills with customers Friendly attitude with customers and staff Being able to mentor staff as I have years of experience in this fieldWeaknesses –Health problems Fatigue I have to look after my family which includes young children personally sometimes causing me to work lessOpportunities –To franchise and own more fast food shops I’m close to staff which I think my competitors might lackThreats –My staff might not be motivated enough if I work less Less time working means that I will get less customer feedback and less time to communicate with them(B) Skills AuditMy key skills are communicating with customers and satisfying them. I also have leadership skills, which enable me to guide and motivate the staff to perform better and be nicer to customers. Years of experience also help me decide how to deal with different members of staff and how to mot ivate them.There are gaps in my skills such as my stress levels. I get stressed pretty easily and fatigue catches up too in a few hours of work. I can sometimes tend to be short tempered which might affect my mood at times and cause others to misunderstand me. Also, expressing my emotions correctly can also be seen as a vital gap.(C) Evaluation of my Strengths and Weaknesses –Years of managing and owning a fast food restaurant certainly has its benefits. I know what customers like and what they might not like and the kind of service they like to be provided with. I tend to have good communication skills with both the customers and staff, which tend to be imperative too. Being friendly with the customers encourages them to come to my shop more often. I make sure me and my staff act friendly with them and provide them with the best possible service. I understand how to motivate my staff; each and everyone get motivated in different ways. I use my skills and experience to mot ivate staff and push them to work harder and provide better service. My staff may look up to me as a mentor and respect my years of hard work to be successful in this business.My weaknesses might make me work less. Working less at my shop will cease me from having opportunities to bond with customers and creating a good relationship with them. It will also affect how I would like to personally ensure that the food being served is of the best quality and the service provided is admirable. My low fatigue level might get me tired, inefficient and might cause me to be downcast at times. These might stand as problems and if I cant work more, it’ll be tough for me to expand my business. These weakness in the long run stand in my way to achieve my goals in the future.I would try to quickly try and address these problems so that they don’t affect my goals. I would try to work on my health. I would try and workout in the gym, jog and eat healthy so that my health becomes better over time and fatigue doesn’t come easily. Working out or jogging would also help me reduce my stress levels. This could also somehow make me more stressed out and tired in the short run but hopefully it should eventually make my health better overall in the long run.I could also appoint a dedicated and efficient manager for the time being to play my role in the shop till I recovered and returned to my full ability. Although the manager might not live up to fulfilling my specific tasks and might just be a letdown because I have to pay an extra employee, appointing one would certainly be worth a try for the short run.
Measure of Contentment Essay
Down to that moment I had vainly supposed that my creditor had withdrawn or suspended proceedings until I should be quite recovered. I had never dreamed of Joe’s having paid the money; but Joe had paid it, and the receipt was in his name. What remained of me now, but to follow him to the dear old forge, and there to have out my disclosure with him, and my penitent remonstrance with him,†(Page 463) This shows how only Joe can rescue Pip and his identity; Joe represents who Pip should have become. Respect and admiration for Joe is once again won for Pip, as â€Å"I had never dreamed of Joe paying the money; but Joe had paid it, and the receipt was in his name†shows. As a result of this act of Joe’s, Pip continues to reform into someone with a better identity, an example of which is shown in the passage: â€Å"What remained of me now, but to follow him to the dear old forge, and there to have out my disclosure with him, and my penitent remonstrance with him,†as this shows how Pip is willing to be humble toward Joe, and ask for his forgiveness. By seeking after someone else’s pleasure before his own, Pip displays qualities of selflessness, Once Pip has discovered his true identity, he can begin to become someone he is happy and content with, because he cares less about his own problems and so they don’t loom as great and as terrible, and he becomes more content. A further lesson Pip must learn in his struggle to find contentment is to control his fantasies, phobias and delusions. A phobia is something