Saturday, August 31, 2019
The Problem of Evil through the eyes of Moral Theory
Deliberating on the ‘problem’ of evil involves discussing its theodicy, the aim of which may be characterized in the celebrated writer John Milton’s words as the attempt to â€Å"justify the ways of God to men.†That is, a theodicy endeavors to vindicate the justice or goodness of God in the face of the existence of evil found in the world, through reasonable explanation(s) of why God allows evil to exist among his creation (Griffin 1976). For it to qualify as reasonable, such explanation must conform to (a) a commonsensical world view, e.g. there exists other people in the world; (b) widely accepted scientific and historical views, e.g. Plate Tectonics theory and the theory of evolution; and (c) plausible moral principles, e.g. punishment in general needs to be significantly proportional to the offense committed (Griffin, 1976). For Richard Swinburne (1987, 143) in his contribution to theodicy, ‘an omnipotent being can prevent any evil he chooses, but I deny that a perfectly good being will always try to do so.’ That is, a perfectly good being such as a God who is claimed to be both omnipotent and omniscient, has the right to allow evil to occur as such action brings about some greater good. He expounds on several moral views, such as the most basic good of all – the satisfaction of desire, and above all, pleasure, which he considers ‘a good thing’ (Swinburne, 1987).  However, for Swinburne (1987), the satisfaction of certain desires is not good if this is done for things which are bad in themselves, as pleasure no longer becomes good where the belief needed to sustain it is false. His reasoning follows that God has reason to bring forth into existence creatures with desires for good states of affairs which are satisfied, as desires in themselves are good, except when they are desires for what is bad. If God wants to make creatures sensitive to what is good He will allow them to have desires which are permanently frustrated. It follows that God will not give man endless pain, failure and loss in order to allow one to show proper compassion and grief, but he ‘may well give us some pain, failure†¦ in order to allow us to be involved with each other in ways and levels we could not otherwise have’ (Swinburne, 1987, 145). Good action derives its goodness not merely from intention but from its effects. Conversely, an unsuccessful action aimed at something good is also good for the agent, which is better if done freely or not being fully caused. Thus, it is good for the agent to have free choice as an autonomous ‘mini-creator’ (Swinburne 1987) not totally beholden to the mercy of forces in the universe. The choice of ‘forwarding the good’ becomes a lot better if the agent has free choice between good and evil, and not merely between alternate goods. Free choice of action only comes in choosing between two actions the agent regards as equally good, or between two actions which he desires to do equally, or between one he desires to do more and one he believes is better to do (Swinburne, 1998). God cannot give us the great good of the possibility of intentional, efficacious, free action involving a choice between good and evil without at the same time providing the natural probability of evil which he will not prevent so that the freedom he grants us may truly be efficacious freedom. Thus, the â€Å"free will defense†remains a central core theory of theodicy. In addition, a world where agents can only benefit but not harm each other is one wherein they have only a limited responsibility for each other, and in this sense God would not have given much because he would have then refused to share that responsibility with us. Even more so, it is a blessing for a person if his suffering makes possible the good for others of having the free choice of hurting or harming him, and if the actual suffering would make possible the good for others of feeling compassion for him and choosing to show or not show sympathy, or through providing knowledge for others, i.e. ‘blessed is the man or woman whose life is of use’ (Swinburne, 1998). Various evils and the possibility of their existence, including both moral (the harm we do to each other or negligently allow to occur) and natural evils (animal and human suffering) are thus deemed logically necessary for the attainment of good states. In general, the claim is that we need a similar amount of evil if we are to have the similar amount of good by way of satisfaction of desire, significant choice and serious beneficiary action. Furthermore, God does not inflict endless suffering for there is a limit in time and intensity to the suffering of any individual, i.e. the length of human life. From the perspective of eternity, the evils of the world occur narrowly in terms of number and duration, and more importantly, God allows them to occur for the sake of the great goods they make possible (Swinburne, 1998). Getting the evils of this world into the right perspective involves lengthy long-term and long-distance reflection – things outside of life, e.g. cause and effects, makes a greater difference to the value of that life if one does not arbitrarily confine those things near to life in space and time. Given all these, is such a theodicy adequate to account for the existence of evil in this world? Swinburne (1978, 1987, 1991, and 1998) does raise some valid points and offer convincing arguments yet the researcher is of the opinion that in its entirety, traditional moral theory and this particular theodicy by their lonesome cannot stand alone and fully account for the problem of evil. Various objections could still be raised against this theodicy, such as questioning the intelligibility/empirical adequacy of the argument’s underlying notions – i.e. of free will. Others such as Tooley (1980) and Rowe (1996) propose that just as we have a duty to curtail another’s exercise of free will when one is aware of its use to inflict suffering on innocents, God as well has a duty of a similar nature. Furthermore, it provides brilliant insights but still an inadequate account for the existence of natural evil and its ensuing logical arguments and evidential problem, i.e. the problem of determining whether and (if so) to what extent the existence of evil would constitute evidence against the existence of God. References Chrzan, Keith. 1994. â€Å"Necessary Gratuitous Evil: An Oxymoron Revisited,†Faith and Philosophy 11: 134-37. Griffin, David Ray. 1991. Evil Revisited: Responses and Reconsiderations. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Hasker, William. 2004. Providence, Evil and the Openness of God. London: Routledge. Hick, John. 1966. Evil and the God of Love, first edition. London: Macmillan. Hick, John. 1981. â€Å"An Irenaean Theodicy†and â€Å"Response to Critiques,†in Stephen T. Davis (ed.), Encountering Evil: Live Options in Theodicy, first edition. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, pp.39-52, 63-68. Hick, John. 1990. Philosophy of Religion, fourth edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. McNaughton, David. 1994. â€Å"The Problem of Evil: A Deontological Perspective,†in Alan G. Padgett (ed.), Reason and the Christian Religion: Essays in Honour of Richard Swinburne. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp.329-51. Rowe, William L. 1996. â€Å"The Evidential Argument from Evil: A Second Look,†in Daniel Howard-Snyder (ed.), The Evidential Argument from Evil, pp.262-85. Swinburne, Richard. 1977. The Coherence of Theism. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Swinburne, Richard. 1978. â€Å"Natural Evil,†American Philosophical Quarterly 15: 295-301. Swinburne, Richard. 1987. â€Å"Knowledge from Experience, and the Problem of Evil,†in William J. Abraham and Steven W. Holtzer (eds), The Rationality of Religious Belief: Essays in Honour of Basil Mitchell. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp.141-67. Swinburne, Richard. 1991. The Existence of God, revised edition. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Swinburne, Richard. 1998. Providence and the Problem of Evil. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Tooley, Michael. 1980. â€Å"Alvin Plantinga and the Argument from Evil,†Australasian Journal of Philosophy 58: 360-76.    Â
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Market Revolution
The antebellum era held many beneficial innovations for the United States. The Market Revolution led to improvements in both travel and technology that guided America to become a more productive nation. More opportunities became available to all Americans which led to growth and prosperity of the people. The Market Revolution was beneficial to America in every way possible. When the term â€Å"Market Revolution†is heard, the first thing many people associate it with is Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin. Whitney’s invention was the first major innovation, revolutionizing both northern manufacturing and southern agriculture.Since the job was previously done by hand, the cotton gin produced a higher supply of cotton at a faster rate. Cotton grew from 750,000 bales per year in 1830 to 2. 5 million bales per year in 1850. America became a major supplier of cotton for the British and provided two-thirds of the world’s cotton supply. The cotton gin was among the most ben eficial innovations in the antebellum era. Whitney also invented interchangeable parts in 1797 that provided easier compatibility of different parts of muskets. Many manufacturers soon began using his invention for their own benefits.Because of the large success of his innovations, Eli Whitney was a very important figure of the Market Revolution. Richard Fulton’s invention of the steamboat revolutionized water travel in the early 1800’s. Steamboats were able to travel up and downstream requiring little or no effort from those onboard. Mariners could leave port any time because they did not have to rely on winds to get them to their destination. Shipping was much cheaper and easier for the Southerners because they did not have to ship products around Florida and up the Eastern seaboard because steamboats had the power to travel up the Mississippi.Buffalo robes, cotton, rice, and other products could be shipped via the Mississippi River. From John James Audubon’s Missouri River Journals, he explained how â€Å"They had ten thousand buffalo robes on the four boats;†(282). The Market Revolution made water travel easier, which greatly enhanced trade and the economy, therefore benefiting all of America. The Erie Canal was the first of many canals in the North that made water travel much easier for Americans. The part of the canal being built in the town of Lockport was said to be â€Å"seven miles in length, and partly through solid rock, at an average depth of twenty feet. (279). Thought the canal was not very wide and deep, it made trade easier between western farmers and eastern manufacturers. The canal was very beneficial to the northern residents of America because the North was a more modernized and urban place than the South, relying heavily on trade with the west. The South had no needs for the canal due to their farming capabilities. Southerners relied on Atlantic shipping to receive goods and transport cotton to the North. By 1840, one million barrels of flour were being shipped via the Erie Canal.The Erie Canal was a great innovation that showed progress of development in the nation. Water travel was not the only way of travel revolutionized during the Market Revolution. Land travel was greatly improved by the first railroad being built in the late 1820’s. It was a quicker, cheaper, and much easier way of transporting goods. Railroads could get you from one place to another in a very short amount of time, therefore being â€Å"very pleasant to people in a hurry. †(280). In the 1840’s, there was the same length of railroads as there was canals, therefore railroad travel was becoming very popular in America.In 1860, eleven different widths of railroad tracks were being used, limiting the use of various trains on various tracks. The problem was later fixed giving trains more places to travel. Railroads gave the people of America an