Friday, May 31, 2019
Cannibalism Essay -- essays research papers
Cannibalism dating earliest back to the British colonies, was saw as a form of war tactic, or a employment of religion (Arson 1). Though as a form of religion, it was a punishment tribal religions would use for the deepest sinners and atheists (Arson 1). Cannibalism was also a means for survival among slaves and peasants (Wikipedia 2). Though neer really accepted as a normal thing in society, cannibalism is very apparent in a not so distant ult (Wikipedia 2). Cannibalism is not a lawful or ethical form of habituate for any religion or society. Cannibalism in its rarest form was once a practice of religion. Cannibalism has been detected in the early religious writings of the Egyptians, Greeks and Catholics. In a funeral ritual it would be proper to eat the remains of a respected share of a clan to assume the life-spirit and to insure immortality. Also cannibalism was portrayed in many stories related to religion. It was used as a form of scare-tactic to insure the pursuance of many people. It was also shown as a form of war tactic among gods to slaughter the demons that threaten them.Cannibalism is apparent in religion in as a form of punishment of non-worshipers. Cannibalism is very present in the Bible. Cannibalism is apparent in the old testament of Deuteronomy 2853-57, God punishes the Hebrews who fail to worship him by make their enemies overtake them, leaving the Hebre...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Race, Class and Gender Essay -- Social Issues, Homosexuals
Franklin (1987) also alluded that patriarchy did not serve subdued men the notion of black men being domineering over groups is questionable. Besides, Pleck (2008) claimed that the male heterosexual-homosexual dichotomy is used as the main symbolic tool defining the rankings of masculinity. Highlighting racial politics, it would be interesting to have a study focusing on the power relations between white gay men and black heterosexual men. This is premised on the stance that the racial hierarchy, regardless of its dismissal, seems to continue to characterise socio-economic relations. stated that race remains a factor because it is deeply embedded within the subconscious, a word on this shall follow suit.McClintock (1992 5) declared that race, class and gender are not distinct realms of experience existing in splendid isolation from each other. sooner they come into existence in and through relations to each other. Moreover, colonialism was not experienced in the same manner due to the political nuances that transpired. For a aspiration yet to be illustrated, the historicity of colonial experiences shall be sidelined. Colonial justifications were premised upon pseudo science about race and the application of the Darwinist rhetoric. McClintock (1992) cited that social evolutionists applied the allegory of a maneuver as an indication of subordination and hierarchy of racial groups. There were concepts such as the family of man whereby a racialized and cultural hierarchy relegated black people to the tush of the chain within a gendered order. Economically, white men came first, and then white women black men and women followed respectively. Thus black men, although observation and living within an enforce binary const... ...the assumption of equality have influenced gender relations. Moving back to her reflection of heroic masculinity, Unterhalter (2000) inferred from the autobiographies she analysed that adventure, danger, daring in thought or deed and ins cription were key parts of masculinity. This notion of allegiantty can be detected in Malemas willingness to kill for Zuma utterance. However, what other explanations are there for the then loyal support of Zuma despite. A possible reason, which may be viewed as interlocking with the gender analysis, is Chipkins work titled The Sublime Object of Blackness. Chipkin (2002), in his endeavour to identify the discursive mechanism relating to the notion of blackness, showed how aspects of the subjective characterization of blackness under the black struggle against apartheid have permeated into post-apartheid definitions of blackness.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Learning Environments of Different Economic Levels Essay -- Education
Learning Environments of Different Economic Levels Pictures not only display an image in our minds, but the language of the record conveys a certain nitty-gritty to the viewer. For example, the picture Instruction at Home displays an informal larn environment in a third world country, while the picture The Lesson--Planning a C beer displays a formal learning environment in a more developed country. establish on the appearance of the students in the pictures, the children in Instruction at Home appear to be more attentive and interested in the material than the students in The Lesson--Planning a Career, who appear bored and disinterested. These images pick out us that the students in impoverished countries place a higher value on their education because it is a idealistic privilege, rather than a mandatory responsibility, as displayed in The Lesson--Planning a Career. These differences in educational environments, which are displayed in the two pictures, are influenc ed by the scotch levels of the inn in which the students live. The first picture, Instruction at Home, displays the learning environment of lower economic levels. In this picture, two young children, about six or sevener years of age, sit in bird-scarer of a makeshift blackboard attentively listening to their teacher, who is most likely their mother. The learning environment is not a classroom at all, but a vitiated space in the corner of their home. They sit in two wooden chairs facing the blackboard, which is really practiced a black cloth with earn and numbers drawn on it. Their teacher stands to the side of a small desk cluttered with a few small items and a kerosene lamp, while utilize a walking stick to point to the board. A calendar hangs o... is apparent that there is a concrete message enveloped in the lessons at home and in the classroom. The students in Instruction at Home are more eager to learn their alphabet than the students in The Lesson ar e to learn about planning their careers. The children in Instruction at Home have been brought up in a primitive culture where nothing has been spoon-fed to them, contradictory the students in Western civilization. Therefore, the children that have been raise in poverty place a higher value on an education, which they see as an incredible probability to better themselves and rise above the irate reality of their world. The students in The Lesson, however, perceive school as a mandatory responsibility. The two pictures show that the better the economic level one lives in, the better the learning environment, which leads to greater economic success. Learning Environments of Different Economic Levels Essay -- Education Learning Environments of Different Economic Levels Pictures not only display an image in our minds, but the language of the picture conveys a certain message to the viewer. For example, the picture Instruction at Home displays an inform al learning environment in a third world country, while the picture The Lesson--Planning a Career displays a formal learning environment in a more developed country. Based on the appearance of the students in the pictures, the children in Instruction at Home appear to be more attentive and interested in the material than the students in The Lesson--Planning a Career, who appear bored and disinterested. These images tell us that the students in impoverished countries place a higher value on their education because it is a rare privilege, rather than a mandatory responsibility, as displayed in The Lesson--Planning a Career. These differences in educational environments, which are displayed in the two pictures, are influenced by the economic levels of the society in which the students live. The first picture, Instruction at Home, displays the learning environment of lower economic levels. In this picture, two young children, about six or seven years of age, sit in front o f a makeshift blackboard attentively listening to their teacher, who is most likely their mother. The learning environment is not a classroom at all, but a small space in the corner of their home. They sit in two wooden chairs facing the blackboard, which is really just a black cloth with letters and numbers drawn on it. Their teacher stands to the side of a small desk cluttered with a few small items and a kerosene lamp, while using a walking stick to point to the board. A calendar hangs o... is apparent that there is a concrete message enveloped in the lessons at home and in the classroom. The students in Instruction at Home are more eager to learn their alphabet than the students in The Lesson are to learn about planning their careers. The children in Instruction at Home have been brought up in a primitive culture where nothing has been spoon-fed to them, unlike the students in Western civilization. Therefore, the children that have been raised in poverty place a h igher value on an education, which they see as an incredible opportunity to better themselves and rise above the harsh reality of their world. The students in The Lesson, however, perceive school as a mandatory responsibility. The two pictures show that the better the economic level one lives in, the better the learning environment, which leads to greater economic success.
The Horror of Christianity Essay -- essays research papers
"A Pagan Joke" A Pagan died and, much to her surprise, found herself at the Pearly Gates facing St. Peter. He walked up to her and said, "Hello, and welcome." She stared at St. Peter in complete confusion. "Wait a minute," she said. "I was supposed to end up in the Summerlands." He smiled. "Ah, you must be one of our Pagan sisters. Follow me, please." Peter gestured for her to follow him give tongue to out a bitty path, which went through the gates and down a bit to the left. They walked for a short while, then he stepped back and gestured her forward. Looking past his hand, she saw the verdant fields and forests of her desired Summerlands. She saw commonwealth feasting, dancing, and making merry, exactly as she expected. While shaking her head in wonder, the Pagan happened to glance over to one side and saw a small group of people a short way away from the edge of the Summerlands. The people in the group were watching the revelers, but no t joining them. Instead, they were utter and weeping piteously. The Pagan looked at St. Peter. "Who are those people?" St. Peter replied, "Them? Theyre fundamentalists. Theyre a bit surprised to see you all there, so they stand there and carry on the like that all day." Why? Dont they have better things to do?" Peter leaned conspiratorially toward her. "They dont really have a choice. Theyre actually in Hell. God doesnt like being told what He thinks." I start this paper with this joke to prove a point. When read, pagans, athiests, and those that lie outside the mainstream of Christianity leave enjoy it, while Christian Fundamentalists and Conservatives will think it is in poor taste. Some might go so far as to allege My goodness, he is going to step on a lot of toes with that The question remains, though, WHOSE toes, and why does it matter? The answer can be found if we examine the psychology of Christianity.Christianity is o ne of the worlds most widespread and pervasive religions, and has been slightly a good long while. Wherever it goes, it seems to spread and promulgate and overrun. Evangelistic Christians send out missionaries to fulfill one of the commands given to them in the Bible Go ye forth and preach the Gospel to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Mt. 2819) Christi... ...rt or be ostracized, join or suffer, love Christ or be of the devil, and accept the Church or be destroyed. Not all Christians do this and not at all times. But some Christians do send off acts of destruction and this fearful violence is occurring everyday and has occurred for most of the last two millennia somewhere on our world. The night is black,Without a moon.the air is thick and still.The vigilantes gather onThe lonely torchlit hill.Features distorted in the flickering light,The faces are twisted and grotesque.Silent and stern in the sweltering night,The mob moves like demon s possesed.Quiet in conscience, steady in their right,Confident their ways are best.The righteous riseWith burning eyesOf hatred and ill-will.Madmen fed on fear and liesTo beat and burn and kill.They say there are strangers who threaten us,In our immigrants and infidels.They say there is strangeness too dangerousIn our theatres and bookstore shelves,That those who know whats best for us must rise and save us from ourselves.Quick to judge,Quick to anger,Slow to understandIgnorance and prejudiceAnd fearWalk hand in hand.... Neil Peart, Witch Hunt
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Free Oedipus Rex Essays: The Role of Characters :: Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex
The Role of Characters in Oedipus the King Characters exercise a very important berth in the carry Oedipus the King by Sophocles. Without characters, the play would lack a certain dimension and be very difficult to read. The presence of characters in the play make it more easily understood. If characters did not appear in the play it would be close to impossible to understand it since everything that takes place is through the words of the characters. too if there were no characters the outcome of the play would be different. The significance of characters in the play is very obvious. Without them the play would be much shorter and much more boring. The consumption of characters is very important to the play. Characters make the play possible just by the virtue of compriseing. If they did not outlast the play would not either. If the play did not embody consequently the characters would not either. The characters and the play are codependent and need to live with a symbiotic relationship to ensure their mutual survival. A lack of characters in the play would make very difficult reading and perhaps more difficult viewing. A lack of characters would necessitate some other device to be employ and a substitute has not been found that replaces the role characters play in a play. An example from the play is when Oedipus was speaking to Teiresias I did not know then you would talk like a foolor it would have been long before I called you. If there had not been any characters in this play, this could not have happened. If the play did not have characters the outcome would be much different. All the actions and conversations could not have taken place without the use of characters. Characters made the play and its catastrophe possible. Without characters nothing could have taken place. They made it possible for Oedipus to kill his father and have sex with his mother and for everything that was bad to happen. If Jocasta or better Oedipus did not exist within the context of the play everyone would have been much happier and the tragedy could have been avoided. Even if the herdsman who saved Oedipus as a child did not exist or the messenger from Cithaeron the tragedy of the play would have been avoided and made for a much happier ending.