psychological, that you fear and therefore try to shut out. Pip’s phobia that he won’t be able to obtain Estella controls him so much that he subconsciously creates fantasies to counter-act his phobias. A fantasy is when you dream of something irrational, or a surreal delusion of something that is exaggerated to fit your expectations of what you want that thing to be. Pip gets trapped by many fantasies in the novel, which prevent him living in reality and achieving contentment. A major fantasy in the novel is that Estella is meant for him, and that Miss Havisham is his benefactress, and this fantasy drives Pip into becoming a gentleman: â€Å"‘The beautiful young lady at Miss Havisham’s, and she’s more beautiful than anyone ever was, and I admire her dreadfully, and I want to be a gentleman on her account. ‘†(Page 125) This passage is when Pip confides in Biddy why he yearns after being a gentleman, and it shows how Pip has the fantasy that as soon as he is a gentleman, Estella will be his. Later, when he comes into his Great Expectations, he fantasises that Miss Havisham is his benefactress so that he can be fit for Estella, and the fantasy is so strong that he makes himself believe that it is true. A passage that displays this is found on Page 177, when Pip is getting acquainted with Herbert: â€Å"‘And as to the condition which you hold your advancement in life-namely that you are not to inquire or discuss to whom you owe it- you may be very sure that it will never be encroached upon, or even approached by me, or anyone belonging to me. ‘ In truth, he said this with so much delicacy, that I felt the subject done with, even though I should be under his father’s roof for years and years to come. Yet e said it with so much meaning, too, that I felt he as perfectly understood Miss Havisham to be my benefactress, as I understood the fact myself. †This passage shows how Pip has let his fantasy that Miss Havisham is his benefactress delude him, and how he will manipulate things that may not necessarily mean what Pip wants them to mean, to suit him and his fantasies. In order for Pip to progress in life and achieve contentment, he must learn to let go of these fantasies. However, it is apparent that Pip is unable to let go of his fantasies, because he is afraid of what the reality might be. For example, Pip makes himself believe that Miss Havisham is his benefactress and that Estella is intended for him, because if Miss Havisham is not his benefactor, who is, and is Estella still for him? To Pip, the answer to these questions are too daunting to recognize, so he fantasises about the answer that he wants it to be. Therefore, when Pip discovers that in reality, his benefactor is an escaped convict, he is in absolute shock and repulsion. â€Å"The abhorrence in which I held the man, the dread I had of him, the repugnance with which I shrank from him, could not have been exceeded if he had been some terrible beast. †(Page 313) Dickens’s cleverly uses language in this passage by repeating the same thing three times in different ways, as each of the parts of the passage that Pip describes Magwitch with all tell of his hatred and revulsion of him, but the build up of these things adds drama to the scene, emphasising Pip’s shock at the reality instead of his fantasy. Once Pip understands that Magwitch is his benefactor, a reformation begins in Pip, and he becomes a better, happier, more altruistic person. â€Å"Where I might go, what I might do, or when I might return were questions utterly unknown to me; nor did I vex my mind with them, for it was wholly set on Provis’s safety. I only wondered for the passing moment, as I stopped at the door and looked back, under what altered circumstances I should next see those rooms, if ever. †(Page 425) This passage depicts how Pip has controlled his phobia of lower class status, because he is willing to help Magwitch and develops a self-sacrificing love for him, because, as it says in this passage, Pip is willing to give up everything that he has ever consciously wanted, which is being an eligible gentleman, for Magwitch’s (Provis’s) safety. As a result of his self-centred fantasies, phobias and delusions, Pip becomes very selfish and self-concerned whilst he is in London, but when he begins to seek humble forgiveness from Joe and Miss Havisham because his fantasies have been ruined by reality, he becomes less selfish. Selflessness contributes to Pip’s happiness at the end of the novel, which is part of Pip learning to become like Joe, who demonstrates selflessness throughout the novel. When Pip seeks after other’s happiness before his own, he becomes more able to grow and develop into a better person: Giving of self makes you unselfish, which in turn makes you happy as you make others happy. This consequences in you being outward looking because you want to look for more opportunities to help others, creating less focus on your own faults and more contentment and satisfaction with yourself. For