accessible way to find success. In Lowell, a small to wn outside of Boston Massachusetts, a factory was built in 1823 called â€Å"Lowell Mills. †The factory produced over one-hundred times more yards of cloth from 1815 to 1840. The social system regulated by the manufacturers was of interest to many people living in the area due to their system of wages.Lowell Mills employed mostly young women and paid them a decent salary. Though they were paid more than the average women, it was still less than most men. Women’s educational and work experience combined made them more obedient than their superiors wished, thus resulting in many women protesting the decrease in wages. Josephine L. Baker explains â€Å"the money we earn comes promptly; more so than in any other situation;†(293). The Lowell System greatly enhanced the employee to company relationship, resulting in a greater range of opportunities for women as well as increasing Americas’ cotton supply.In 1838, a man named John Deere invented the steel plow in Grand Detour, Illinois. Many farmers in the Great Plains used the device to their benefit because it quickly broke tough soil. Rich soil in the Middle West caused the wood plows to break, therefore Deere knew steel would be a good alternative. Farmers were able to provide more crops for their consumers and family. By 1855, Deere’s factory sold more than 10,000 plows. John Deere’s innovation led to a great array of farming equipment, which greatly benefited all Americans during the antebellum era.Bigger cities and the improvements in transportation attracted many immigrants to America. They saw an opportunity to make money without having to invest in any land. Many American families turned to immigrants for cheap labor during the Market Revolution as well. Neither the German or Irish were treated as equals with Americans, but the German were generally more accepted in America than the Irish. John Francis Maguire explains that Irish immigrants â€Å"were generally po or, and after defraying their first expenses on landing had little left to enable them to push their way into the country. (297). Though the immigrants were not treated fairly, they were all in search of the American dream. Many immigrants found success in America and helped revolutionize the industries during the Market Revolution. The Market Revolution made everything easier for Americans as well as gave many immigrants and women success. America showed progress in becoming a more powerful and independent nation during this period. All of America benefited from the different innovations such as the cotton gin, telegraph, and new methods of travel. It was clear that America was on the path of success. The Market Revolution The Market Revolution and the Changes in Women’s Work (Nancy F. Cott) †¢The essay starts off with a quote by Martha Moore Ballard: â€Å"A woman’s work is never done. †-60 years old -Housekeeper and domestic manufacturer for a working farm -Baked and brewed -Pickled and preserved -Spun and sewed -Made soap and dipped candles -Trusted healer and midwife (delivered more than a 1,000 babies) -Very typical in the 18th century on the frontier for women to be familiar with various skills. -This helped in building social relationships with the neighbors and also making money. Example: have more skills, build more contacts, make more money †¢The New England economy changed from agricultural and house-hold production base to commercial to industrial. –This change occurred between 1780 and 1835 due to the following reasons: -Extension of the size of the market -Increases in agricultural efficiency -Reduction in transportation costs -Specialization of econ omic function -Division of labor -Concentration of industry -It used to be that subsistence farming and household production for the family was the norm. -Also, some members of the family specialized in different crafts: blacksmith, tailors, and weavers. During all this, merchant capitalism was introduced. -taking risks -supplying capital -searching for markets -attempting to maximize profits by producing standardized goods at the least cost -The aim of this concept was to reach a wider market –Also, I think that that this was not just a way to organize production, but also a way to organize trade. In the beginning it was that workers brought their own raw materials and made the finished product and sold it, but now the worker had to work with a network of people to make the finished product. Market-oriented production helped in the development of manufacturing and the factory system. -Now that people wanted to cater to a wider market, the shops became larger and more special ized. -A place for production vs. A place for selling †¢Within this, there was a â€Å"putting-out†or â€Å"given-out†system. -The merchant would â€Å"put-out the raw materials to be worked up and collected them when they were finished and ready to be sold. -Ex. With cotton, the merchant would buy the raw materials and take it to the rural areas or countryside and get it woven there. This way they avoided guilds and unions.Also, avoided the regulations and set standards of trade. -Most of this work was done by women at home. -This shows the importance of specialization and division of labor that was critical in this era. -Ex. Farmers focused on subsistence farming and now commercial farming. †¢With the manufacturing and factory system, women started working. -During the late 18th century, both married and unmarried women did their primary work in the households. -Ex. Sally Ripley, a tradesman’s daughter in Massachusetts, and in her diary she wrote that father had to go out of city, he put her in charge of the store. The Market Revolution The antebellum era held many beneficial innovations for the United States. The Market Revolution led to improvements in both travel and technology that guided America to become a more productive nation. More opportunities became available to all Americans which led to growth and prosperity of the people. The Market Revolution was beneficial to America in every way possible. When the term â€Å"Market Revolution†is heard, the first thing many people associate it with is Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin. Whitney’s invention was the first major innovation, revolutionizing both northern manufacturing and southern agriculture.Since the job was previously done by hand, the cotton gin produced a higher supply of cotton at a faster rate. Cotton grew from 750,000 bales per year in 1830 to 2. 5 million bales per year in 1850. America became a major supplier of cotton for the British and provided two-thirds of the world’s cotton supply. The cotton gin was among the most ben eficial innovations in the antebellum era. Whitney also invented interchangeable parts in 1797 that provided easier compatibility of different parts of muskets. Many manufacturers soon began using his invention for their own benefits.Because of the large success of his innovations, Eli Whitney was a very important figure of the Market Revolution. Richard Fulton’s invention of the steamboat revolutionized water travel in the early 1800’s. Steamboats were able to travel up and downstream requiring little or no effort from those onboard. Mariners could leave port any time because they did not have to rely on winds to get them to their destination. Shipping was much cheaper and easier for the Southerners because they did not have to ship products around Florida and up the Eastern seaboard because steamboats had the power to travel up the Mississippi.Buffalo robes, cotton, rice, and other products could be shipped via the Mississippi River. From John James Audubon’s Missouri River Journals, he explained how â€Å"They had ten thousand buffalo robes on the four boats;†(282). The Market Revolution made water travel easier, which greatly enhanced trade and the economy, therefore benefiting all of America. The Erie Canal was the first of many canals in the North that made water travel much easier for Americans. The part of the canal being built in the town of Lockport was said to be â€Å"seven miles in length, and partly through solid rock, at an average depth of twenty feet. (279). Thought the canal was not very wide and deep, it made trade easier between western farmers and eastern manufacturers. The canal was very beneficial to the northern residents of America because the North was a more modernized and urban place than the South, relying heavily on trade with the west. The South had no needs for the canal due to their farming capabilities. Southerners relied on Atlantic shipping to receive goods and transport cotton to the North. By 1840, one million barrels of flour were being shipped via the Erie Canal.The Erie Canal was a great innovation that showed progress of development in the nation. Water travel was not the only way of travel revolutionized during the Market Revolution. Land travel was greatly improved by the first railroad being built in the late 1820’s. It was a quicker, cheaper, and much easier way of transporting goods. Railroads could get you from one place to another in a very short amount of time, therefore being â€Å"very pleasant to people in a hurry. †(280). In the 1840’s, there was the same length of railroads as there was canals, therefore railroad travel was becoming very popular in America.In 1860, eleven different widths of railroad tracks were being used, limiting the use of various trains on various tracks. The problem was later fixed giving trains more places to travel. Railroads gave the people of America an accessible way to find success. In Lowell, a small to wn outside of Boston Massachusetts, a factory was built in 1823 called â€Å"Lowell Mills. †The factory produced over one-hundred times more yards of cloth from 1815 to 1840. The social system regulated by the manufacturers was of interest to many people living in the area due to their system of wages.Lowell Mills employed mostly young women and paid them a decent salary. Though they were paid more than the average women, it was still less than most men. Women’s educational and work experience combined made them more obedient than their superiors wished, thus resulting in many women protesting the decrease in wages. Josephine L. Baker explains â€Å"the money we earn comes promptly; more so than in any other situation;†(293). The Lowell System greatly enhanced the employee to company relationship, resulting in a greater range of opportunities for women as well as increasing Americas’ cotton supply.In 1838, a man named John Deere invented the steel plow in Grand Detour, Illinois. Many farmers in the Great Plains used the device to their benefit because it quickly broke tough soil. Rich soil in the Middle West caused the wood plows to break, therefore Deere knew steel would be a good alternative. Farmers were able to provide more crops for their consumers and family. By 1855, Deere’s factory sold more than 10,000 plows. John Deere’s innovation led to a great array of farming equipment, which greatly benefited all Americans during the antebellum era.Bigger cities and the improvements in transportation attracted many immigrants to America. They saw an opportunity to make money without having to invest in any land. Many American families turned to immigrants for cheap labor during the Market Revolution as well. Neither the German or Irish were treated as equals with Americans, but the German were generally more accepted in America than the Irish. John Francis Maguire explains that Irish immigrants â€Å"were generally po or, and after defraying their first expenses on landing had little left to enable them to push their way into the country. (297). Though the immigrants were not treated fairly, they were all in search of the American dream. Many immigrants found success in America and helped revolutionize the industries during the Market Revolution. The Market Revolution made everything easier for Americans as well as gave many immigrants and women success. America showed progress in becoming a more powerful and independent nation during this period. All of America benefited from the different innovations such as the cotton gin, telegraph, and new methods of travel. It was clear that America was on the path of success.