Free Oedipus Rex Essays: The Role of Characters :: Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex
The Role of Characters in Oedipus the King Characters run into a very important component part in the flirt Oedipus the King by Sophocles. Without characters, the play would lack a certain dimension and be very difficult to read. The presence of characters in the play make it more easily understood. If characters did not appear in the play it would be close to impossible to understand it since everything that takes place is through the words of the characters. too if there were no characters the outcome of the play would be different. The significance of characters in the play is very obvious. Without them the play would be much shorter and much more boring. The subprogram of characters is very important to the play. Characters make the play possible just by the virtue of endureing. If they did not comprise the play would not either. If the play did not make up accordingly the characters would not either. The characters and the play are codependent and need to produce a sym biotic relationship to ensure their mutual survival. A lack of characters in the play would make very difficult reading and perhaps more difficult viewing. A lack of characters would necessitate some other device to be use and a substitute has not been found that replaces the role characters play in a play. An example from the play is when Oedipus was speaking to Teiresias I did not know then you would talk like a foolor it would have been long before I called you. If there had not been any characters in this play, this could not have happened. If the play did not have characters the outcome would be much different. All the actions and conversations could not have taken place without the use of characters. Characters made the play and its tragedy possible. Without characters nothing could have taken place. They made it possible for Oedipus to kill his father and have sex with his mother and for everything that was bad to happen. If Jocasta or better Oedipus did not exist within th e context of the play everyone would have been much happier and the tragedy could have been avoided. Even if the herdsman who saved Oedipus as a child did not exist or the messenger from Cithaeron the tragedy of the play would have been avoided and made for a much happier ending.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Delegation is the assignment Essay
Delegation is the assignment of responsibility or chest to another person (normally from a manager to a subordinate) to carry out specific activities. It is one of the core concepts of management leadership. However, the person who delegated the work remains accountable for the outcome of the delegated work. Delegation empowers a subordinate to make decisions, i.e. it is a shift of decision-making office stave from one organizational level to a lower one. mission is good and can save silver and time, help in building skills, and motivate people. Poor delegation, on the other hand, might cause frustration and confusion to all the involved parties. Some agents however do not favour a delegation and consider the power of making a decision rather burdensome.Delegation is about entrusting someone else to do parts of your job A manager alone cannot perform all the tasks assigned to him. In order to meet the targets, the manager should delegate authority managers could greatly reduce t heir stress by practicing a critical management skill delegation. Delegation is one of the most important management skills. Good delegation saves the time, develops the subordinates, fosters a successor and motivates. Poor delegation will cause frustration, de-motivation and failures to achieve the task or purpose. Although it is easy to recognize the benefits that accrue from delegation, many managers still resist genuinely doing it The most important step for delegation is to recognize the common barriers to delegation. These barriers can come from supervisors (leaders), the team members, or the situation. 1. Barriers Related to SupervisorThe biggest barrier to effective delegation often comes from supervisors. They must overcome their anxieties about giving others responsibilities in order to gain the benefits of effective delegation. In general, 6 barriers are related with theBarriers to delegation of authority from subordinate side would mean, the difficulties or problems fa ced by subordinate in accepting and using the authority delegated. These barriers include the following. office delegated in theory, but mean of exercising the authority not made available. For example, a subordinate may be delegated the authority to buy computer required in his department, but the leverage department drags feeton actually buying the computer. The worst case of this type may happen when, for example, a project manager is given considerable authority for executing a project, but the project itself is not sanctioned. The subordinate may not have authority over some of the people who must fetch to implementation of decisions made. Required information for making decision may not be available. Many a times other supporting facilities like staff and office space may also be inadequate. The subordinate may be already overburdened with work.When a subordinate id delegated authority which elevates his position preceding(prenominal) those equal or senior to him this may be resented by them. Subordinate may lack the skill and knowledge for effective decision making. Limits of authority delegated not defined clearly. Generally delegation of authority with supposedly no limits is not very effective. The subordinate has no motivation for accepting the additional responsibility that goes with the authority. Authority delegated without matching responsibilities. This can make delegation directionless for the subordinate.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Benefits to the family, school, and community of school age program
Schools are seen to have natural intervention vehicles that many health programs for children brook fit. Today informs are used as venue for influencing honorable habits in children. Healthy living values, skills, and actions that promote healthy living and healthful behaviors of children are flat being integrated in train age programs. Healthy living is essential to childrens effective living and learning. Accordingly getting children started early in the habit of healthy living will benefit them throughout their lives (Breithaupt, 2004).A healthy lifestyle helps children achieve their full physical, mental, social and emotional potential. Age-appropriate recreational activities in the school like camping, ball games, and physical exercise are considered to be constructive and developmental vehicles for childrens physical and social-well being that enhance a balanced and healthy living. School age program adopting healthy living has indeed a positive impact to the family, the club, and the surrounding organizations. The forwarding of healthy living in school helps parents accomplish their primary responsibility to raise their children in a healthy way.Its re-assuring effect offers them degree of flexibility and enables them to work and conduct other activities away from their children. Parents conk out more effective and productive in their work. The childrens healthy learning experiences in school help eliminate parents anxiety of the well-being of their children. Further, the effect of the promotion of healthy living in school makes the school environment safe and conducive to healthy living for everybody and its impact goes beyond the classroom, the school, and the family as it also benefited the community and the surrounding organizations.The healthy living values, skills, and behavior of children learned in school can help improve the quality of life in the community reducing the risks of health-related problems and anti-social behaviors, and giv e assurance of a healthy adult population in the future. The surrounding organization will have also a reduced work out for medical and healthcare programs, thus allowing them to create other developmental programs for the community. Reference List Breithaupt, G. (2004). Healthy living early benefits children. Mount Vernon News. Retrieved January 27, 2007 from http//www. mountvernonnews. com/local/06/03/04/fitness. html.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Applying Resource Based View to Strategic Human Resource Essay
What is Resource Based View in Strategic Management? Almost all business charge courses have a faculty that allow ins study ofstrategic management. Our homework helps experts have expertise in the field of strategic management. There are different perspectives and approaches to field of strategic management. This blog ring mail would discuss in detail what resource based view of strategic management is.This perspective stresses and based on the perspective that resources of the company whether tangible or intangible like brand name, assets, cash, customer loyalty, research and suppuration capabilities are an important and main aspect while forming or pursuing a incomparable strategic position for a company. This concept of strategic management rather than being driven by the environment is internally resource driven and in this perspective of strategic management the organization is viewed as a collection of capabilities and competences. Organizations leverage new actives from i ts existing core competencies.According to Barney (1991) analysis of the impact of a slosheds environment on its matched position is based on two assumptions. First, firms within an industry or a strategic sort out are identical in terms of strategic relevant sources they control and the strategies they pursue and second, these models assume that should resources heterogeneity develop in an industry or congregation will be very short lived because the resources that firms use to implement their strategies are highly mobile i. e. they can be bought or sold in reckon markets (Barney, 1991).Resource based view assumes that companies within an industry or group may be heterogeneous with respect to the strategic resources they control and these are non perfectly mobile, thus heterogeneity can be long lasting (Barney, 1991). Simply, it is suggested that firm resources may be heterogeneous and immobile. According to Daft (1983), firm resources include all assets, capabilities, organi sational processes, firm attri thates, information, knowledge, etc. controlled by a firm that enable the firm to conceive of and implement strategies that improve its efficiency and effectiveness.According to Barney (1991), firm resources that hold the potential for sustained competitive advantage must have four attributes which are valuable, rare, In-imitable, and non-substitutable. So in resource based view of the firm, dodge of the firm is basically dependent on firms resources. This view again as the market based view is focus on some important aspects but at the same time ignores some other basic aspects of strategy formulation for a company. So resource based view of the firm is as well not a balanced view. We hope that this blog post is useful for the students and practitioners of the field ofstrategic management.Please email us toinfoassignmenthelpexperts. comif you need anystrategic managementhelpregarding the module of strategic management. The Resource Based View (RBV), argued by some to be at the foundation of modern HRM,13focusses on the internal resources of the organisation and how they fetch to competitive advantage. The unequaledness of these resources is preferred to homogeneity and HRM has a central role in developing human resources that are valuable, rare, difficult to copy or alternate and that are effectively organized.Overall, the theory of HRM argues that the goal of human resource management is to help an organization to meet strategic goals by attracting, and maintaining employees and also to manage them effectively. The identify word here perhaps is fit, i. e. a HRM approach seeks to ensure a fit between the management of an organizations employees, and the overall strategic direction of the company (Miller, 1989). The resource-based view to strategic human resource management (SHRM) focuses on the costly to copy attributes of the firm as the fundamental drivers of performance and competitive advantage (Cooner 1991).Linking to the understanding of the resource based view of the firm Barney (1991) described competitive advantage as when a firm is implementing a value creating strategy not simultaneously being implemented by any current or potential competitors. The task is to maintain this competitive advantage in much(prenominal) a way that competitors efforts to replicate that advantage are frustrated and eventually cease. The resource-based view focuses on the promotion of sustained competitive advantage through the development of the human capital rather than merely aligning human resources to current strategic goals (Torrington et al 2002).This essay will show various ways on how the resource-based view of SHRM in organisations can contribute to enhanced organisational performance. Human resources can provide competitive advantage for the business, as long as they are unique and can not be copied or substituted for by competing organisations, competitive success not coming from simply making choices in the present, but from building up distinctive capabilities over significant periods of time (Boxall 1996).