example, when Pip saves Miss Havisham from the fire, or lends Herbert money for his business, Pip forgets about his own needs and safety. The injury Pip gets as a result of the fire at Satis House does not prevent Pip from wanting to save Magwitch by helping him escape the law and Compeyson by fleeing the country, instead, he wishes he could do more: â€Å"I felt mortified to be of such little use in the boat,; but there were few better oarsman than my two friends. †(Page 426) This shows how instead of dwelling on his own unfortunate circumstances, and the fact that he felt â€Å"mortified†, Pip thinks in a complimentary manner about his two friends: â€Å"but there were few better oarsman than my two friends. †Pip learning how to become less self-centred and dispel his fantasies and phobias partly leads to the level his contentment at the end of the novel. An additional lesson that Pip must learn before he can achieve some level of contentment, and a fundamental lesson for anyone growing up, is learning to listen and take advice from others. There are many points in the novel where Pip is offered good advice, usually by someone of trust or worth to Pip, and he doesn’t take it. Once Pip learns to take the advice given to him by those superior to him in experience, he can begin to make better and more informed decisions, which consequences in his being happier, more satisfied and more content. The first major turning point in the novel, of Pip desiring to be and becoming a gentleman, could have been avoided if Pip had listened to this advice given to him by Biddy: â€Å"‘Biddy,’ said I, after binding her to secrecy, ‘I want to be a gentleman. ‘ ‘Oh, I wouldn’t, if I were you! ‘ she returned. ‘I don’t think it would answer. ‘ ‘Biddy’, I said with some severity, ‘I have particular reasons for wanting to be a gentleman. ‘ ‘You know best Pip, but don’t you think that you are happier as you are? ‘†(Page 124) This passage shows how Pip thinks that he knows best, as he speaks to Biddy with â€Å"severity†at not being able to understand why he wants to be a gentleman. When Biddy questions Pip, if he is not happier now, it shows that Pip is striving for contentment, although he attempts to find it in the wrong way, as Biddy cleverly picks up on: â€Å"‘Do you want to be a gentleman to spite her, or to gain her over? ‘ Biddy quietly asked, after a pause. ‘I don’t know,’ I moodily answered. ‘Because if it is to spite her,’ Biddy pursued, ‘I should think -but you know best- that might be better and more independently done by caring nothing, for her words. And if it is to gain her over- I should think- but you know best -she is not worth gaining over. ‘†(Page 125) Here, Biddy is offering Pip very good advice; that Estella really isn’t worth it. However, Pip thinks that he â€Å"knows best†, as Biddy says, and continues to follow the prospect of becoming a gentleman for Estella. If Pip had taken Biddy’s advice, he would have been able to achieve contentment in his life quicker than he does as he pursues the life of a gentleman, because he would have learned to forget Estella, become apprenticed to Joe, and lived the life of Joe, who is content with his life. However, once Pip is in London, it is a whole new world to him, one that he struggles to cope with at first because of the spectral difference between London and his â€Å"marsh country†home. As a result of this, Pip needs to be taught how to survive in London and he is now willing to learn and listen to the advice of others, which in turn helps him to achieve a degree of contentment. I believe that this is one of the most important lessons that readers today can get from Great Expectations; that in order to achieve contentment, you need to be able to listen to the advice of those that are older, more experienced and more knowledgeable that you are, because they are more likely to know how to best achieve it. The readers can learn from Pip’s ignorance not to make the same mistakes themselves. Dickens cleverly uses setting throughout the novel to depict different qualities of life, or levels of contentment. The marsh country Pip originates from represents a humble lifestyle, but those that live there, such as Joe and Biddy, and Pip at the beginning of the novel, seem to be more content with their lives than those that live in London, which represents the wealthy, extravagant lifestyle. Dickens uses this irony to show how money and wealth do not necessarily bring contentment, which is a further essential lesson that Pip must learn. Miss Havisham lives in Satis House, which comes from the Latin meaning ‘enough’ or ‘satisfaction’. This is ironic because from the outside, the house represents a life of wealth and grandeur, which people often assume to bring satisfaction, but on the inside, the residents of the house lead a bitter, frozen lifestyle, and Miss Havisham is so unsatisfied with her life that she lives it to wreak revenge on all men. These circumstances are used by Dickens to show how