Catherine Booth Contribution to Christianity Essay
Catherine Booth has strongly contributed to the expression and development of Christianity. Through developing the organisation The Salvation Army, Booth addressed discriminatory issues present in the Christian church such as the inequality of women and exclusion of the lower class. Booth has influenced, and still continues to influence Christian society by displaying female equality in the church, workplace and home. Her charity work through The Salvation Army altered Christianity’s perspective of assisting all people in need and not distinguishing between â€Å"deserving†and â€Å"undeserving†poor. Booth adapted her church to make it more holy, sacred and appealing to all in society, she placed emphasis on accepting the poor so that more people can go back to god. Catherine Booth influenced the Christian Church’s belief of women’s rights. During her lifetime the Christian Church believed it was heretical to allow a woman to preach and teach adults. Booth began her work preaching in her home, then teaching in the Dockland parishes of Rotherhithe and Bermondsey1, and conducting evangelistic rallies. She was convinced that women had an equal right to preach and teach. This is displayed in her brochure â€Å"Female ministry; or woman’s right to preach†where she stated â€Å"Why should a woman be confined exclusively to the kitchen and the distaff, any more than man to the field and workshop. †2 Booth also pointed out that the first people who proclaimed the news of the resurrection of Jesus were women. Therefore, due to the strong leadership roles of women in Jesus’s life, women have as much responsibility for the gospel as men. During her work of preaching, Booth received much criticism from Christians and the church, but she also challenged a lot of minds and became a role model for female ministry. Booth was a full and equal partner in establishing the well know organisation, The Salvation Army, which was initially known as The Christian Mission3. Due to her strong role in creating this charity Booth was proclaimed with the title â€Å"Mother of an Army†. Yet again, the salvation army received much censure from the government and Christian variants such as the Church of England for allowing women to have the same rights as men. Lord Shaftesbury, an evangelist and politician in her time stated Booth was an â€Å"elevation of women to man’s status†4. The impact and influence of the Salvation Army and it’s strong role of women let the Church of England to fear another schism in Christianity. When Catherine married William Booth in 1865 he initially disagreed with her beliefs of equality, especially in the church. Although, it wasn’t long before the couple announced their relationship as equal5, William even stated in relation to Catherine’s role in the Salvation Amy â€Å"the best men in my army are the women. †6 Catherine Booth was, and continues to be an example of female equality in the church, workplace and home. Her actions in the 19th century influenced further Christian developments such as the feminist theology in the 20 and 21st century. Booth’s example continues to change and develop Christian beliefs in female equality; the majority of Christian churches now express women as equal and support their contribution in religious practices. Through her strong belief and acts on social justice, Catherine Booth has developed the expression of social justice in Christianity. She displayed how normal people, normal Christians can help and impact others by adhering to the two focus’ of social justice, direct aid and raising awareness to change unjust structures. Booth has always had this passion for social justice; when she was a child playing in her yard she watched the arrest of a drunken man. Instead of running away in disgust, Booth went and kept the man company, holding his until they reached the jail7. Moral stories like Catherine’s continue to influence many people of a significant Christian belief, accepting and helping people. Through the work of the Salvation Army Booth approached the direct aid focus of social justice by establishing food for million shops and improving work conditions for women and children. She was distinct from the other charities and churches of her time, as she did not distinguish between â€Å"deserving†and â€Å"undeserving†poor. This is evident through her successful campaigns, focusing on the raising awareness area of social justice, against the use of yellow phosphorus in matching making factories. Other campaigns included the injustice of â€Å"white slavery†(prostitution of young women) which resulted in raising the age of consent from thirteen to sixteen years, and supporting the temperance society. 8 Catherine Booth stated â€Å"It is a shameful scandal on those Christians andlords who keep their tenants in buildings unfit for dogs. †9 Booth’s passion for social justice has contributed to the expression of Christianity by displaying Jesus’ love for those in need and not distinguishing between the poor. In doing so, she has also influenced the way Christianity is perceived, this is evident through the high regard w hich the Salvation Army is now perceived in wider society. Booth’s passion for social justice also developed a determination to initiate a more accepting and holy church in the Christian community. She abandoned the Christian denominations that she saw as too immutable and middle class, and reached out to those who were excluded from these churches. In the Salvation Army churches, Booth placed an emphasis on holiness and went against the use of sacraments such as communion and baptism. To promote and attract the poor and needy to the church, the salvation army used popular music and theatrical styles such as those that were used in America, this form of ministry was more accessible and appealing to the poor and lower class. 0 The result of Booth’s campaigns were shown in a 1882 survey; on one weeknight 17 000 people were recorded to be worshiping with the salvation army in comparison to 11 000 involved in ordinary church. 11 This statistic challenged other Christian variants to alter their own forms of worship. The goal of the salvation army continues to be the promotion of the Christian faith. 12 By inspiring people to go back to god, Booth remains an important figure i n Christianity. She encouraged the Christian church to accept people over all social classes into their ministry, and now in modern times the church supports and helps the unfortunate in developing their faith in god. Catherine Booth’s impact on the development and expression of Christianity was immense. The acceptance and freedom of women and the lower class in Christian society is greatly due to Catherine Booth. She still continues to influence and contribute to Christianity to this day through her past examples of female equality and social justice. The Salvation Army remains Booth’s legacy that assists all people in developing faith in god.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Ten Critical Steps for Risk Managers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Ten Critical Steps for Risk Managers - Essay Example Argentina is one of the Latin American countries which have a high political risks associated with international business. These risks affect the way international business is done between Argentina and the rest of the world.According to World Bank (2001), managing political risk and other forms of risks associated with international business is something that can be very difficult for businesses. However, experts such as Thomas Cook (2012) have provided useful information regarding the ways in which international businesses can address these issues. For a country such as Argentina, the main issue for international business people to understand is the fact that this country is not stable politically. Countries which have not matured democratically such as Argentina have more and higher political risk and it is necessary for businesses to be able to address these risks in a more serious way. The following ten steps as developed by Cook can be used to manage political risk in Argentina . The first issue to for a manager to consider is selecting a risk insurance firm which is suited to the insurance needs of the business. According to Cook (2012), it is absolutely necessary for a manager to know that the underwriters who they choose are conversant in political risks in the country. In this regard, choosing an insurance broker in Argentina will concentrate on looking for an insurance broker who critically understands the political risks in the country not only in theory but also in practice.... In buying insurance, it is always necessary to understand the nature and extent of the risk involved (Cook, 2012). In this regard, it will be increasingly necessary to understand the political risks involved in Argentina and then look for an insurance provider who will guarantee these risks. It will be necessary to look for an insurance provider who clearly understands these risks and who is able to look at the way in which the business can be shielded from this kind of risk. Thirdly, the manager should consider combining risk and covering them with one insurance policy. There are a number of risks associated with doing international business in Argentina and this will require combining risks when buying an insurance policy. In this regard, it will be necessary to understand the various risks which can be combined in order to make sure that the business is well protected. For instance, apart from political risks, there are other non-political risks which must be looked at in this reg ard, instead of having a different policy for each risk; it could be useful to have one umbrella policy which will protect the business from all the risks. Fourth, constant communication about the contract after it has been put in place is also very important. This is because Argentina’s political environment is very volatile and therefore the nature and extent of political risks in Argentina keep changing over time. Fifthly, constant review and update of the insurance contract is necessary because political risks can change with regard to which regime is in power and also depending on seasons such as the electioneering season. With a country which does not have a concrete public policy, the nature of the governance is purely
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Case study 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Case study 4 - Essay Example The need to offer new services is now paramount to the club in order to remain competitive. Adding social activities that focus on satisfying the adult population is fundamental in recruiting members. It is noted that the extent of spending power among adults is higher. However, transparency is important because club members have a feeling of attachment (Moore, 2014).Consequently, this initiative would aid the organization attain their financial objectives. With the golfing season only occupying a small period of the year, these new facilities will attract new adult members. As a result, the club will remain operational throughout the year. In addition, many adults prefer clubs that would enable them to socialize. Addition of facilities that enhance the socialization process will attract the adult population (Lee, Yao, Mizerski& Lambert, 2015). A significant proportion of adults spend most of their time advancing their careers. They have limited time with their families, especially children. Addition of children facilities would encourage these adults to come along with their families. For instance, creating children playground equipped with bouncing castles, children water sports and others resources would offer incentives for parents to come with their children to the club. Parents consider the advice of their children as important when choosing a club. If the child did not enjoy his experience in the club, chances of the parent bringing her back to the club are reduced. In some instances, provision of baby care facilities would also be an added advantage. The approach will help those parents who have meetings or want to schedule meetings in the club to do so with a surety that their children are safely. This will offer the club an avenue through which they can increase their membership (Lee, Yao, Mizerski& Lambert, 2015 ). The results of the research indicate that the dissatisfaction rate was a major concern for the club. The rate of
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Marijuana- illegal or legal What is best for Hawaii Research Paper