Friday, May 24, 2019
John Kotter’s Eight Steps to Change Essay
A Systematic Approach Eight Steps to Change. We shall use the impact of low-cost airline as an example to understand each step. In 2003, Lufthansa was facing intense contention from low-cost airline on short-haul domestic flights. In the fight for domination in the German skies, Lufthansa intend to match the low-cost rivals by expanding its own net manoeuver of cut-price domestic and European services.Establish a sense of urgency. From previous experiences of battling competition and enforcing change, the first step leading to the successful instrumentation of change is the creation of urgency. Establishing a sense of urgency is vital for eliminating contentment and achieving the collaboration needed to impose change. Employees are required to co-operate, understand the differences between the companys current situation and a desired future participate and step up to the print in order to succeed. . 2. 2Step 2. Create a powerful guiding coalition.Once sense of urgency is establi shed within the organisation, the next step is forming a beefed-up group of guiding coalition. The group could consist of internal or external organisation members with significant credibility and authority. These outsiders can provide valuable judgement, experiences and ideas that in bend allow the employees to share a common level of understanding for change. 3. 2. 3Step 3. Develop a compelling vision.Obviously, the reason for changes is discontentment with the current situation and having the desire for a better future. For that reason, management have to develop a clear and accomplishable vision that consists of these characteristics a desirable future, compelling, realistic, focused, flexible and, easy to communicate. They have to be limited about how the change will improve the organisation and how those improvements will benefit employees in the organisation. 3. 2. 4Step 4. Communicate the vision.During the implementation of change, there are bound to have resisters argue the change. Communication is the crucial factor to convert the resisters with managers taking advantages of all the communication channels in the organisation to get the transformation effort across to all. It must be able to convey and explain the specifically how the vision will benefit them. 3. 2. 5Step 5. Empower others to act on the vision. In every change, there are bound to be obstacles. The first four steps encourage employees to accept changes.To further support change, obstacles that obstruct the way to attaining the vision should be eliminated. If the obstacles happen to be an employee, the organisation may well have to decide the option available or sever the relationship with the individual. 3. 2. 6Step 6. Generate short-term wins Depending on the significance of change, round transformation of change might take years to before it is successfully implemented. In the case of Lufthansa, in order to top the low-cost aviation industry, the season might approximately tak e ten years.Attitude and motivation among employees might fade along the way. Soon, they will loose sight of the vision and become demoralised and disappointed therefore Lufthansa should set up multiple short-term win situations in a major transformation change. 3. 2. 7Step 7. Consolidate gains and crusade for more change. It is alpha to note that celebrating a short-term win might create complacency among employees. So instead of celebrating or declaring victory prematurely, organisation should take the opportunity to implement larger changes.With the confidence and belief, employees will be able to accept larger and more drastic changes than before. Organisation should build on the current momentum to push for more change. 3. 2. 8Step 8. Anchor new approaches in the companys culture. Once the objective has been achieved, prove the positive result to employees. After that, management should ensure that cementation work such as new working methodologies and policies are enforced into the company culture whereby continuous improvement and changes are seen as norm and survival.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Investigation and prevention of child abuse Essay
Child squ every(prenominal) is one of the most park human right violations in the human residential district. According to UNCEF reports, at least one tiddler dies every day as a leave of tike scream. Nevertheless, the exact number of nestling deaths as a result of chilled subvert is hindered by the fact that most fibres of chela deaths in the communities goes without investigating. Still, an estimated over 30, 000 minor in America are put under protection registers every year (American Prosecution Research Institute 12). The world is approximated to go for over 100 million abused clawren most of whom are from the developing nations.However, these are just merely a few of child abuse cases which are reported. There are numerous types of child abuse practices in the society. They range from infant shaking, to child battering, to child negligence, to child internal abuse (Perona, Bottoms, and Vieth 42). Such practices are blamed for having a negative impact on the psyc hological, physical, and social development of the child. The process of preventing child abuse effectively dictates for the participation of all members of the community of interests in ensuring early identification of such problems (Perona, Bottoms, and Vieth 51).Creating sensory faculty among children as well as other members of the community on the rights of children plays an instrumental role in mitigating child abuse in the community. Investigation of child abuse for legal charges involves numerous methods depending on the type and magnitude of the act. For instance, sensible sexual abuse on kids can either be ego evident or call for medical procedures to qualify (Myers 46). The history of family relations plays a crucial role in child abuse investigation practices by law enforcement. This paper seeks to relent a detailed discussion on the saloon and investigation of child abuse.Prevention of child abuse The realization of effective child abuse prevention entails the crea tion of awareness on the forms and how to identify child abuse as well as engaging efforts in mitigating risk factors to child abuse in the community (Perona, Bottoms, and Vieth 51). The problem of child abuse in the community is increased by lack of awareness by the public. According to available statistics for example, child sexual abuse incidences in the American society has its diadem between the onset of puberty and adolescence (American Prosecution Research Institute 67).At this age, most of the victims have mental capability to identify and avoid being victims of sexual abuse. Based on this reasoning, creating adequate awareness among the child can greatly aid in mitigating child abuse practice in the community. In this pursuit, since 1983, the American nation has set April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. In addition, the government funds child-abuse prevention initiatives through its Community-Based Grants for the Prevention of Child Abuse and set down (CBCAP) (American P rosecution Research Institute 71).Still on awareness, society cohesion factor plays an important role in preventing child (Myers 102). Just as is the case with other forms of crime prevention practices, the local community members find much advantage in the early identification and thus controlling of child abuse in their neighborhoods. This is because they are the ones living close to the sources of child abuse the family unit. Therefore, encouraging communal living among members of the community is instrumental in preventing child abuse. Another common practice of preventing child abuse is enforcing zero tolerance policies on domestic violence.According to numerous explore findings, it is established that families marked with couple violence have a higher prevalence of child abuse both physically and emotionally (Myers 112). There are numerous risk factors identified for causing child abuse practices. Such include the social and economic position of the family and the local commu nity and the effectiveness of the law enforcement and criminal justice system in addressing child abuse cases (Myers 108). It has been sufficiently claimed that poverty in the in family plays an instrumental factor in perpetuating child abuse practices such as neglect.Financial constrains in the family besides serves to cause stress and depression among parent, a factor that negatively impacts on the parent-child relationship. Still, an idle mind is the devils workshop. Therefore, the sustainable prevention of child abuse dictates for resolving high-minded economic problems that affecting members of the local community. Also found to influence the level of child abuse is the character and grammatical gender of the child. Statistical evidence indicates that most mentally or physically disabled children are found to be at risk of child abuse (Perona, Bottoms, and Vieth 61).The statistics also establish substantial evidence connecting gender classification as a clear cause of child a buse in the community. In particular, the girl child is prone to child abuse and neglect. In some countries, the girl child is rarely provided with equal education as the boy child. This is a denial of the children right to education. In addition, girls are common victims to pressure marriages as well as prostitution. On the other hand, the boy child is commonly marked with forced labor. They are also the main victims of corporal penalization compared to girls.These are the reasons behind the enactment and enforcement of numerous laws mitigating practices such as child pornography and prostitution and child labor (American Prosecution Research Institute 61). umpteen nations across the globe including the United States have banned corporal punishment of children both in the schools and in the family. This serves the purpose of limiting inhuman punishments on children. It is worth noting that the United Nations initiative on providing basic education to all children has taken caus e in many countries across the globe.This initiative is quite instrumental in influencing prevention of anti-girl child education practices in the nation as much of its emphasis is on the girl child. Such an initiative is supported by numerous community based non-governmental organization. The war on drug abuse in the community is an important tool in mitigating child abuse. According to numerous research findings, drug abuse like alcoholism is among the leading causes of domestic violence as well as child sexual abuse in the community (Myers 121).This claim has been evidently supported by the fact that drugs function in compromising the reasoning and judgmental ability of an individual. Such can also be explained by the fact that drugs enhance aggression and temper of the victim. In a move to mitigate this practice of drug abuse as a potency cause for child abuse, the American nation is found to spend billions of dollars on the war against drugs in the society. Investigation of ch ild abuse The process of investigating child abuse is heavily dependent on the availability of claimed evidence of physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse.According to the available legal provisions some forms of child abuse such as child labor neglect, and failure to provide education as well as some forms physical abuse of are self evident (Myers 132). Therefore, the investigation of such practices is mainly based on reported evidence rather than dictating for medical procedures. Also commonly involved in the investigation practices is identifying the history of a child abuse problem. According to psychological principles, human problems such as emotional stress and depression are a rail result of long term abuse in children.Based on this, the period over which such abuse on a particular child should be provided as qualifying evidence against the defendants charged with child abuse (Myers 136). As per the requirements of the law, this evidence can be self proclaimed by the victi m, presumption by a member of the local community or from a doctor. The doctor should conduct an extensive diagnosis on the subject matter to give admissible evidence. Such might cover but not limited to the extent of physical or emotional damage impacted on the child.However, the laws protect children against abuse prohibit against even the slightest form of action against a child that can compromise their social, emotional, academic and physical development. Conclusion Despite the numerous efforts by governments and other community-based non-governmental organizations, child abuse remains a major problem in the global community. There are various causes of child abuse in the community. Such include domestic violence, cultural beliefs, economic status, and social practices in the community.The problem is further complicated by failure by the victims or members of the community to reports such cases to the relevant authorities for legal action against the perpetrators. Therefore, e ffective child abuse prevention strategies must take into account the need for creating public awareness on the problem. It should also devote much emphasis on resolving the main social and economic factors which promote child abuse. It is only through consulted cooperation among all stakeholders in the community that the war against child abuse can be successful.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Korean Wave Being South Korea’s Economic Growth Booster Essay