wreaking revenge does not equate to contentment; Pip must learn that if he is to be happy, he must not seek revenge from anyone, even those that have especially offended him. Nobody’s life works out perfectly, and Pip’s is evidently no exception. An example of a situation where Pip would need to learn to ‘forgive and forget’ is when Mrs Joe, his sister dies. On contemplation, Pip reflects: â€Å"Whatever my fortunes might have been, I could scarcely have recalled my sister with much tenderness. But I suppose there is a shock of regret which may exist without much tenderness. Under its influence (and perhaps to make up for the want of the softer feeling) I was seized by a violent indignation against the assailant from whom she had suffered so much; and I felt that on sufficient proof I could have revengefully perused Orlick, or anyone else, to the last extremity. †(Page 272) This passage discloses Pip’s thoughts as he moves from feeling bitter toward his sister: â€Å"I could scarcely recall her with much tenderness†, to seeking revenge upon the person that caused his sister anguish: â€Å"I felt that on sufficient proof I could have revengefully perused Orlick, or anyone else, to the last extremity†. It is a successful piece of writing as Dickens’s uses pairs of effective adjectives such as â€Å"shock of regret†and â€Å"violent indignation†, which creates more impact on the reader and helps them to empathise with the way Pip is feeling. This then results in the reader feeling more of a connection to Pip as he strives to achieve contentment, and so helps them to learn more from the novel. In conclusion, it believe that Dickens’ rite-of-passage novel Great Expectations is successful at presenting useful lessons to it’s readers as to how they themselves can achieve contentment, despite being written in the 19th century. These are portrayed through Pip’s own struggle to achieve contentment, many of the struggles relating to Dickens’ own life, such as the issues like overcoming debt, unrequited love, family problems and poor education. Dickens shows in the novel how these things can be overcome, and contentment and satisfaction achieved, through the realisation of moral values, the dispelling of delusions and fantasies, and learning how to respond to people around you. However, despite this, the most important lesson, that comes through the novel, in learning how to achieve contentment in life is living it. Pip says that he was happy at the forge before he went to London, but he was not content (Page 315). Therefore, this suggests that the novel recommends that the best way to gain contentment is to live your life and learn through the experience of it; otherwise you would feel unsatisfied with your experience of life.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Civil Rights Era Struggle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Civil Rights Era Struggle - Essay Example However, with the landing of westerners in Africa, slave trade increased with the Africans having no apparent knowledge of the consequences it had on the slaves sold. This is because they had no way of knowing the conditions under which the slaves were kept, but knew only that it was good riddance. In the course of slavery, especially during the journey across the Atlantic ocean, slaves were mistreated, some died, and others fell ill while others were sexually violated. During the trip across the vast ocean, conditions in which the slaves were subjected to be far worse than they were in captivity, slaves were packed in the ships’ hulls and left to persevere hunger and dehydration. Through this treatment, some went overboard to deny the white man dominion over their lives; this was the first step in the struggle for survival and for their rights. Among the slaves taken captive, some made it alive and took charge of their lives by participating in resistance movements. They went on work slowdowns and even ran away in rebellion, while others like, â€Å"Quakers and other prominent persons- among them Anthony Benezet, Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin- publicly opposed slavery†2 (Thurgood and Autherine 4). ... These people included Phillis Wheatley the first African-America writer who published poetry and Benjamin Banneker who studied Astronomy and Mathematics. However, the other black American slaves could not get access to education in public schools despite being freed by their masters. This incited them even the more to rise against the oppressive rules and fight for their rights as equal men in the society. The fight against slavery went on, however, by the time of American Civil war, the population of African-American slaves was significant as it was about 4million and could no longer be ignored. Therefore, as a result of the proclamation of 1863, all slaves residing in the confederacy were declared free by Abraham Lincoln, which was a milestone. Consequently, the black slaves viewed this as another opportunity to take