Marijuana- illegal or legal What is best for Hawaii - Research Paper Example It was also commonly used as an intoxicant in this period. However, a campaign by the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, portraying it as an addictive and powerful substance that acted as a gateway drug led to its illegalization. It became a symbol of authority rebellion for hippies and college students in the 60s. Along with LSD and heroin, marijuana was classified as a schedule 1 drug in 1970 through the Controlled Substances Act, which classed it as possessing high potential; for abuse with no accepted use in medicine. The Bush and Reagan â€Å"zero tolerance†era saw the passage of strict regulations and sentences for marijuana possession and increased surveillance of cross-border smuggling (Joffe & Yancy 637). This brought a shift to reliance on domestic marijuana cultivation in California and Hawaii. However, expanded crackdowns saw another shift towards indoor growing; leading to a decade of falling marijuana use. However, its use saw a revival in the 90s, which l eveled off in the 2000s. Where We Are Today In Hawaii With Marijuana? On 8th March, 2011, the state senate passed five bills related to marijuana. Senate Bill 58 increased marijuana amounts that an individual could carry to allow them carry 5 ounces or grow 10 plants at any given time (Cooper & Daws 276). The bill was also meant to protect the confidentiality of patients and address issues concerning marijuana transport. Bill 113, in turn, provided for a marijuana research program of three years, which would be conducted in Hawaii involving local marijuana users and qualified researchers. Bill 175, should it be passed into law, would see a shift in authority of marijuana laws to the Health Department from the Public Safety Department. Bill 1458 aims to create three class levels for licensing purposes: the first is â€Å"compassion centers that will be responsible for the dispensation of marijuana, the second for cultivation centers, and the third for the sale of infused marijuana ( Cooper & Daws 279). One of the most essential steps towards marijuana legalization is Bill 1460, which seeks to decriminalize any amount of marijuana that is less than one ounce. The bill also proposes that requirements that currently call for reporting of students in possession of marijuana be cancelled if they are caught in possession of less than an ounce of marijuana (Cooper & Daws 280). The five bills in the Senate are widely supported with two among them seeing unanimous approval with the other three facing a maximum of two no votes. These bills are expected to continue towards House approval. According to a number of senators, the economic conditions, money spent on arrests, drastic debts in the state, and the proven effects of medical marijuana make it high time to learn from the decriminalization in Colorado. In addition, if law enforcement and state government should put their efforts towards proper taxation, rather than prosecuting and prohibiting distributors, growers, a nd users so as to provide revenue that is required to improve the debt in the state (Cooper & Daws 281). The recent support given by senate is a sign that this is agreed on by a majority of the senators. Marijuana as a Legal Drug Uses of Marijuana There are various methods of marijuana administration, such as smoking of dried buds, vaporizing, taking capsules, and eating or drinking extracts
Monday, August 26, 2019
Multicultural Issues in Human Communication Essay
Multicultural Issues in Human Communication - Essay Example The fact is that many African American students are facing academic problems due to their inability to speak and fully comprehend standard English and, therefore, the use of AAVE as a language of instruction during the transitional stage towards learning standard English, will improve the academic performance of these students and teach them standard English fluency. There are several dialect within American English. As Pei (1958) explains, the coexistance of two or more languages, each fulfilling different purposes, or the same one, is as old as language itself. According to Pei (1958), AAVE is the most widely spoken of these dialects in the United States and its use, as a tool in language instruction, will not threaten Standard English. Indeed, the use of Ebonics as a language of instruction in the transitional stage towards teaching African American students fluency in Standard English, will strengthen, and not threaten, the linguistic unity in the United States. ... The implication here is that the adoption of AAVE will not threaten standard English but can positively contribute to the acquisition of fluency in it. The academic performance of African American students illustrates that there is linguistic disunity in the United States. This can be solved through the use of AAVE as a tool for eliminating the language barriers that exist between blacks and whites. AAVE will not only improve the Standard English linguistic skills of African American students, leading to better academic performance but, will give white teachers the ability to understand their black students as students and not as black students, distinguished from the whites by more than colour. The social psychologists, Williams and Whitehead (1973) have observed that African American children are stereotyped according to whether they speak AAVE or Standard English, creating a communication problem between the student and the teacher. The teacher is unable to objectively evaluate the child and the child becomes nonresponsive to the teacher. As Williams and Whitehead (1973) report subjects listened to dialogues spoken in different d ialects and described the personality of the speaker accordingly. Non-English, or non-standard English speakers were given negative personality characteristics. The authors argue that it is, therefore, important to teach teachers what AAVE is and to help them understand it as a valid dialect and not jump to the conclusion that those who speak it are of poor intelligence, come from poor backgrounds, live in violent neighborhoods and are not very interested in school. Williams and Whitehead (1973) also point out that this attitude is clearly communicated to the African American students and becomes an obstacle to academic
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The New Deal and the Great Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The New Deal and the Great Society - Essay Example Roosevelt believed that other matters were far more important than racial discrimination. Never willing to lose the support of Southern Congressional Democrats, he declined to support legislation making lynching a crime, while denouncing lynching in his speeches. He declined to advocate banning the poll tax, used by southern whites to deny the vote to southern blacks. He refused to use the relief agencies to challenge local patterns of discrimination; the NRA tolerated widespread practices of paying blacks less than whites, blacks were largely excluded from employment in the TVA; the FHA refused to provide mortgages to blacks moving into white neighborhoods; and the AAA was ineffectual in protecting the interest of black share croppers and tenant farmers. Some liberal historians argue that the New Deal laid the groundwork for the â€Å"broker state†to be expanded a generation later, mostly through the work of the next wave of liberal reform – the civil rights movement and the Great Society – to embrace groups marginalized in the 1930’s – however, many African American historians insist that the civil rights movement owed everything to black activists and very little to the New Deal. Roosevelt was an idealist with a vision. He promised the American people a New Deal, but when he took office during his first term, he had no idea what that New Deal would consist of. He knew the American people were in dire need of relief, and this could only be brought about through recovery, and that all aspects of the American system were in need of reform. need of reform. As a consequence, his initial foundation was premised on what has become known as the three R's.The first effort which he embarked upon was the providing of relief. Taking the remnants of an old Hoover program; the federal Emergency Relief Administration, which was a work relief program, Roosevelt scrapped what he considered to be viable and to it he added the civilian conservation corps. He added auxiliary programs i.e., Works Progress Administration, and beginning in 1935, he introduced his most long standing and beneficial social security and unemployment insurance programs. It was obvious that rural America, albeit suffering from the same
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Decrease childhood obesity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Decrease childhood obesity - Research Paper Example Unfortunately, the study has it that child obesity can lead to depression and poor self-esteem. Statistically, according to US’s department of health, there is a dramatic increase in number of children suffering from obesity. Considerably, it is noted that almost ten percent of children aged four and five are overweight, and the above number is double to that of twenty years ago. The research argues that obesity is a gender related disorder where, girls are the ones who suffer obesity more compared to boys. It is agreed that childhood obesity is an alarming disorder that needs immediate action. Therefore, to decrease childhood obesity, it is pertinent for all schools in the US to incorporate salad bars into the children’s lunch program. In so doing, those children will be able to access fresh vegetables and fruits, which in turn will develop healthier life from long eating habits (Linsley, Kane, & Owen, 2011.p.81). This essay tactically illustrates the policy recommendations for obesity in children, obesity regulations program and the US federal laws, assumptions and pertinent secondary recommendations to mention but a few, all converging to the childhood obesity issue. ... Although the shift may seem small, the size of the sample collected for the study makes it significant. Notably it is unbelievable to realize that each percent stated above points for almost 26,700 in the population study, which are either extremely obese or no longer obese. Forcibly, the Obama’s administration involving in the fight for obesity in children shows the severity of the disease among the US children who live in poverty. First lady Obama Michele has tirelessly fought the eradication of poverty through her message involving not only healthier diet but also physical activities. According to recent research, it is pertinent to note that the new trends in obesity levels indicate a modest progress of prevention of obesity in young children. The above study is pertinent for the implications of health risks for extreme obesity and obesity in young children. Therefore, the above passage outlines the importance of tackling obesity in children by the US government. It is evi dent that obesity can to some extent affect the young US generation undesired diseases that were supposedly to be for adults. Policy Recommendations for childhood obesity Controlling and preventing childhood obesity requires a multifaceted and wide programs staged by the communities as well as formulation of policies where parent will play a vital or critical roles. Pertinently one of the important elements that can regulate obesity involves the parents. Here, the children’s behaviors are affected by the eating habits of the parents, level of education as well as physical education. According to the study, it is noted that parents are role models and they influence to some extend the physical
Friday, August 23, 2019
Business Plan to Sell Oil Rigs in MENA Region Essay