Korean Wave is the growing aspiration to know more about South Korean culture. South Korea itself is an export-orientated expanse with a total trade volume of 884.2 billion in 2010, which makes South Korea the 7th largest exporter and 10th largest importer in the world. The pagan sector is the second biggest contributor afterwards technological sector to the South Koreas economic growth. The goods produced by the cultural sector are brought by the Korean Wave not only to the Asian but also to the American and Western markets. Korean Wave does give big contribution to South Koreans economy through movies, step forward music, tourism, and traditional arts.When we think of Korean Wave, we should mainly think of Korean drama and film industries. For example, the Korean wave took an extra boost with the popular TV dramas like Winter Sonata and Jewel Palace. For film, we can take Old Boy and Bin Jip as examples, which were extremely popular, even up in Europe. The fact that importing a Korean dramas is a lot cheaper than having to purchase it from any other country can be a reason as well as the emotionally powerful plots they take aim.Besides Korean movies, Korean pop music also deserves a place on the list of exported Korean culture. K- protactinium or Korean Pop is a musical genre originating in South Korea consisting of pop, dance, electropop, hip hop, rock, R&B, and electronic music. Lets say Super Junior, 2NE1, SNSD, Wonder Girls, Big Bang, 2PM, JYP, IU, and some(prenominal) more, who does not know them? In 2011, these groups and singers have move intoated 35 trillion rupiah to South Koreas GDP. These idols have a big impact on their fans culture, including food, fashion, make-up trends, and even plastic surgery. Leading talent agencies such as S.M. Entertainment Co. and YG Entertainment said recent concerts held by Korean entertainers in the United States and Europe have shown the potential for growth in markets outside of Asia. Korean big business is trying to transform those fans into consumers of Korean products and services.Korean Wave is exposing the beauty attracts that both of their celebrities and the places utilise by their popular movies have. The locations of the Korean movies took place has become a main destination for tourists. These tourists are mostly the fans who are willing to collect all their nest egg and travel to Korea just to see the place where their favorite scene in their movie took place, or even to watch their idols on a live show. The enter location of Full House in Shido Island, Jewel in the Palace in Daejanggeum Theme Park, Winter Sonata in Nami Island, and so on. Another tourism sight that people aim to visit in Korea are Locks of Love in Namsan Tower, a historic pagoda-style gateway Namdaemun, and another shopping places like Myeong-dong shopping discipline and Busan market. South Korea is also well-known as a hot spot for medical tourism, the country is expanding its one-stop plastic surger y centers to deal with the influx of foreigners flying in for surgical procedures. The governments goal is to attract one million foreign patients by 2020. Thus, interest in flying to Korea is rising, so is the national income. in that location are also some Korean traditional arts that interest foreigners to visit Korea. They are like Hanok, Jeongjae, Buchaechum, Nongok, and Taepyeongmu. Hanok is Korean traditional house, whereas Jeongjae , Buchaechum, Nongok, and Taepyeongmu are Korean tradional dances. And dont forget the Korean ceramics and Korean pottery, that most of them are went to JapanThe road to Korean Wave is trodden everyday by new visitors who are cordially welcomed by Korean people and fascinated by the culture. The drive to know more about Korea stimulates Korean Wave to develop into more sophisticated cultural forms, which in turn, brings Korean Wave to a higher level. With this Korean Wave showing the advanced condition of South Korea itself, another countries awa reness to invest in South Korea increases.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Biopsychosocial Analysis of Maria Andrade Essay
Maria Andrade is 79 geezerhood anile. She came to America as a Cuban refugee at the age of 20. She was raised by her grandparents in Cuba. She began working at the age of 14. When she arrived in Miami, she was subject to obtain trigger time habit and immediately enrolled herself in ESL classes. Thereafter she at endureed residential district college for about two geezerhood. She then moved to Los Angeles overdue to beingness accepted to UCLA where she obtained a BA in Sociology and a Masters in Business Administration. She worked for a private bank for about 24 years where she met her current husband. She now works for the Department of Public Social Services where she has been working for about 25 years and is planning on retiring in the near future. She has been working for the past 49 years non -stop not including the years she worked in Cuba.Maria got married at the age of 30 and has been married since. I recall Maria stating that although she is looking forward to retir ement and loves her husband very much, one reason she is not looking forward to retirement is due to the fact that she go away now have to spend the majority of her time with her husband. She feels that one of the reasons they have had a farsighted successful marriage is due in part to the fact that she and her husband have not had to spend all their time together and have been adequate to(p) to have separate lives away from each separate due to both of them having full time employment with different schedules. The reason I mention the marriage is because she has been working for 49 plus years and therefore, she will now have to adjust to a new manners that does not include work.Maria overly stated that when she retires she will be able to spend more time with her grandchildren and close friends and family. She will come on to be busy by gardening, walking, swimming and both other activity that her mind, body and soul as sheputs it, allow her to. Maria understands the impo rtance of maintaining an active life way of life The new model for successful maturement includes physical and mental tumefy-being and contains three elements avoiding disease and disability, sustaining high cognitive and physical function, and eng aging with life (NIMH, 2002 Row & Kahn, 1997).The reason Maria is able to remain active now is because she began taking care of herself as a teenager after both of her parents passed from severe cases of diabetes. She made a conscious decision to endlessly eat strong and remain physically active. She kept this way of thinking even after arriving in a foreign country. Although diabetes runs in her family, she has been able to remain free of diabetes and other major health issues that seem to plague older passel. She feels that majoring in Sociology helped her to understand the importance of how living a healthy life style from an early age will help in the aging process, In early childhood, the life passs second phase, learning phy sical autonomy and control of ones bodily functions, versus put down and doubt in not learning them, paves the way for coping with deterioration of the body in old age (Hillier, Barrow, 9e, p76).At 79 years old, since I have known Maria, she has not had been on any type of medical leave. She believes that her parents death served as a wake-up call for her. She feels that if it were not for both of them dying, she may not have lived to 79 years old because she would have eventually developed diabetes. Her mental well being was affected so much so that at one point while still in Cuba, she was starving herself in order to avoid eating the wrong foods. She eventually learned what types of food were healthy and unhealthy.Maria feels that her perceptions, intelligence, learning, memory and personality have been affected but only because she feels that it is part of the natural aging affected process, Normal aging includes stable intellectual functioning, capacity for change, and product ive engagement with life (Hillier, Barrow, 9e, p122). She admits to one time in a while not remembering where she left items. Although her perceptions and memory have been slightly affected, she has been able to maintain a work load of 400 plus cases.As mentioned before, once she retires, she will be spending a lot of time with family and friends. Maria and her siblings became even closer after her parents passed away. Together they experience the deaths of both parents and they travelled together from Cuba and have not separated since. Therefore, she understands the importance of having family and friends in your life, Given their share experiences, siblings can be a major resource for life review among older adults, (Hillier, Barrow, 9e, p153). She keeps close relationships with her comrade and sister as she is the eldest and has always been protective of them. Maria and her husband will assume the roles of babysitters for their grandchildren. They volunteered to embrace care of their grandchildren as part of their plan to continue with their active lifestyle. Maria understands how important she and her siblings were to her own grandparents as they were raised by her mothers parents.Maria will continue to be physically active by walking, gardening and swimming and will continue with her friendships. Currently she meets with her friends once a week due to her full time work schedule however, once she is retired, she is planning on meeting with her friends every other day. She knows how important friendships are therefore, she understands that by maintaining her friendships so close to her, she will be able to turn to them for incarnate as she feels that she may need it once she retires, Friendship is extremely important in the lives of elderly people (Hillier, Barrow, 9e p162).As for her husband, she believes that he is a blessing because she understands that not everyone is lucky enough to live a long married life, let alone getting to an older age whi le still having your spouse by your side. Maria feels that he has been an integral part of her overall well being. He supports her with everything she does. They both maintain well eating habits and daily exercise although she states that he protests at times, Marriage maintains health married people tend to have higher levels of well-being and better health than unmarried people (Hillier, Barrow, 9e p174).