charge of their lives and freedom. During this period, slaves joined the union army to fight for the confederacy that had freed them. This in turn, brought the priorit ies, needs and issues of the 4 million slaves that were marginalized to the attention of lawmakers. However, a break came following the abolition of slavery in 1865 and an amendment granted blacks citizenship rights concerning protection by the rule of law. However, the struggle was not over following violence and lack of acceptance by radical citizens. These groups included the Ku Klux Klan that imposed threats, white supremacy violence and harsh economic conditions. In the case of African-Americans, this did not deter them from fighting for their due rights; they still were elected into local, state and federal offices despite the danger facing them. One renowned person in
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Japanese Immigration to Hawaii Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Japanese Immigration to Hawaii - Essay Example He initially called the group of islands as Sandwich Islands. Hawaii has abundant tropical vegetation, beautiful beaches and volcanic mountains. The main agriculture in Hawaii includes Sugar cane, pineapples, orchids, and flowers. The main plantation work in early Hawaii was in the sugar cane field. Hawaii is located 2,397 miles west-southwest of San Francisco. It is a chain of islands of about 1,523 miles. Due to their increase in political affairs and in the sugar production sector, Hawaii became a native kingdom in the nineteenth century. â€Å"The main islands of Hawaii ruled by independent chieftains were conquered and/or united by Kamehameha, the Great as a kingdom†. They began trading through the pacific having Hawaii as a center point for carrying provisions and other supplies. During this time, a new industry which came into existence was the sale of sandalwood in overseas markets, mainly in China. The sandalwood was cut from the flourishing Hawaiian forests. The Japa nese Entry Initially, the Japanese neither came to Hawaii islands as immigrants nor as settlers. They came as drifters on boats. They were either driven ashore in the Pacific Ocean or they were taken by sailing vessels on the seas. Hawaii is said to be the first kingdom which had maximum immigrants from Japan, there was a great transformation seen due to this prevalence of Japanese immigration. Hawaii was way behind transforming into an independent state when business men in Hawaii vigorously fixed Japanese as laborers to work in sugar cane fields (â€Å"Hawaii: Life in a Plantation Society,†n.d.). This was mainly because the Hawaiian people did not have an inclination toward working. They had the practice of working only when... One key concept that can be understood from the history of the Japanese immigration in Hawaii is the intensity of the role played by the working community in improving the political economy in Hawaii. The Japanese labor society in Hawaii proves the potential of the working class. This also gives an opportunity to the organizations to understand and be aware of the potential and importance that is given by the labor community. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries visualized the growth and awareness that the Japanese immigrant workers had. At each stage of their struggle they learnt to respond rightly to the owner community. It was between 1826 and 1850 that there were more thoughts which cropped up in the minds of political authorities in Hawaii to convert commoners into labor force to improve the economy of Hawaii. For the Japanese the entry into Hawaii and the problems that they faced in the inter relationships between the Japanese and the Americans proved to be an ultimate event. This gave birth to a new era in Hawaii. In Hawaii, the Japanese immigration and their settlement marked a time of compulsion in terms of both politics and social backgrounds. The Japanese were forced to live with a certain compulsion in Hawaii whether they were happy with it or not. The Hawaii was an American society where the Japanese could not expect any rewards or support for improving their Japanese culture. Annexation was one way which put forth limits on how the Japanese were treated by the Hawaii’s Americans in Hawaii. The end of the labor contract was seen as a trouble by many plantation owners in Hawaii.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Problem In the Field Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Problem In the Field - Essay Example According to Riley (2012)1, the main purpose of accounting is to report on entities’ financial position and to show the financial performance of an entity over a particular period. Accounting information has a wide scope of users. These users consist of shareholders, government, creditors, suppliers, customers, public, employers, competitors, investors and managers of a business or an organization. Due to its wide scope of users, accounting information plays an important role in influencing various business decisions made in industries, companies, government offices and business entities. Accounting process follows numbers of values that enable accounting information to be reliable and useful to users. The essential ethics in accounting include honesty and integrity, faithfulness and trustworthiness, dependability and reliance and ability to care for others (Connell, 2002). 