Business Plan to Sell Oil Rigs in MENA Region - Essay Example However, the success rate of a new business is expected remain high, if entrepreneurs is able to develop a realistic and achievable business plan by analysing and assessing the associated risk and by framing a set of effective and plausible strategies. This paper will present a brief business that will include product and company features, market and cost analysis with project timeline of the start up business. 2. Product Feature and its Advtantage The product is the start business is the oil rig machines which are basically a drilling machine to explore the underground oil and natural gas. These machines are huge in size that creates hole within the Earth. Oil rigs are installed and used at site where oil is supposed o deposited under the ground. Generally, the oil rigging machines are available in different sizes run by any of the one power system i.e. diesel engines or electrical generators. The oil rig offered by the new start up venture will be very help for the oil exploring co mpanies as it will be able to run on both types of power system in accordance to the available resources. Besides, its new technology used for rotation system and for circulation system will be very cost effective as installation cost will be very low and will be quite productive in term of its cost including its maintenance cost and power cost. 3. Company Description and Formation The name of the new start up company is OilTech Pvt. Ltd and it will be engaged in the manufacturing and selling of the newly develop oil rigging machines. Primarily, OilTech will be based in MENA region and will also be situated in this region as a large number of buyers will be available in this region. OilTech Pvt. Ltd will be formed by joint venture with an existing engineering company who is engaged in manufacturing of the heavy engineering products. OilTech and engineering-based company will have 40% stake each and rest 20% of the capital will obtained through loans from banks or other sources. Cert ain amount of loan will be very helpful in tax benefits and higher return on equity. Joint venture with engineering-based company will very helpful for the OilTech as it will be able to use the technological expertise. 4. Market Analysis and Target Market MENA region includes the Middle East and North African countries and these countries are highly enriched with mineral oils and gas. The most of these countries are oil-based economies and hence, a large of buyer of oil rigging machines will be available. However, market competition this region is expected to remain high as a number of oil drilling company companies and seller of oil drilling or rigging are present. Moreover, many oil and natural gas producer companies buys the oil drilling machines from the other countries like China, Germany, U.S. etc. Some of the potential and key competitors for OilTech are Allegheny Crane, Focus Oil Tools, Korea National Oil Corp, Parker Drilling, Proforma Safety LLC etc. These competitors also offer services for oil drilling and maintenance services to the oil exploring companies (Rigzone, â€Å"Website Listings†). OilTech is newly formed company and hence, it will enter in the market by targeting the small oil and gas producing companies. Considering the features of the product offered by OilTech will be low cost and will also incurs lower maintenance cost that strives to add value to profitability and efficiency. With the increasing demand of the oil and gas in the World economy, the demand of the oil drilling
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Critique One Empirical Article Relating to Adult Education
Critique One Empirical Relating to Adult Education - Article Example Winn et al. (2006) wanted to test if two reading strategies applied to children and adolescents can also be used to improve the reading fluency of adult learners. Fluent reading is a skill in rapid and accurate reading (p.196). The researchers recognized the gap in adult education research in the context of fluent reading and believed that K-12 research can help provide teaching tools, when research on adult education strategies and practices is lacking. They hypothesized that it is important to enhance reading fluency, because this can also increase the preference for reading (p.197). They stated that non-fluent readers are less motivated, have less cognitive resource management success, and have weaker reading reinforcement; thus, it is critical to enhance reading fluency, so that comprehension skill and probability of reading among adults can also be improved (p.197). The study used three reading strategies: 1) controlled, 2) repeated reading (RR) and 3) listening while reading (LWR). The research design was an experimental design with a comparison made between pre and post-results. Their sampling included twelve (12) participants, who studied literacy skills in an adult education center. The dependent variables were words read correctly per minute and errors per minute (EPM). Researchers collected the baseline data for reading fluency using the 1996 Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE). Findings showed that RR and LWR conditions showed higher scores in WCPM than the control condition. Errors per minute were lower in RR condition than control and LWR conditions. Furthermore, WCPM scores were higher when RR and LWR conditions were used. There were also no differences in words correct per minute using the LWR and RR conditions. Within subject comparisons of WCPM across LWR, RR, and control conditions showed greater reading fluency under LWR and RR conditions. Hence, RR and LWR both enhanced reading fluency more than the control condition. 3. Implications for Education The information in this article can be used by educators to improve adult education, because it underlines the importance of testing successful teaching strategies in the adult sector, using children or adolescent educational theories and research, it provided practical measures for improving reading fluency among adult learners, and it demonstrated the need for greater research on adult education literacy skills. First, this study showed that successful adult teaching strategies can be based on children or adolescent educational theories and research, although with some modifications. For instance, the topics of the reading materials were based on the interests of the adults, since this can improve the probability of reading. Second, the study gave practical tools and strategies for enhancing reading fluency among adult learners. RR and LWR conditions already h ave step-by-step procedures that can be easily applied to adult learning settings. These steps were also simple and feasibly applied for resource-stricken and time-limited adult education programs and centers. Third, the study recognized the gap in adult education research, such as lack of reading strategy studies for adult students. This points the direction for future studies, which include identification and evaluation of existing reading fluency
The Role of Leaders in Criminal Justice Essay Example for Free
The Role of Leaders in Criminal Justice Essay Criminal justice is a system in which legislations and organizations are enacted to maintain social order and punish violators of the law. It is a field of criminology involving the study of crime including causes, criminal behavior and other aspects of it (Nuocleous, 2004, pp 93-94). It is composed of law enforcement, courts and corrections. Although criminal justice is inclined more into the legislative body, leaders in its role in governance, contributes greatly in prevention of crime. Leaders should be empowered in order to administer justice to prevent crime (Tshehla, 2005, p 1). However, given this important role of leaders in crime prevention, there are organizational conflicts between or among municipalities or amongst the people themselves. An example of this is the conflict that usually arises between a community leader and his local councilor for instance. This usually happens because of the overlapping roles in the absence of concrete guidelines that will distinguish the tasks that one must undertake. Because of this, the two parties see each other as a constant hindrance in undertaking their jobs. This also mainly causes leaders to be hesitant in getting themselves involved in the operational and technical side of crime prevention (Tshehla, 2005, pp 3-6). Given the importance of both parties in the effectiveness of crime prevention, leaders and their legislative counterparts should have a clear understanding of the roles that they are ought to play to be able to efficiently cater to the needs of the community that they are serving. Communication among leaders, their legislative counterparts and the police sector must first and foremost be given adequate importance to become effective law enforcers. References: Neocleous, Mark (2004). Fabricating Social Order: A Critical History of Police Power. London: Pluto Press, ISBN. Tshehla, Boyane. 2005. Traditional leaders’ role in justice and crime prevention. Published for Institute for Security Studies.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Chronic Urinary Tract Infections Treatment Case Nursing Essay
Chronic Urinary Tract Infections Treatment Case Nursing Essay RP, a 72-year-old Caucasian female, was brought to the emergency room (E.R) from Hillcrest Adult Foster Care via ambulance. Preadmission report to F-300 stated that she came to E.R confused, lethargic and weak, complaining of acute pain upon urination. She also urinated small amounts ( Upon arrival to F-300 RPs labs revealed significantly lowered thyroid stimulation hormone (TSH), a lowered red blood cell (RBC) count, along with decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit (HH). Her white blood (WBC) count was elevated, as expected with a urinary tract infection (UTI). Primary Diagnosis and Priority Secondary diagnosis The primary medical diagnosis was chronic urinary tract infections, with a secondary diagnosis of hypothyroidism. Patient History RP has a history of chronic UTIs, hypothyroidism, chronic kidney disease (stage III), and chronic anemia. She has several admissions the past few months related mainly to UTIs and dehydration. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY/ETILOGY OF THE PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS AND PRIORITY SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS UTIs are the results of infection, mainly from bacteria, fungi, viruses, or parasites. This leads to a condition referred to as cystitis (inflammation of the bladder). Most common of the UTIs are from infection known as infectious cystitis. A bacterium, the most common cause of infectious cystitis, is from the external urethra, this spreads inwards to the bladder (distal to proximal). Once a bacterium migrates to the bladder and starts the process of growing, it can migrate to other parts of the body (Ignatavicius Workman, 2006). UTIs present with symptoms that include frequency, urgency, retention, burning, foul odor, and incontinence. According to Wikipedia, four stages must be met in order for bacteria to grow. These include an infectious agent, one that must be able to grow, multiply and enter the body. Once we have the agent, the bacteria must find a portal of entry, (how it enters the body). Once in the body it needs an adequate reservoir, a place where organisms can thrive and multiply and the susceptibility of host, how bacteria affects the body after entry. Determents include age, overall health and other co-morbidities of the host and the susceptibility to pathogens. Most UTIs first grow in the perineal area due to irritation; in RPs case this may have been caused by lack of personal hygiene due to being overly fatigued, brought on by her hypothyroidism. Minton (2009) stated, Thyroid is the most important hormone in the body. Because it stimulates the production of cellular energy, production of all other hormones will be negatively impacted when thyroid hormone levels are less than optimal. Every aspect of health is affected by low thyroid function. Hypothyroidism is signaled by fatigue and loss of energy. According to textbook, hypothyroidism is the result of decreased metabolism from low levels of thyroid hormones (THs). Low levels of THs may be a result of several different reasons: thyroid cells may fail to produce sufficient amounts, or the cells themselves are damaged. The patient may not be ingesting enough of the substances needed to make THs, especially iodide and tyrosine. Low levels of THs affect most tissue and organs causing decreased cellular energy. The patient could become confused, lethargic, and have slowing of intellectual functions. ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL IMPACT OF RELEVANT MEDICAL HISTORY ON THE PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS AND PRIORITY SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS RP has a history of chronic UTIs that has caused numerous admits to the hospital over the last few months. UTIs that are left untreated may and can cause damage to the kidneys and start the process of renal failure. Chronic infection of the kidneys causes scar tissue, which decreases the function of the renal system. With renal failure, the body cannot rid itself of certain toxins that may contribute to UTIs. Chronic UTIs may lead to chronic pyelonephritis, repeated upper tract infection of bacteria that migrates from the bladder superior (toward the kidney) to the kidneys. RPs diagnosis of chronic renal failure may be heightened by the chronic UTIs. Hypothyroidism and anemia, that cause fatigue and loss of energy, will discourage you from providing adequate hygiene. This encourages bacterial growth, which may start the chain of events leading up to a UTI. RP resides at an extended care facility that may not have adequate staff to assure that she receives the necessary amounts of iodide and tyrosine needed stimulate TH production. She is also very confused which would decrease her understanding of the importance of proper nutritional intake. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT: CHRONIC URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS And Hypothyroidism A urine sample must be obtained either by a clean catch method or if client unable, by straight catheter method. A catheter method was used on RP, due to her confusion and retention. Urinalysis testing for leukocyte esterase (n=negative) and nitrate (n=none), along with a WBC (n= 0-4) are specifically for diagnosis of a UTIs (Mosbys 2006). Normal urine should appear clear with a yellow tint present (Mosbys 2006). A noticeable smell should not be present in uninfected urine; RPs urine had a pungent odor noted. RPs leukocyte esterase was 3+ and her nitrate was positive. WBCs were to numerous to count. These results determined that RP did have a UTI. Blood work was noted that RPs thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) was 0.05 (n=2-10). This confirmed the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. NURSING MANAGEMENT: URINARY TRACT INFECTION Recommended textbook intervention is to monitor for signs of UTIs. This includes, but not limited to: frequency, urgency, dysuria, incontinence, pyuria. In some older adults the only sign may be an increase in mental confusion or frequent, unexplained falls. RP was on Q-4 hour vital sign assessment, paying close attention to any increase in temperature and/or heart rate. The patient remained afebrile throughout admission. Heart rate remained between 80-90 beats per minute. Respiratory rate remained between 16-20 breaths per minute. Due to her confusion, bed alarms and padded side rails were used. She had a high fall risk assessment; therefore fall risk precautions were implemented upon admission. She was placed on strict intake and output (IO), and her fluids were monitored. She was instructed to drink required amount of fluid per day (1500ml). Staff member offered bedside commode every two hours to encouraging voiding. She and family members were informed as to the importance of RP to remain dry. This will limit the environmental factors needed for bacterial growth. RN (preceptor) communicated with adult foster care on the needs of the client after discharge. Lab results were also monitored closely for any change that would indicate worsening infection. PHARMACOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT: URINARY TRACT INFECTION AND HYPOTHYROIDISM Textbook recommends medications that treat bacteria and the promotion of client comfort. Cure is dependent on the antibiotic level achieved in the urine. Long-term antibiotic therapy is recommended for chronic UTIs (Ignatavicius Workman, 2006). RP received, via intravenous therapy (IV), Azactam (antibiotic) per Dr. order, to treat her infection. Paroxetine mesylate (antianxiety agent, antidepressant) 30 mg by mouth daily, used to decrease anxiety. Also given Levothyroxine (hormone) as a thyroid supplement. PROVIDER AND MANAGER ROLE: NURSING CARE PLAN Priority Nursing Diagnosis P Impaired urinary elimination R Incontinence due to urinary tract infection C Acute lower tract pain 7/10 upon urination, Priority Patient Goal The patient will be able to state absence of pain or excessive urination by discharge AEB: Pain upon urination 0/10, Decreased urge to void, Empting bladder completely Three Priority Nursing Interventions The nurse will monitor patient for incomplete emptying of bladder by using bladder scan post void. The nurse will encourage patient to drink water at each meal. The nurse will instruct patient on the signs and symptoms of a urinary tract infection. Evaluation of Progress toward Patient Goal The patient was able to recite some signs of UTIs to nurse. She recognized pain on urination and foul odor as signs of an infection. The patient was reluctant to drink water at any one time. She continued to have incontinent periods, but this was less frequent on day of discharge. The patient partially met the goals put forth for her. PROVIDER AND MANAGER ROLE Member of the discipline and the Role of the Multi-Disciplinary Team As a member of the discipline I was inclined to have verbal interactions with the ER staff before RP had arrived to F-300. Consulted with housekeeping to assure the RPs room was cleaned and ready for admission. Ward clerk assured that tests were ordered. Dietician was consulted to help with nutritional needs. Discharged planner made transportation arrangement to return patient to long care facility. Social worker discussed local community resources of support with the family. Provider of Care Role As provider of care for this patient, I kept this patient cleaned and dry when incontinent. I utilized the fall risk precautions to provided safety. Implemented steps to encourage patient to accept and understand a bladder training routine. Monitored patient labs and reported abnormal results to the doctor. Manager of Care Role As manager of care I evaluated the client for her fall risk and implemented fall risk precautions. Delegated the placement of bed alarms and tabs to the LPN assigned to us. My preceptor and I discussed the possible ways to teach client prevention of developing UTIs. Collaborated with nursing home staff on ways to improve clients care at extended care facility. Growth in the Manager of Care Role In completing these tasks I was able to see the complete picture of the patient. I was educated on the disease process and the effect other co-morbidities had on providing an environment that encourages an infection. In caring for RP I was able to developed and strengthen my delegating skills, learning to rely on others and not solely on myself.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Benefits Of A Fixed Term Deposit Account Marketing Essay
Benefits Of A Fixed Term Deposit Account Marketing Essay The purpose of this document is to propose a solution in order to increase the customer term deposit balances by 20. This brief contains an about the company section, marketing objective, the campaign objective, who are the target audience of such a product, explanation of the product, how the product can be distributed, our competition, USP, key messages, deliverables, timing and budget. About the company Customers choice bank was set up in 1990. Our vision is to become one of the best banks compared to other local banks in Malta. We are dedicated to giving an efficient and excellent service to our customers by helping them discover the best solutions to their financial requirements. Our bank offers products such as home loans, personal loans, internet banking, deposit accounts, financial planning, corporate financial services, life assurances, retirement plan and more. Therefore we target people who are personal and also those who have a business. We already succeeded in a campaign before which was about internet banking and our aim was to attract 10% of our existing customers to start using internet banking. We are looking forward to succeed in other future campaigns. Marketing objective To increase customer term deposit balances by 20% in 3 months. The campaign objective The campaign must: 1. Create impact, and raise awareness of the bank as a term deposit provider. 2. Promote the benefits of the term-deposit product. 3. Educate the customers as to the benefits of the maturity of the term deposit. 4. Provide 5,000 leads for sales consultants to contact regarding this product. 5. Result in 2,000 term deposit sales which is an increase of 20% in customer term deposits. Target audience The customers we should be targeting are both female and male, aged over 18 years. They should have at least à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1000 to open the term deposit account. Personal customers who have a long term surplus liquidity may want to benefit from the interest rates of this term deposit product. The Product à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1000 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬4999 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬5000 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬24999 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬25000+ 2 years 3% p.a 4.15% p.a 4.30% p.a 3 years 3.10% p.a 4.40% p.a 4.60% p.a 4 years 3.30% p.a 4.60% p.a 4.80% p.a 5 years 4.20% p.a 5.10% p.a 5.20% p.a 6 years 4.50% p.a 5.30% p.a 5.50% p.a 7 years 4.80% p.a 5.50% p.a 6.00% p.a 8 years 5% p.a 6.00% p.a 6.50% p.a 9 years 5.50% p.a 6.50% p.a 7.00% p,a 10 years 6% p.a 7.00% p.a 7.50% p.aWe are offering a fixed term deposit product named Customers Choice Term Deposit that its interest rate is better than all of our competitors fixed term deposit interest rates. With a term deposit, a customer can invest his or her surplus liquidity in this account in order to gain interest upon maturity which depends according to how much money the client invested in it and for how many years the client chooses to put them for. The interest rate gets higher, the longer the client chooses to invest it for and the more there is money invested in it. This product should be only offered to people of 18 years or older with a surplus of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1000 or more. Below, one can see our proposed fixed term deposit product: A customer may choose from a fixed term between 2 years and 10 years and will receive an interest on his/her money invested according to the amount of money invested. Benefits of a fixed term-deposit account: A customer will be able to earn a higher interest rate from a term-deposit account than from the usual savings account. Less risky than investing in property and/or shares. No fees are involved if the customer breaks the term. Compound interest can be gained. Features of a fixed term-deposit account: The customer applying for a term-deposit account must be at least 18 years of age. The minimum requirement is à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1000. There is no maximum limit. Interest will be gained when the term deposit account matures or paid annually into a savings account. Terms and conditions (see Appendix 1). Distribution This product can be purchased from a branch network, through a third party broker, via telephone directly from the provider or via internet by applying from the banks website. The competition We have 10 competitors which are APS bank, Banif Bank, Bank of Valletta, FIM Bank, HSBC, Lombard, Mediterranean bank, Nemea bank, FCM bank and IIG bank. By comparing our proposed product to similar products offered by other organisations (see Appendix 2), one can see that our product was made to be better than our competitors similar products. APS bank is offering a range of fixed time periods of 1month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years and 5 years. Banif bank is offering a 3-Year Flexi Term deposit account that gives the customer the interest rate of 3.15% per annum for a 3-year term while the customers can still withdraw the funds before the maturity day. Bank of Valletta is offering a range of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years and 5 years fixed term deposit account for customers who make a minimum deposit of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬200 into the fixed term deposit account. FIM bank is offering a fixed term deposit account periods of 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and 3 years for customers who make a minimum deposit of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬25000. HSBC bank is offering a fixed term deposit account period of 7 days, 1month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years and 5 years for customers who make a minimum deposit of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1000. Lombard bank is offering a fixed term deposit account of 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 2 years and 3 years for customers with a minimum deposit of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬10000. Lombard bank also offers the 5 Xtra and 7 Xtra fixed term deposit accounts which are a 5 year term and 7 year term fixed term deposit accounts respectively. Mediterranean bank is offering a 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years and 5 years fixed term deposit accounts for customers who make a minimum deposit of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬5000. Nemea bank is offering a 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 18 months, 2 years, 3 years or 5 years fixed deposit account for customers who make a minimum deposit of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬10000. FCM bank is offering a 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years or 5 year fixed term deposit account for customers who make a minimum deposit of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬2000. IIG bank is offering a 3 year term deposit account with an interest rate of 4.65% payable or compounded quarterly, half yearly or annually for customers who make a minimum deposit of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬25000. USP Our fixed term deposit account has the best interest rates in the whole market. Together with this account, we are offering a free credit card, a free debit card and the opportunity to use internet banking for free to