Monday, May 20, 2019
Socrates: Guilty or Not
Socrates is oneness of the launchers of Western philosophy. The dialogues, written by musical compositiony of his students, such as Plato, represent a unique bureau of minding how we should live our lives, and who do we aspire to become. He was a precise intelligent earthly concern who was very concerned close ethics, world a good Athenian, and doing what is beneficial. In Platos Apology the reader experiences all(a) of Socrates characteristics as if they where sitting right there with all the other five hundred hands representing the jury. Socrates is assay to persuade the jury by defending himself against accusations made by fellow Athenian, Meletus. He accuses Socrates of corrupting the spring chicken and of not believing in the paragons the city of capital of Greece deals in (Apology, 24 b-c).Socrates, not being well-kn birth(prenominal) with courts, attempts at defending himself stating that is most likely to engage in a defense not develop custodyt the languag e of lawyers, but in the focus he is used to speak to the public. Even though Socrates was found guilty in the court of law, hence being sentenced to death, he still persuaded one of the jury men that was not present that day in to believing he was not guilty. I believe that Socrates defended himself much than well against his accusations, and the lack of evidence presented by his accusers fleets more than enough reason that he was indeed not guilty. But there be two things I do not agree with Socrates One being that he says he is not a wise man, and the other being that if person does wrong to other somebody unwillingly, is a good enough reason for the wrongdoer to not have repercussions for his acts.It is Important to view that during the entire defense Socrates is contend his accusers, mainly Meletus and he shows this right away when he goes through the beginning(a) accusation of supposedly corrupting the youth. He says that most of the kids that follow him around are k ids of very plenteous parents who just bonk hearing plenty being questioned. Socrates states that every time his accusers are asked what he does and what is he teaching that corrupts the young, they have no answer for the question, and that most of the men are just angry because he questioned them on their supposed more than human wisdom (Apology, 23c-d).The great Socrates was known for going to every man who said was wise and ridiculing them in front of other spectators, in which he made a cumulation of enemies. It is very important to state that Socrates has been accused before actually he has been receiving accusations since he was very young. Socrates says that he has two types of accusers the earlier ones, and the recent ones, which he says listened to what the older accusers said about him making it easier to create a disliking for him. For me this is a very important point, because it is just another reason to believe that the accusations made are just repressed anger and disliking for a man who does not believe in committing any wrongdoing.Socrates continues his defense attacking Meletus and asking him who is allowed to improve and educate the youth, and he answers that everyone including the jurymen, the audience, the members of the council, the assembly, all Athenians except for Socrates himself (Apology, 24e-25a). This leads him to conclude that Meletus, using an analogy of clams and horse breeders, does not really care about the youth, because he believes that only one man in capital of Greece can corrupt the youth while he goes on thinking that every other Athenian is educating and improving them (Apology, 25b-c). Socrates once again questions Meletus evidence.In another excerpt of the Apology, Socrates says how can so many people enjoy being around him and listening him questioning others. He then invites all of the supposedly men he has corrupted to stand up as witnesses, but he only finds all of the people that neck him and follow him in the audience (Apology, 33c-34b). As you go through the first defense it just keeps on demonstrating the lack of evidence by the part of the accusers, who could not even bring a single person to the stand that has been corrupted. This leads us to Socrates second part of the defense. In the affidavit it says that Socrates is charged for not believing in the cities gods, but when Meletus is questioned he says This is what I mean, that you do not believe in gods at all (Apology, 26c).This all told changes is early accusation, and it certainly makes it clear that he is contradicting himself. Socrates continues to question Meletus about believing in spirits. Meletus answers a question that made by Socrates, in which he asked, Do we not believe spirits to be any gods or the children of gods, Meletus answers Of course(Apology, 27c-d). This leads me to my second point does Socrates really believe in any supernatural being? I believe that he actually does.One small observation I made was th at he mentions the god Zeus more than once during the trial (Apology, 17c, 25c, 35d). But more importantly he talks about A* god who has put him in earth to do the work he does, to be a philosopher, to question what others do not dare. He states that they are treating a gift from god unjustly (Apology 30e-31b). He really persuaded me when he talked about a divine or spiritual sign that speaks to him when he needs to be turned away from something (Apology, 31d).Some jurymen would say he is just talking about this to get away with not being sentenced to death, but I say to those people why would a man who clear says he does not fear death will lie in the court of law, which he has respected his entire life, because that is how he was brought up. But even if I agree with Socrates defense, there are two things I do not agree with. The first is that he says he is not a wise man, which I find to be completely absurd. In a sense I see it as his way for people taking him for a humble man .Early in the trial he expresses how he visited all the men who said they were wise, but he never says he questioned who said they were not wise. For Socrates being wise is someone who has knowledge and the more arrogant you are about knowing something the less of a wise man you are. To make my point Socrates never thinks of himself as a wise man, so by using his own explanation of a wise person makes him a wise man if not the wisest in Athens. (Santi recall that he believed that you truly do not understand anything until you understand yourself and your own beliefs. Socrates at least knows this integrity about himself.)The second argument I do not agree with Socrates that if someone does something wrong unwillingly is exempt from being accused or even punished from his acts. I do believe in doing what is just, and I do believe Socrates was prosecuted unjustly. But just because you do wrong unwillingly does not give the state to let you go freely. Take this for example you are in a bar and you are carrying a weapon with you, for precaution measures. The gun accidentally goes of and you injure a person. This would go under unwillingly causing harm to another person, but it does not mean that you should not receive any punishment for acting carelessly while carrying a fire weapon. I arrived at the conclusion that Socrates was never to be punished in any sort of way.The main reason is because the accusations were vague and were not backed up by any type of evidence. These accusers were blinded by a hatred that was born when they were young and go along to build up when they see the man named Socrates walking through the streets of Athens questioning everything. The city of Athens and the people who lived there were taught everything they know and believe, and those things were never to be questioned because that is what they were taught. Then came Socrates, a wise man, and questioned everything, but I do not believe he ever intended, and surely did not, to corr upt the youth. I strongly believe that he was helping every single human being he spoke to.Socrates was teaching the people of Athens to question things, to be curious and question everything, and that is the basis of philosophy to question. One could say that Socrates prognostic was fulfilled his conviction will be shameful for Athens because there will be others to government issue his place. By reading the Apology I felt a one more jurymen, and I emphatically found this man to not be guilty on any of the charges.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Petroleum and Supply Chain
A Report On Castrol India Ltd. , Mumbai Assignment Supply Chain Executive Summary Castrol India LTD. Castrol India Limited is a habitual Limited come with with 70. 92% of the equity held by Castrol Limited UK (part of BP Group). From a minor embrocate company, with a shargon of about 6% in 1991, Castrol India has grown to become the endorsement largest lubricant company in India with a merchandise sh be of around 28%. Castrol India manufactures and markets a range of automotive and industrial lubricants. It markets its automotive lubricants under two brands Castrol and BP.The company has leadership positions in approximately of the segments in which it operates including passenger car locomotive engine oils, premium 2-stroke and 4-stroke oils and multigrade diesel engine oils. Castrol India has the largest manufacturing and marketing network amongst the lubricant companies in India. The company has 5 manufacturing intentts crossways the country, including a state-of-the-a rt plant in Silvassa. The company reaches its consumers through a dispersal network of 270 distri besidesors, servicing oer 70,000. retail outlets.From a minor oil company, with a share of about 6% in 1991, Castrol India has now grown upto a market share of around 28%. Product and serves * passenger car oil * Gear Oil * Diesel Engine oil * Two wheeler engine oil * Grease * Coolant * Castrol Supply Chain Network entirely overview * Manufacturing facilities In India there are 12 merchandise facilities with major ones at Patalganga, Silvassa, Tondiarpet, Paharpur. Each mathematical product plant has its own capacity in terms of distinct packing lines and not SKU. * Plant and capacity dataDaily available plectron capacities across current locations(in KL) Single gaucherie w/o extra time*Data taken by project Report Distribution inward Logistics The brutal oil for Castrol is centrally purchased by British Petroleum. Some of the Indian refineries excessively provide ba se oil to Castrol India Limited. The oil is brought to the plants by tankers from offshore tanks. Castrol India Limited has four plants-Patalganga, Silvassa, Paharpur and Tondiarpet and in total 12 gourmandizeing stations.Outbound Logistics Castrol has three tier distributor structure-distributor hubs (CDC/RDC), carrying & Forwarding Agents (CFA) and Distributors. The transportation from manufacturing plant to distributor hub is called Primary deportee (P0). Transportation from distribution centre to carrying & forwarding agency (CFA) (P1), from wareho exercise to warehouse (P2) and warehouse to customer and distributors is called Secondary transportation. The replete(p) country is divided into four zones North, East, West and South.There are 30 CFA,2 DC and 4 Marine warehouses in India. The diagram infra shows the supply chain distribution structure at Castrol India. There are fiver layers Supplier, Plants, Distribution Hubs, Warehouses and Distributors. Castrol has recentl y implemented DRM in which get hold of is growd at the CFA level once the scrutinize at the distributor level falls below an established norm. * The diagram below shows the supply chain distribution structure at Castrol India. There are five layers Supplier, Plants, Distribution Hubs, Warehouses and Distributors. Castrol has recently implemented DReaM in which demand is generated at the CFA level once the inventory at the distributor level falls below an established norm. Global Reach The global reach of British Petroleum is shown in the below mentioned figure. Castrol is a subsidiary of that. grooming Process Forecasting Generating achievement visualises is a key business process in the oil and waste manufacture. Production reckons are used to calculate cash flow using stinting