2 Accounting provides many benefits to users in different areas of the economy in Today’s World. First, accounting information and knowledge is widely used in all job specialties. Auditors apply accounting techniques in studying financial statements in the process of evaluating integrity and accuracy of enterprises. Secretaries use accounting information in carrying out different tasks in their organizations. For example, secretaries manage check books and order statements in different companies using accounting knowledge. Executives also use accounting information in financial statements in judging performance and success of companies and organizations. Executives use accounting information in determining growth rates of their companies and the profit margin obtained. Accounting information and techniques are important for individual and personal benefits. Use of accounting information enables individuals to assess, manage and control personal finances adequately. In addition, individuals may apply accounting techniques and
Saturday, October 5, 2019
To what extent have the fair-trade initiatives increased standard of Research Paper
To what extent have the fair-trade initiatives increased standard of living in West Africa - Research Paper Example The paper tells that since the end of World War II, the industrialized countries of the world have been befitting from consistently increasing world trade patterns. International trade fuels both national economies and the international economy, determining the wellbeing of individual States, and directly affecting the standard of living of the population of every country in the world. In West Africa, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is the overarching economic and political structure, within which unrestricted trade is meant to take place. This structure was set up to promote â€Å"cooperation and integration†leading to an economic union in West Africa â€Å"in order to raise the living standards of its peoples†. A Pan-Africanist slant is also evident in that the intention to promote progress and development on the whole continent is explicitly stated. Thus a common market was an original intention; regional economic reform would have to take pla ce; integration particularly in food, agriculture and natural resources was seen as vital; and the establishment of a common market through liberalization of trade among West African States was envisioned. An important aspect of the ECOWAS initiative is also to ensure a â€Å"common external tariff†and trade policy with regard to third countries. Additionally, a stated intention in the ECOWAS revised treaty is to promote â€Å"balanced development†and a focus on the â€Å"special problems of each Member State particularly those of land-locked and small island Member States†.... This has not happened. The elites – both within countries and within the region continue to be advantaged, while the poor continue to grow in number, and in levels of poverty. Analysis surrounding the economies of West Africa, their political stances, and their trade policies, as well as the world economy, and West Africa’s part in it will be examined in this paper. The information from the analyses is organized in the Findings Section, to show the realities of the situation in West African countries and their economic relationships with particularly the Western, developed world. In the Comments and Recommendations Section of this essay, it is proposed that the exploitative relationship which has existed between African developing or underdeveloped countries (and other developing countries) since slavery and colonialism has not been redressed. Instead, initiatives such as Free Trade agreementsNote that this has been introduced earlier, extensively within associations su ch as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) have no chance of success because of the nature of the trade balance which continues to exist between developing countries and the developed world. All that is maintained is the advantage of the Western power blocs over the developing world, in the guise of aiming to stimulate and improve conditions in these countries. The essay concludes with a summary comment on the nature of the economic, political and power relationships between the countries of West Africa, as well as ECOWAS and the world. Analysis There tends to be a bias toward the economic principles, values and norms of the West in much writing about the economics of West Africa
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