customers so that customers can check the bank accounts that they have with us. Key messages The product has attractive interest rates. The product is easy to attain It is a product that many clients require but many have not yet bought. Overall the product offering should be seen as being a quality product that is customer-focused and therefore giving a good return rate for the deposits that customers put in their fixed term deposit account, which is all offered by a name that a customer can trust. Deliverables We require a promotional campaign which is to include branch advertising, newspaper advertising, direct mail and PR. You are expected to deliver the following: A strong consumer message 2 posters to use as in branch displays 1200 A5 flyers to be distributed in peoples homes around the banks area A newspaper advertisement to use in the national press for 3 months A fulfillment pack consisting of a product brochure, terms and conditions and an application form. Television advertisement A mailing pack including a brochure, terms and conditions and an application form for mailing existing clients of the organisation. Extra brochures for new customers in branches who are interested in similar products. Recommendations for PR activity. Timing The marketing campaign will be running from the beginning of March till the end of May. The design of the newspaper, posters, brochures and flyers takes 3 days to finish and it will begin on the 1st of March and end on the 3rd of march. The design of the television advert and the billboard advert will take 4 days to be completed and it will begin on the 1st of March and end on the 4th of March. The printing of the posters, brochures and flyers will only take one day and therefore the printing will begin from the 4th of March till the 5th of March. The posters can be set up in the in-branch displays from 6th March till the 31st of May. The flyers could start to be distributed in homes on the 6th of March while the brochures could start to be put together with the terms and conditions and the application forms to use them as mailing and fulfillment packs. The newspaper advert could be shown from the 4th of March onwards every Sunday for 3 months (that is for 24 days). The billboard could be set up on the 5th of March till the 28th of May (that is for 84 days since every b illboard can be rented for 28 days). The television advert will be shown every Saturday and Sunday for three months starting on the 5th of March and ending on the 31st of May. All bus advertisements can be set up on the 1st day of March till the 31st of May. Budget The budget is à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬45000. The budget is divided between the campaign budget and the marketing agency fee. The campaign budget is à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬34265.03 and the marketing agency fee is à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬6046.77 for a total of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬40311.8. [see Appendix 3 and 4]
Monday, August 19, 2019
Kosovo - East Timor :: essays research papers
Kosovo      I believe the Church would recognize the conflict in Kosova as a moral action. In the eyes of the church the situation in Kosova met the required criteria, and has turned to war to solve its political crisis.      There is real danger involved, since it involves thousands people, and thousands of innocent lives. The Albanians turned to war as a self-defense when the Yugoslav authorities began with beatings, arrests, and violence among the Albanians ever since they declared independence after the sovereignty referendum. The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) decided to take military actions to achieve their independence.      Many actions were taken to try to resolve the problem without violence. NATO bomb threats forced the sides to try and work out a solution. Attempts were made to try and solve this in a political way but many politicians were killed or kidnapped in the doing. Little progress was made and talks fell apart and started a military war again. It was the last resort to end the struggle between these two sides.      The Albanians wanted to achieve their independence through other means than violence but they believed it was the only approach to achieve it. Since the Yugoslav government wouldn’t compromise and was only killing the Albanian people, the KLA had no other choice but to defend themselves and try to gain their freedom.      The odds of success are much greater than the human cost of the war. There has been involved of other nations, which has calmed down the violence. Also a cease-fire agreement was signed which stopped most firearm violence.      In my opinion, the Yugoslav government should acknowledge their independence and settle an agreement with the Albanians. They won the referendum, and they should be allowed to separate. It’s moral of them to fight for their rights and their country’s freedom. East Timor      There is a major conflict in East Timor between Indonesia. The Indonesian army invaded East Timor and has occupied it for more than 25 years. This has caused a great deal of violence between the settlers and the Timorese. More than one-third of the population (approx. 200,000) has died due to disease, starvation or murder. There has been an endless struggle to regain its land and freedom. Many peaceful demonstrations have ended up in bloody massacres, with deaths and unexplainable disappearances of citizens. Also, several political leaders have been arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment for leading the movement of independence in the land of East Timor.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Ludwig Van Beethoven :: essays research papers
Education in general and in music Beethoven came from a musical family, and his early musical training was under his father's guidance. His father taught him piano and violin. His general education was not continued beyond the elementary school. He was practically illiterate in math. II. Self assertion As a youth of 19, in 1789, Beethoven took legal steps to have himself placed at the head of his family. He petitioned for half his father's salary to support his brothers. This act of self-assertion is an indication of his character. III. Studies with Haydn A. The first contact On one of Haydn's trips to London, he met the young Beethoven. Beethoven showed Haydn a cantata and he received Haydn's commendation. The Elector of Bonn paid for Beethoven's lessons and expences in to study with Haydn in Vienna. B. The studies Beethoven arrived in Vienna in 1792 and studied with Haydn for about one year. The arrangement proved to be a dissappointment to Beethoven. C. The relationship Outwardly in public the two were cordial, but there were troubles with the relationship--maybe professional jealousy caused the problems. D. Other teachers Beethoven turned to other teachers when Haydn went to London for the second time. He studied with Albrechtsberger, famous as a choir director at St. Stephens in Vienna and the best-known counterpoint teacher in Vienna. He then studied Salieri, famous in Mozart's biography. Salieri helped Beethoven in setting Italian words to music. IV. Establishment as pianist and composer His first task in Vienna was to establish himself as pianist and composer. He achieved both rapidly. A. Aristocracy He had worked for a court in Bonn so his first contacts were in aristocratic circles. He needed financial support from them. B. Public concerts Public concerts were not yet the way of life in Vienna, but Beethoven did begin a series of charity concerts. Later in 1800 he gave his first concert for his own benefit. C. Opus 1 His opus 1, Trios for Piano Violin and Cello, were designed to impress Viennese society. Each trio is in 4 movements. Beethoven created parity among the instruments in these trios. V. Brothers and Nephew A. Fighting with brothers All three brothers lived in Vienna and they often "came to blows" in the street. B. Fighting for nephew After his brother Carl died in 1815 Beethoven felt responsible for his nephew Karl.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Phyllis Hunter on Reading Rockets: Reaction Paper
Reaction Paper to Phyllis Hunter on Reading Rockets The podcast of Phyllis Hunter on Reading Rockets: Meet the Experts titled Teaching Reading demonstrated the importance of teaching children to read right the first time. According to Hunter (2008) reading is the first civil right because without being able to read well and strategically, one is unable to access his or her other civil rights and that teaching children to read is a schools first mission. Children need to be reading at grade level or above before completing the third grade (Hunter, 2008). I agree with Hunter’s statement that good is not good enough when we can do better. Teaching children to read is one area where we cannot afford to settle for good, we must strive for best. Reading is a fundamental skill that is necessary for all future learning. Hunter (2008) discussed the need to use the research and not teach with the method that he or she feels is the right thing. Teachers need to be able to read and evaluate research to find what will be of value and has creditable in classroom instruction. Teachers must be committed to being a lifelong learner. Learning must then be incorporated into the classroom teaching practices. Stanovich & Stanovich (2003) contend that â€Å"scientific research about what works does not usually find its way into most classrooms. †Teachers must be committed to making proven methods a part of their daily instruction techniques. According to Hunter (2008) the best schools use the proven research methods in their classroom. Taylor (2002) referenced the following characteristics of teachers who are effective in teaching children to read: Maintaining instructional balance, spark higher-level thinking by discussing what was read, teach how to transfer skills and strategies to independent reading, coaching as children are reading and writing, foster a sense of responsibility in children for their own learning, provide motivating instruction with many opportunities for reading and writing, teachers have high expectations that their pupils can do well, manage their classroom, foster strong parent relationships. If one agrees with Hunter that our children deserve the best in reading education, then one must develop the best characteristics in ones teaching style. Just as it is best to teach reading right the first time, it is best to start out on the right path using proven methods than to try to correct latter. References Hunter Phyllis, (2008). Phyllis Hunter (Teaching Reading). Reading Rockets present Meet the Experts. Retrieved September 2, 2008, from http://www. readingrockets. org/podcasts/experts Taylor, B. M. (2002). Characteristics of teachers that are effective in teaching all children to read. National Education Association. Retrieved September 2, 2008. Stanovich, P. J. , & Stanovich, K. E. (2003). Using Research and Reason in Education. National Institute for Literacy. Retrieved September 2, 2008, from http://www. nifl. gov/partnershipforreading/
Friday, August 16, 2019
Journey of Ancient Architecture: St. Peter’s Square