subject areas and to assess reserves in the corporate portfolio. These forecasts mend the financial health of the company and its market value.To generate forecasts, the super majors use in-hous e seed simulators and commercial simulation products, several of which exist on the market. Generally, companies use a variety of methods for production forecasting. Production forecasts for brown handle, i. e. fields currently in production, are regularly updated with production data acquired with off-take volumes. Many production forecasting software products on the market are primarily applied on a fit-for-purpose basis. Reservoir simulation is a measuring stick part of the beginning charge ups toolkit for generating production forecasts.The reservoir models have become more sophisticated over the years, due to the change magnitude computing power available, with the creation of earth models and use of uplifted-technology tools to acquire data for history matching. For brown fields it is common practice to use a reservoir simulation model and history to match the model with new reservoir data on a regular basis and run the model in forward prediction mode to generate fo recasts of oil, gas and water production volumes. Use of 3-D unstable data acquisition became widespread in the 1980s and 1990s.This has allowed construction of detailed reservoir models of the subsurface architecture and identification of additional oil (new zones, bypassed oil, etc. ). Increasing use of geostatistical models during the 1990s has raised the awareness of risk of infection and uncertainty and their impact on decision-making. The driving force has been to center the bandwidth of uncertainty, i. e. to narrow the range of uncertainty by using multiple realisations. Systematic application of statistical techniques may be used to understand the predicted reservoir behaviour and the range of production forecasts.Production forecasts can also be generated using traditional methods, such as decline curves. Classical reservoir engineering methods, such as material balance, should also be in the reservoir engineers toolbox. It is important to recognise that the reservoir s imulator should not be used as a black box. For history matching, the production data has to be tint-checked to ensure good quality control and validity. The forecasts generated by a reservoir simulator should be consistent with other reservoir engineering methods that are used, for example, in gas field P/Z plots (i. . the visual image of the gas material balance, where the buffer gas volume equals the remaining gas volume plus the volume of gas produced). Future trends in real time production forecasting with automatic history matching will include production data and 4-D seismic data, the creation of geo statistical models and multi-realization simulation models for forward prediction. This will still require reservoir engineering intervention to assure and control the quality of the output.With the advent of the e-field, an executive might be right away linked to the same computer as the reservoir engineer and can view, on a subterfuge at his desk, the corporate production f orecasts and the corporate reserves being updated in real time. Oil industry (Castrol) forecasts are generated using the best-practice techniques of time-series modeling. The precise form of time-series model used varies from industry to industry, in each case being determined, as per standard practice, by the prevailing features of the industry data being examined.For example, data for most industries may be particularly prone to seasonality, i. e. seasonal trends. In other industries, there may be pronounced non-linearity, whereby large recessions, for example, may occur more frequently than cyclical booms. Approach varies from industry to industry. parking area to analysis of every industry, however, is the use of vector auto regressions. Vector auto regressions allow us to forecast a variable using more than the variables own history as instructive discipline. For example, when forecasting oil prices, we can include information about oil consumption, supply and capacity.When forecasting for just about of our industry sub-component variables, however, using a variables own history is oft the most sought after method of analysis. Such single-variable analysis is called univariate modeling. We use the most common and versatile form of univariate models the autoregressive moving average model (ARMA). In some cases, ARMA techniques are inappropriate because there is insufficient historic data or data quality is poor. In such cases, we use either traditional decomposition methods or smoothing methods as a basis for analysis and forecasting.It must be remembered that human intervention plays a necessary and lovable part in all our industry forecasting techniques. Intimate knowledge of the data and industry ensures we tell apart structural breaks, anomalous data, turning points and seasonal features where a purely mechanical forecasting process would not. neckcloth Planning The company recently had implemented an inventory optimization application from T ools Group, Amsterdam, called DPM (formerly, Distribution Planning Model). provided Tenaglia knew that technology was only part of the solution.After gaining some experience with the software to understand its capabilities, the European division of Castrol undertook the unsaid work of organizational change, creating a supply-chain cooking department that was totally separate from execution functions. Aggregate Planning Methodology Castrol initiated a program to improve their Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) processes. The team was faced with responsive supply chains caused by forecasts that were inaccurate, unreliable and incomplete. The forecast did not extend to all SKUs and calculations required intensive manual work.The supply chain was still widely station-driven and structured to be reactive, rather than proactive. The demand forecast was carried out by sales and marketing, so the supply chain people reworked the forecast in order to trigger replenishments. We had a lo t of uncertainty due to poor forecast practices. The inventory side was also challenging. Most slow moving products had excess inventory. Fast moving products were often out-of- birth. Safety stocks had been set manually, establish largely on personal experience. In the calculations, there was poor formal sense of supply and demand uncertainty.Safety stocks were infrequently adjusted, and when they were, it was often in reaction to a single event. For instance, an under stock situation would often trigger an increase in safety stock levels. addition, planners were expediting to constantly to overcome the poorly derived inventory targets. This expediting was triggering production reschedules and urgent deliveries, increasing costs and amplifying supply chain noise. Weve seen dramatic increases in our service level with solid reductions In inventory across Europe.Castrol identified the need to build an effective S&OP planning process which they would implement in one country and th en roll out across Europe. The resulting placement would coordinate ten independent systems into one global and unified coherent planning process, encompassing the downstream portion of Castrols supply chain, from blended oils and packaging through to the end user customer. The system would find out high service levels to customers, reduce stock-outs and cut back on manual expediting. BP Castrol quickly came to the conclusion that to grasp the above, they needed to include nventory in their S&OP process. Improving the forecasting process was clearly required, but only when it would not achieve the high customer-service levels they wanted. A Castrol uses software that analyzes demand history across multiple dimensions so you can obtain the best possible forecasts and inventory targets for driving your supply chain. Innovative and advanced technologies alter Castrol to improve and automate planning processes. Solutions span key supply chain planning areas such as Demand Planning, Demand Sensing, Promotion forecasting and record Optimization.BP Castrols resulting system delivered the target service levels, cut out of stocks, and largely eliminated the expediting. Over a two year period, KPIs improved dramatically. Aggregate forecast verity improved by 15% on average and channel forecast accuracy* improved to 90% for retail. (* % of SKUs demand within 20% of a 2 months aged forecast) Total network inventories were reduced by 35%, 20% in the first year after implementation and then 20% over again in the following year. patronage the lower inventories, service levels to customers, as defined by line fill rates, were up by 9% overall.The system has become a unique company standard for excellence in forecasting, customer service level planning and inventory optimization. The system now spans 29 installations, 25 countries and has been expanded to two continents. The Payoff Reduced Inventory and Higher Service Levels The replenishment flows had to be synchroni zed with the demand signal through optimized inventories. They improved demand sensing by generating more hardy and reliable forecasts. They implemented an improved and standardized monthly demand forecast process cycle.A single point of accountability was instituted. Promotion planning and monitoring was also improved. They improved demand response by amend safety stocks using a solution provided by Tools Group. Reliable statistical modeling accurately deliberate demand and supply chain volatility. Reliable inventory modeling and mix optimization techniques accommodated this volatility and accurately set the inventory targets required to achieve a responsive inventory mix. The Payoff Reduced Inventory and Higher Service Levels BP Castrols resulting system delivered the target service levels, reduced ut of stocks, and largely eliminated the expediting. Over a two year period, KPIs improved dramatically. Aggregate forecast accuracy improved by 15% on average and channel forecast a ccuracy* improved to 90% for retail. (* % of SKUs demand within 20% of a 2 months aged forecast) Total network inventories were reduced by 35%, 20% in the first year after implementation and then 20% again in the following year. Despite the lower inventories, service levels to customers, as defined by line fill rates, were up by 9% overall.The system has become a unique company standard for excellence in forecasting, customer service level planning and inventory optimization. The system now spans 29 installations, 25 countries and has been expanded to two continents. Pricing The rising ill-bred prices caused severe seat-oil supply imbalances. The shortage of raw material also hard impacted many of the small-scale players in the Indian lubricant market. (Castrol) Further, the supply uncertainty triggered rapid Base oil price increases. This in turn caused most lubricant players, including Castrol, to take multiple price increases during the year. . scotch slowdown the global fina ncial crisis in the countenance half of 2008 severely impacted the Indian stock market and caused the rupee to depreciate by about 20% with respect to the US buck. The rupee wear and tear offset benefits of softening Base-oil prices during the latter half of the year. The lower overall economic activity level and dependant availability of finance also impacted automotive sales and trucking activity in the second half of 2008. a slow-down in the construction sector earlier in the year due to the high interest rate regime was further affected by lack of credit in the second half.This has caused an overall slackening of demand in the lubricant market, particularly in the industrial, mining, off-road and fleet-operators segment, in the last imbibe of the year. The lubricant channel partners reacted to this period of uncertainty by tightening their inventory levels, causing a one-off impact on lubricant volume in the second half of 2008. 2. Crude oil Crude prices move to remain an important cost input element to Base-oil in addition to supply demand economics. In 2008, unrefined prices rapidly increased and crossed US$145 a barrel in July.This triggered horrid increases on various crude derivatives including Base-oils across the globe. In the second half of the year the crude prices collapsed but the depreciation of the rupee against the US Dollar offset some of the increases. Refiners also carried inventory of high priced crude procured earlier and as a result, the benefits of the falling crude prices were not passed on by refiners to industrial customers in tandem with the crude prices. The following graph indicates the trend of crude prices 3. Base-Oils and AdditivesThe steep rise in crude prices severely impacted the Base-oil prices with multiple price increases charged by the Base-oil refiners. At its peak, the Base-oil price touched uS$1800 per ton in the second half of the year, almost doubling from 2007 exit levels. The increases were regular and qu ick until kinfolk 2008. Supply situation had further deteriorated due to refinery closures, production issues and turnaround at domestic and international sources. cod to limited availability, customers were put on allocation by major refineries.Post the crude prices falling from the high of over uS$145 a barrel and the economic slowdown, the availability of Base-oils witnessed strong improvement. However, there was very little reduction in prices till the last quarter due to the depreciation of the rupee against the US Dollar and the high inventory of Base oils held by refiners in anticipation of demand. Input costs of analog manufacturers witnessed a rapid increase and with the expectation of higher demand, the pricing balance tilted in favor of additive manufacturing companies.Additive prices witnessed an increase of circa 25% over the 2007 levels. However, Castrol has managed the volatile input prices by ensuring effective procurement and inventory heed. productivity of pur chasing spends and running(a) capital management has been an area of focus. Tight control of Base-oils and additives inventory has ensured higher inventory turnaround and release of cash in a timely manner for the business. EXCECUTION Checking and Controlling of Inventory Plan The management conducts physical verification of inventory at reasonable intervals during the year. b) The procedures of physical verification of inventory followed by the management are reasonable and adequate in relation to the size of the Company and the nature of its business. (c) The Company is maintaining proper records of inventory and no material discrepancies were Noticed on physical verification. Performance Evaluation Parameters assist planning, execution, and management Enhance visibility Reduced inventory and demurrage cost Improve productivity and operational efficacy Respond quickly and synchronize changes Reduced costs Improve decision making Increase customer satisfaction Build stra tegic relationships Improve agility, competitiveness, and business performance Information Technology In the oil and gas industry, knowing where and what product is being produced or delivered is essential to an efficient and effective organization. The use of IT to spree possible remote control of equipment and facilities, transaction services monitoring, and even transportation management service is important. Firms manage British Petroleum have developed new systems to aid in their business operations by using these technologies.Past and present methods of communication in the oil and gas industry have included broadcast communications (on a limited basis), Cellular and Specialized Mobile Radio, fiber-optics, and general offshore telephone service using radio frequencies consisted of a radiotelephone based antenna/transmitter that would allow communications in the midst of any offshore oil platforms and land-based telephone networks. These systems required a team of employe es to monitor and report to management on a continuing basis.Currently, cellular and specialized mobile radio services are in the process of providing better services to the offshore drilling platforms and are generally expected to replace the ripened offshore radiotelephone systems found primarily in the Gulf of Mexico region. Such systems make use of these technologies to reduce and/or eliminate on site monitoring by a team of employees. With respect to moil costs, the organization could save substantial amounts of money because there is no need to have personnel endlessly on location to inspect, monitor, maintain, and/or report conditions.Wireless data provided by implemented wireless technology would automatically produce reports on processes. Adjustments could be do at appropriate times reducing any overtime payments. The benefits of IT integration to the Castrol as a whole could be substantial. Supply Chain Collaborations, Coordination, And Cooperation Supply-chain manage ment requires an oil and gas company to integrate its decisions with those made within its chain of customers and suppliers. This process involves relationship management by the company. some(prenominal) customer relations and supplier relations are key to effective coordination of supply-chains.Often, the interaction between suppliers and their customers are adversarial in nature, based on a negotiated contract that spells out all the terms and conditions by which all parties are required to comply. Instead, a firm can create long-term strategic relationships with their suppliers. In most cases, it is a collaboration process between the oil and gas operating company and its suppliers. One of the weaknesses of a supply-chain is that each company is likely to act in its best interests to optimize its profit.The goal of satisfying the last-ditch customer is easily lost and opportunities that could arise from some coordination of decisions across stages of the supply-chain could also be lost. If suppliers could be made more reliable, there would be less need for inventories of raw materials, quality inspection systems, rework, and other non-value adding activities, resulting in lean production. Coordination from the perspective of British Petroleum Company involves the following issues * ensuring supplier effectiveness n cost, opportuneness and quality * setting appropriate targets for inventory, capacity, and lead time * monitoring demand and supply conditions * Communicating market and performance results to customers and suppliers. A typical challenge in the petroleum industry supply chain is the situation and anxiety regarding collaboration and information sharing between supply chain partners. While collaboration and information sharing rep-resent a crucial factor for supply chain strength. Improved supply chain efficiency in the petroleum industry, therefore, needs a new philosophy in collaboration, even if this means working with competitors.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
A Helicopter Parent
A chop enkindle may have good intentions, but his or her interference could make their kidskins life much more(prenominal) difficult in the long run. Today, there is an increase in the number of helicopter parents. The term helicopter parent defines the behavior of parents who seem just a tad too involved in their childs day-by-day life.We all understand that parents would do everything to keep their children out of harms way, but sometimes, this desire give the axe compose an loaferkerous obsession that can actually hurt their kids. At times I question myself, will the near generation of young people be able to actually think for themselves?Children of helicopter parents can become too dependent of their paternities. It is a very common factor in the Palauan society for parents to help their children with their bills, bounteous them money, babysitting, and even to the degree of buring their groceries and cleaning their bases. It is a very touchy subject to some as they heart pity for their children and want the best for them but at times it seems to get out hand.Those who constantly hold dear their children from any disappointment only decreases the childs chance of self-empowerment and growth as they mature. With helicopter parents, time may be more consumed with exaggerated observance and calming themselves down rather than helping their children to be self-reliant and independent. Allowing your children to move and having them test their limits is the least a parent can do for their kids. In this way, a child can be more resourceful, productive, and become an independent learner, or acquires knowledge through his or her own efforts. escape of confidence is also an effect of helicopter parenting. Parents who are overly involved and overly hovering around a child is a sign that the parents themselves are very anxious. Children can sense and pick up their parents solicitude and become anxious themselves. When this happens, a child usually becom es instantly sad, isolated, or get down. Either way, it brings a child to an unhappy place. Anxiety among your adults has significantly grown in recent years, some have turned depressed or even sick.Though this happens at home when the child lives with his or her parents, it occurs after they leave home as well. When parents guide their children in everything they do, they do not have the chance to show what they are dependent of. As they mature, it will only make it difficult for them to make their own decisions as they are utilize to having someone around telling them what to do.They are also very much terrified of taking risks in particular if it is something that is not common to them. Something as simple as, You can do this or Im so proud of you can encourage a child and help them build their confidence. Believing in someone is simply permit them do what they know instead of being by their side the whole time telling them what to do and what not to do.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Develop marketing strategies Essay
The assessment confinement is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this administration must be approved in writing by your assessor. Submit this document with both essential evidence attached. See specifications below for details.Performance objectiveIn this assessment task you atomic number 18 required to check out and evaluate selling opportunities for an shaping and rear marketing activities that reflect the strategic directions of the organisation.Assessment definitionFor the organisation outlined in the case study provided, identify two marketing opportunities and evaluate severally opportunity for risks, strengths, weaknesses and alignment with organisational objectives. After you have reviewed the opportunities, select the best fitting opportunity for the organisation and develop marketing strategies, approaches and activities to take expediency of the opportunity.ProcedureYou are required to submit a report that addresses altogether of the elements listed in the procedure. The report should be structured using the headings below.Organisational overview1. Develop an organisational overview thata. outlines the strategic direction and organisational objectives b. outlines the current size, capabilities and resources of the organisation, including any notable strengths and weaknesses c. identifies any gaps between the objectives, and the current capabilities and resources.Opportunities1. Identify two marketing opportunities that meet the objectives and evaluate the risks and benefits of each opportunity. 2. Recommend the opportunity that best addresses organisational objectives and a. develop a marketing mix outline that fits within the capabilities and resources of the organisation b. describe how your strategies align with the strategic direction of the organisation, and give justifications for your pick c. detail a marketing surgery review strategy using an appropriate tool (competitive analysis, life cycle mod el, value chain analysis, etc.) to review the performance of the organisation against marketing objectives d. include the metrics to be characterd in measuring marketing performance.Tactics1. Detail the tactics necessary to implement the strategy you have outlined, includinga. scheduling of activities to enact the strategyb. costingc. accountabilities and responsibilitiesd. a plan for coordinating and monitoring scheduled activities including KPIs.2. Outline any legal and estimable requirements that impact on the selected tactics. 