Journey of Ancient Architecture Ancient Roman Piazza Did Pieta Piazza Did Pieta = SST. Pewter's Square Figure 1 :SST. Pewter's Square Top View Basic Information Location: Vatican City Figure 2:Flag of Vatican City Year consecrated: 1626 Architect(s): 1 . Donate Aberrant 2. Antonio dad Seasonal the Younger 3. Michelangelo 4. Capo Borzoi dad Avignon 5. Giaconda Della Porto 6. Carlo Modern 7. Giant Lorenz Bernie Architectural style : Renaissance and Baroque Groundbreaking: 18 April 1506 Completed: 18 November 1626 Figure 3:Map of Vatican City Figure 4:Mussolini's approach to SST PetersFigure 5:Mussolini's approach to SST Peters SST. Pewter's Two rows of houses were demolished by Mussolini in 1936 to build this boulevard from Piazza San Pitter across the Tiber River to the center of Rome. This was said to be Mussolini's symbolic way of honoring the â€Å"conciliation†between the Vatican and the Italian government. Figure 6:SST. Peter Piazza Figure 7:SST. Peter Piazza Every Sunday at noon, people gather to recite the Angelus and receive the Pope's blessing from his window. * built by Bernie between 1657-1667 * SST.Pewter's Square has the shape of an immense ellipse, 320 m. Long and 240 m. Did, at its broadest point. * Once the basilica had been built, it was felt that a space should be created in front of it with a capacity sufficient to contain the mass of people who would flock here to take part in the most solemn functions. * A red porphyry stone mark the spot in the northwest corner of the Square where Pope John Paul II was shot. Figure 8:The Obelisk Figure 9: Lower Part of The Obelisk * It was hewn from a single block and stands 25. 31 m high on a base 8. Mm wide, weighing about 330 tons. * This obelisk was from Egypt and was brought to Rome by Emperor Caligula in 37 AD. It is the second highest obelisk in Rome, after the Lateran one, and the only one devoid of hieroglyphics, but with Latin inscriptions. * The obelisk rests upon four accountant lions, e ach with two bodies whose tails intertwine. * The inscriptions on the north and south sides of the base have texts written by Cardinal Silvia Antonio as a memorial to the moving of the obelisk. The east and west sides have exorcist formulas.Figure 10:The Wind Rose West Opponent I West North West Opponent Maestro I North West Maestro I North North West Dormant Maestro I North Attractant I North North East Dormant Greece I North East Greece I East North East Greece Elevate I East Elevate I East South East Elevate Sirocco I South East Sirocco I South South East Castro Sirocco I South Castro I South South West Castro Liberace I South West Liberace I West South West Opponent Liberace I * The Wind Rose uses the compass points to show the different wind directions.Figure 1 1 fountain * â€Å"Antics†fountain built in 1614 by Carlo Modern on the Saint Pewter's Square. * Located at both side of The Obelisk and all of them are parallel. SST Pewter's Basilica Basilica did San Pitter 145 0 Successive plans Brakeman's plan * The foundation stone was laid in 1506 when the plan was selected. * This plan was in the form of an enormous Greek Cross with a dome inspired by that of the huge circular Roman temple, the Pantheon. The main difference between Brakeman's design and that of the Pantheon is that where the dome of the Pantheon is supported by a continuous wall, that of the new basilica was to be supported only on four large piers. * Aberrant was replaced
Btec Sport †Health Saftey and Injury Essay
Objective:- * To recognise and understand different types of injuries Types of injuries:- * Muscle strains – tears, pulls and ruptures These are caused by vigorous stretching of a muscle or tendon. In is of regular occurrence in the hamstring and calf muscles when there is failure to warm up correctly before sport. The Achilles tendon of the calf can tear completely this causes sever pain. Tear is where the muscle has been torn, Pull is where the muscle has been stretched and a Rupture is where the muscle completely breaks. We will know when we have pulled torn or strained because there will severe pain and there will be difficulty when trying to use the muscle. There may also be swelling and later on bruising. * Fractured Bones (broken) A fracture is wear the bone cracks or completely snaps. Breaking bones is painful due to the amount of blood vessels and nerves in the bones. Fractures can be categorized in two ways. A Simple Fracture – This is just where the bone cracks. A Compound Fracture – This is where the bone sticks out of the skin. There is often tenderness around the bone making it hard to use and it will most certainly swell causing it to look deformed. * Joint dislocation Dislocation is where the bone is pulled out of its original joint. It is caused by stressing the bone, commonly by violent twisting. It usually happens at all major joints such as – Shoulder, finger, thumb, elbow and ankles. The bone will be surrounded by swelling and covered in bruises and will be tender to touch. * Sprained Ligaments (over stretched ligaments) A sprain happens when a ligament or joint get overstretched and torn. Sprains occur when twisting your foot while running or other similar accidents. The sprain should be treated as a fracture if the ligament is torn because it is a lot more severe. The area of damage while be very sore and will hurt to move it or use it * Tendonitis – Tendonitis is caused by overuse of the tendons, frequently in the lower arm in the lower arm; they then become inflamed and sore/painful. This is common with sports such as tennis and golf where the tendon in the elbow is under constant use. The elbow will be very sore and it becomes almost impossible to use without difficulty. Swelling will be visible surrounding the injured tendon. * Concussion Concussion is the result of injuring your brain from taking a lot of impact to the head such as being head butted or banging your head on a hard surface, these cause the brain to rattle around the skull. Concussion is often related with unconsciousness which often follows a serious head injury. In most cases the patient will become dizzy or drowsy and become confused. In major cases there may even be memory loss. * Graze, Cuts, Burns and Bruises These are caused by falling or scraping in a sporting event. They are usually painful but not very threatening and classed as minor. However some cuts can be very deep and would require urgent attention. Bruises will be painful but will not cause any permanent or long term damage. We will be able to recognise bruises by seeing discolouration of the skin and tenderness in that area. * Spinal Injury This is an injury to the spinal column. The spinal column contains nerves and ligaments and plays a major role in our body so when damaged by impact or strain it can be potentially dangerous to move without causing further permanent damage such as paralysis. This occurs after incidents such as car crashes and falls. You will be able to tell if u have damaged your spinal cord because it will be difficult to move and will cause a lot of pain. Objective:- * To recognise illnesses/conditions that can affect sports performance * To discover the causes of injury Types of Illnesses:- * Viral Infections/Diseases Chest Infections, Colds, Flu, Sickness etc. People suffering from viral infections will often have a high temperature, be suffering from pains in the muscles making them feel weak. If someone has a viral infection such as a cold they will probably suffer with a blocked nose, fever, sore throat and frequent coughing. Viral infections cannot be cured using antibiotics, however there are products available to help relive the symptoms. * Asthma This makes a persons airways constrict making breathing difficult. Constriction is normally triggered by certain events such as allergies and temperature change. People having and ‘asthma attack’ will suffer with symptoms such as a tight chest, also they may start wheezing and be short of breath. This can be relived temporarily by using steroid sprays, one to open the airways when they feel they need it and one that should be taken daily to avoid having attacks later in the day. * Hypothermia This is where the body’s temperature drops below the normal temperature (around 36 degrees Celsius). The symptoms are usually tiredness, slurred speech and loss of coordination. In some extremities the colour and feeling can be lost in the hands and feet as the blood is being diverted away to keep the brain and heart working properly. People will generally feel better when they return to a warm environment as this will encourage the body to return to normal. Hypothermia is common with people such as mountain climber who are often exposed to cold environments for long periods of time. * Hyperthermia This is caused by exposure to high temperatures, such as being in the sun/high temperatures for long periods of time. The results of hyperthermia are that the person will be left exhausted. Headaches, tiredness and thirst are also associated. To relive these symptoms the person should drink lots of fluids, while exercising and when recovering. If the person becomes to hot they could potentially become unconscious then they would require the need of being put on a drip. * Hypoglycaemia Hypoglycaemia is caused by having low levels of glucose in the blood so enough isn’t reaching the vita places e.g. the brain. It is commonly associated with people who have type 1 diabetes. Not enough food, too much exercise, consuming too much alcohol and having too much insulin in the blood all contribute to causing hypoglycaemia. The symptoms of hypoglycaemia are confusion, shaking, paleness, hunger and in some extreme cases, unconsciousness. Eating food rich in carbohydrates can reverse these effects quite quickly The Main Causes of Injury Internally Caused * Overuse Injuries * Sudden Injuries Externally Caused * Impact Injuries * Foul Play Injuries * Equipment Injuries * Accidental Injuries Internally Caused Injuries – Direct result of the performer, no other person or factor is involved Overuse Injuries (Tennis/Golfers Elbow, Shin Splints etc.) These are caused by over training and over competing. Sudden Injuries These tend to be caused instantly because of over stretching, twisting and turning. They are commonly acknowledged with tiredness and fatigue and normally occur late on in a match. Also doing something too difficult can result in a sudden injury. Externally Caused Injuries – Caused by someone or something other than yourself Impact Injury This is and injury from being hit or hitting something. These are often the result of things like:- * An Opponent * Equipment * Playing Surface * Playing Conditions Foul Play Injuries These are normally the result of another player breaking the rules and regulations of the game. They may be unaware of the rules or may be doing it intentionally to harm. Accidental Injuries Different activities have different levels and risk and higher elements of danger. For example Footballers are less likely to gain an injury than someone playing rugby due to it being more physical. Equipment Injuries Old or unchecked/faulty equipment can result in these injuries. Equipment must be frequently maintained to avoid these occurring. These can be as simple as blisters from overuse or in the most extreme cases, even death. Prevention of Injuries * Warm up; loosen muscles for prevention of pulling muscles. * Wear the correct equipment (shin pads), wear them correctly to ensure safeness. * Know and follow the rules of the game to be able to play fair, include using officials to keep the activity under control, this way players are less likely to get injured * Check all equipment is safe and in good condition to ensure faulty equipment can’t injure you. * Don’t over compete (not doing too much exorcise) * Weather conditions- make sure the conditions are safe (not slippery, stormy etc.) 1. Preparation Before playing or participating in any sport it is vital that you train to your age and you personal fitness. Also a good knowledge and understanding of the sport you will be participating in will also reduce the amount of injuries, a good respect for the rules and regulations of the game will reduce the injuries. A warm up and warm down is essential to help reduce the amount of injuries in the game. Consider having long hair, long nails, jewellery and also the types of clothing you wear could also give you an injury. 2. Participation By according to the rules could prevent an injury, by using reckless tackles and reckless play can injure you and the opposing player. Officials have got to be consistent and fair in their decisions for the game to be fair and this could prevent someone from being injured, players must accept these decisions given by the officials. 3. Equipment For the sport which you are participating in you need to be using the specialist equipment for that specific sport and has to be in good condition, such as shin pads for football, these have to be worn. All equipment has to be in top condition because if this equipment isn’t safe and fails you could be seriously injured such as rock climbing etc. 4. Environment The area which the sport is being taken on has to be checked over for litter and unsafe objects. It has to be safe and appropriate. Also you have to check the weather conditions as this could lead the sport being potentially dangerous such as storms and windy weather. Risk Assessment 1. You are about to conduct a badminton coaching session in the sports all. * Make sure that none of the equipment is faulty. E.g. rackets have sufficient grip, nets secured correctly. * Make sure that there is no wet floor * Make sure there is no obstructions in the way of the courts 2. You are taking a year 7 group onto the field for football. * Make sure that everyone is wearing the correct protective equipment. (e.g. shin pads) * Make sure that there are no obstacles on the pitch or area where football will be played * Make sure the weather conditions are suitable for playing * Make sure that the pitch is suitable to play on by making sure its not icy or waterlogged Potential risk of playing- 1. Badminton * Fire * Falls * Foul play * Asthma attack * Hyperthermia * Slips * Lack of communication that could result in injury * Sensible behaviour * Know how to set up safe equipment 2. Football * Falls * Foul play * Asthma attack * Hyperthermia * Spinal Injury * Broken bones * Concussion * Weather conditions * Lack of communication that could result in injury * Sensible behaviour * Potholes * All spare equipment is out of the way * Posts are secured
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