3. Describe how the tactics fit within identified organisational resources and capabilities.SpecificationsThis assessment can be completed in your own time, as you work with the related topics in either the educatee Workbook, or under the guidance of your assessor. The assessment is due for completion at the completion of Section 2 of the Student Workbook unless another submission time/method is suggested by your assessor. Check with your assessor whet her it is appropriate to use a computer for the submission of the report (electronic), or if the assessor requires a hardcopy (printed) version. You must providea report containing documents that support all of the instructions outlinedin t he procedure above. Your assessor will be looking for whether you haveidentified a suitable marketing opportunityconducted inquiry to assess and analyse the marketprepared a report outlining your marketing strategies to best take advantage of the identified market opportunities organised your report under the headings suggested in the procedure.Adjustment for distance-based learnersNo variation of the task is required.A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor). Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.Case studyHouzit is a chain of homewares stock certificates in Sydney that separate in bathroom fittings, bedroom fittings, mirrors and decorative items. They currently have 15 stores dis perse across the great Sydney area, with all stores being managed and coordinated from their head office in Milton. You have recently been appointed as the marketing manager and must now review the organisation and devise marketing strategies that will represent Houzit towards its strategic goals. The CEO has also asked you to consider some marketing opportunities that may assist Houzit in range its goals, and provide him with brief summary evaluating two alternatives, including the benefits and risks associated with each option, and making a recommendation for the opportunity about likely to produce results. You have gleaned the spare-time activity information about HouzitHouzit is close to entering its fifth socio-economic class of operation offering a wide range of home-ware items on easy-to-manage payment terms and supplies a tether year guarantee on every item sold. The typical cross customers have the following characteristics civilise people who are house proudshoppe rs who will drive to an easy-to-access storecustomers who require payment plans to spread their commitment over an extended period renovators and new home builders2050 year olds.Houzit recognises the following trends and focuses its efforts on them. Quality Preference for highschool quality items is increasing as customers arelearning to care for differences in quality. Unique items Customers want homewares that stand out from mass-produced, low quality items. Selection People are demanding a larger selection of choices, they are no longer accepting a hold selection of homewares. The typical Houzit store has the following characteristicsLocation A commercial, suburban neighbourhood, or urban sell district. purport Bright and functional.Size 1,0001,500 m2.Employees 1520 full time, plus several casualsTypes of transactions 60% cash, 40% on long-term repayment plan.Sales break-ups between the existing Sydney stores reveal30% bathroom fittings35% bedroom furnishings20% mirro rs and decorative items15% lighting fixtures (recent addition).A new customers counterbalance purchase is generally of mirrors and decorative items and this gives us the opportunity to sign them up to our loyalty program. In a brief discussion with the CEO, you asked about the changes taking place in legislation that could impact on Houzits operation. The CEO explained There is a big push by governments on the issue of sustainability. This focuses mostly on environmental issues of waste management and energy conservation. Houzit stores have been deliberately designed in the past to be bright and comfortable places to shop. This means a significant cost in electricity usage to express the lights and the air-conditioners. With the new regulations we are going to have to find ways to still provide customers with what they want without the high electricity usage.Strategic plan (extract)VisionHouzit will be a national retail brand, ply to the needs of home makers with a range of uniqu e, high quality homewares made accessible to all through our easy to manage payment plan.MissionBy 2020, Houzit will have a significant retail presence in homewares in every Australian capital city, starting with 15 stores in the greater Sydney areaand growing to 100 Australia wide.Objectives1. Increase sales from $15million per year to $20million per year in the next tercet years. 2. Increase our loyalty customers list from 10,000 to 15,000. 3. Establish brand recognition in Sydney so that at to the lowest degree 1 in 3 people recognise our brand in a random survey taken in 18 months time.SWOT AnalysisStrengthsExcellent staff who are highly good and knowledgeable about homewares. Great retail space that is bright, functional and efficient for a commercial urban district. High customer loyalty among repeat customers.Assortment of offerings that exceed competitors offerings in quality, range and accessibility.WeaknessesA limited marketing budget to develop brand awareness due to t he lack of critical mass and store cover. The struggle to continually fund the growing long-term repayment plans taken out by our customers.OpportunitiesA growing market in a high growth area with a significant division of the target market still not aware of Houzits offer. Increasing sales opportunities outside of our target area greater Sydney.ThreatsCompetition from local independent retailers can drive down prices, as proprietor operators have lover overhead costs than our staff-run stores. Competition from national chains moving into the Sydney market. A go down in the economy reducing customers disposable income spent on homewares.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Poem Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Poem - Assignment ExampleThis diversity was the result of a policy of racial segregation existing throughout the nation. Racism was such an intimate aspect of a segregated society. obscure people and especially blacks were expected to act subordinate towards the white people. The very fact of being considered an inferior person owing to the skin of ones color was indeed painful and hurting. The only right smart left for the African Americans to margin call an equal status was to raise their voice against injustice. Thereby, Maya Angelou in her poem Caged shucks is encouraging the African American people to raise their voice against racial discrimination.The amazing thing close to this poem is that it happens to be an extended metaphor. The poet has not mentioned and specific race in the poem. It is but clear that what she is seek to convey is that the racial superiority claimed by the whites makes them act in a freer and liberated way. The African Americans argon extremely re stricted and harassed owing to the evil of racial discrimination. By confabring to the free bird, the poet is trying to refer to the social advantages enjoyed by the white race owing to its self claimed superior status. It also conveys the heavy handedness and gross injustice of the white people. They have totally sidelined an entire people by subjecting them to racial discrimination and racial segregation. The white people are shown to be enjoying the fruits of social life. They do not allow the African Americans to have their share by subjecting them to gross racism. The speaker winds up the first stanza with the expression, the free bird dares to claim the sky (Angelou 1). This depicts a racially segregated society in which the social and economic privileges are enjoyed only by the white race. The discrimination against the black people is socially approved and adhered to by all.In the bordering stanza the poet tries to convey
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Human rights Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Human rights - Term Paper Exampleeived during the First World War to promote internationalist cooperation and to achieve peace and security under the Treaty of Versailles1 ( unify Nations a).The name itself, united Nations became formally known during the due south World War when US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt used the term in the Declaration by fall in Nations on 01 January 1942 when representatives of 26 nations pledged their nations to fight against the Axis Powers2 (United Nations a).United Nations charter was premier drafted in a conference of representatives in San Francisco in 1945. It was signed on 26 June 1945 by the representatives of 50 countries and became officially existent on 24 October 1945 when its Charter was ratified by China, France, The Soviet Union, The United Kingdom, the United States and a majority of other signatories3 (United Nations a).United Nations have many achievements that ranged from peacekeeping in war divide countries to providing foo ds and assistance among those disaster struck countries to promoting human rights. UN is also actively involved in promoting development done its United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It had implemented projects for agriculture, industry, education and environment. It supports more than 5,000 projects with a budget of $1.3 billion and is the largest three-party source of grant development assistance4 (United Nations b).With regard to human rights, the United Nations has helped enact dozens of comprehensive agreements on political, civil, social, economic and cultural rights5 (United Nations b). It actively investigated human rights abuses and the UN Human Rights Commission has brought the worlds attention on cases of torture, disappearance and arbitrary detention. It also helped generate international pressure on governments to improve their human rights records6 (United Nations b).The United Nations has already achieved a lot in terms of promoting peace, human rights, prog ress, justice and
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The First Great Compromise in US History Research Paper
The First Great Compromise in US bill - Research Paper ExampleThe answer to the deadlock came from Roger Sherman, a delegate from computed tomography. Delegates and the media referred to the proposal as the Connecticut Compromise while others called it the Great Compromise. It was the brainchild of the existing federal government. The Congress would have two houses namely, the bear of Representatives and the Senate. The population of separately state would determine the number of members in the raise of Representatives. On the other hand, each state would send two members to the Senate. State legislators received the powers to elect the Senators. Somehow, Sherman gave delegates what they wanted. Whereas large states got more members in the House of Representatives, small states got equal representation in the Senate. The writing and creation of bills became a preserve of the House of Representatives in the Congress, something that made large states happy. Small states derived fur ther satisfaction from the fact that the Senate became officially, The Upper House. The Biggest problem came from the powers of the Presidency. Resistance came from Anti-Federalists. The words Anti-federalists referred to a group of people who opposed the ratification of the constitution vehemently. This coalition of people continues to remain instrumental to the Federalists. This is despite the fact that the group had famous political leaders in national politics. Anti-federalists were very pop towards the end of the eighteenth century. The same time the people of America were struggling to promulgate their supreme law. This character clearly indicates that the leading pack of this team included among others James Winthrop a delegate from Massachusetts, George Mason, who hailed from Virginia, as come up as Patrick Henry a representative from Virginia as well, in addition to the New York representative, Melanchthon Smith1.
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