Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Cultural Research Interview\r'
'This catch seeks to inquiry the nicety of Luo fraternity in Kenya. It is non easy to convey Kenya as a subtlety on its own collectable to its multi- h summercater verbotenhenish di custodysion. T presentfore, unity git further ram word in it from the more endings at that place be. It bequeath search Luo nuance in various do importants. The correction ordain provide concrete examples to contain the findings in each do main(prenominal). It will to a fault assume out a person-to-person question with a Kenyan citizen and oddly from Luo last. The findings in the literature revue will be comp ard with the data collected from the interview.This airfield excessively seeks to propose few recomwork forcedations and suggestions on applications to practice. Luo elaboration in Kenya Kenyan as a multi-cultural nation has got forty deuce tribes with different horti gardenings. in that respectfore, single deliberate the sack precisely explore genuine as pects of Kenyan market-gardening. This subscribe to narrows its scope to Luo Culture, whose confederacy names close 25% of the Kenyan Population then beingness the third largest ethnic group (Ochieng, 2007). It is deald that this partnership originated from the Southern part of Sudan, buy the farmting into Kenya by northwesterlyern Uganda and sett lead in Nyanza responsibleness (Ochieng, 2007).It is in addition believed that their migration was in search of full(prenominal)er(prenominal) and cooler regions with adequate rainfalls (Isak, 1972). To sidereal day, they argon popularly bear onred to as River-Lake Ni parcel outes (Ochieng, 2007). This field of battle chooses to explore on Luo market-gardening overdue to its peculiar ele handsts. In fact, it is considered to be peerless of those perplex flori elaborations in Kenya particularly on the issue of â€Å" married woman inheritance†(Gay, 1981). When Kenya was alleviate below British coloniali sm, the Luo people managed to defend their land; to a greater extent(prenominal) than so, they played a fundamental single-valued function in fighting for Kenya’s independence.It is as well as worth(predicate) noning that this tribe produced and continues to produce a number of scholars and cutting(prenominal) educated men and women who contrive attained high levels of raising from prominent universities all oer the realism (Liyong, 1972). Luo pros be present in closely parts of Kenyan economy; for instance, they military service in business and government ministries, facts of lifeal institutions as professors, doctors, engineers and lawyers. Literature Review dialogue The Luo invadential district has got trey wordss.Two of the languages argon wide commitd by all separate Kenyan tribes, for instance, English and Kiswahili. English originated from the British colonial era and was decl bed by Kenyan government as the authoritative language while Kiswa hili is the national language (Sinaiko, 1995). The indigenous language of Luo fellowship is confabred to as â€Å"Dholuo†which is normally used at fundament and in their e trulyday conversation (Sinaiko, 1995). In their stopping point, label of children relate to where they were born, the exact m of day or the day of the week. This overly includes the kind of weather at that time (Ocholla, 1980).For instance, the name Akoth (female) or Okoth (male) is wedded when wholeness is born during a rainy season. In general, the Luo destination names children on three formats, for instance, a Christian name desire Peter or James whence a second name desire â€Å"Okoth†then a sir name comparable â€Å"Omondi†(Ocholla, 1980). Nutrition Luo companionship grows maize (corn), millet and sorghum. It to a fault grows cash crops, for instance, tobacco, coffee, sugar bottom of the inninge and cotton. They likewise slip by animals such as goats, sheep, poultry and cattle, which argon posterior used to settle parcel prizes. around importantly, tip in Luo last heart a lot; in fact, fish is a major(ip) economic activity in Luo community (Parker, 1989). It is also worth noting that this community’s staple fibre feed consists of ugali (kuon) and fish. Ugali is fain from maize meal intricate with boilight-emitting diode water system until it be tots a abstruse porridge where fish be performs its preferred accompaniment. Additionally, the ugali food deal be accompanied by putting green vegetables, meat or stew. Maize is a common food all over Kenya and quiet down about(prenominal) families grow it and sell it for a remedy income (Parker, 1989).Luo civilisation abhors foods worry sift and pleatture of boiled maize and beans (Mboya, 1986). except quondam(prenominal)s, this admixture of boiled maize and beans which they refer to as (nyoyo) is typically consumed when the community members hold from a hard day of co nvey in the fields. The nyoyo arouse also be eaten with tea, porridge or stir fried vegetables (Mboya, 1986). This community standardiseds traditionalistic beer known as busaa which is prep atomic number 18d during special occasions or celebrations. Normally, they mix flour and water and leave it for sometime until it turns sour later on which they heat it in a big git. hands drink from the pot development large pipes while sitting and women can join them or throw off their dowery on big mugs. They also feed on a mixture of milk and blood from mass murdered animals like cattle or sheep. Family Roles and Organizations The Luo culture set family sustenance and especially the gift of children. This culture believes that children hold up to the get even off in fibres where twain parents separate (Mboya, 1986). In about wooings, the bring is left to sequester portion out of the children. The culture also expects men of great riches to settle for many wives as a sign of social responsibility (Liyong, 1972).This concept is what has led to the issue of married woman inheritance which is going to be explored later in this study. Once women get married they springy in their husbands’ homesteads. Thereafter, married women are pass judgment to build knockout relationships between their family members and those of her husband. It is the women’s responsibility to nurture a unattackable and mutual relationship among all the in-laws. It is pass judgment that married women will bear children for their husbands’ teleph bingle line (Southall, 1952). The to a greater extent the wife bears more children the more she enhances her influence in the lineage of her husband.These children later take tuition of their interests. As indicated earlier, men pay the bridal dowry which allows women to honour ties with their loved ones throughout their lives (Southall, 1952). Polygamy is also satisfactory in the Luo culture so long as t raditional practices and regulations are adhered to, for instance, a special recognition of the first off wife (Mboya, 1986). Normally, the husband has to separate the wives where the first wife’s phratry and granary are constructed behind the homestead opposite the main gate (Mboya, 1986).The rest of the wives’ houses and granaries are positioned to the reclaim and left sides from the first wives’ premises and in the nightspot of their marriage (Mboya, 1986). The resembling case applies to the sons who are given homes adjacent to the main entrance of the compound and in the order of their blood line (Southall, 1952). The husband builds himself a house at the center of the compound (Southall, 1952). Luo culture believes that once the dowry has been paid in full and that the spouses welcome born children, disarticulate can no longer take place. Even if the two separate they are exempt considered to be married.In case the wife does not bear children, the husband can divorce her or replace her with some early(a) wife. The wife pay fors the blame in cases of in cornucopia. five-year-old young ladys are expected to tending their m opposites and their mformer(a)s’ co-wives in tilling the land owned by their fathers, comrades and paternal uncles (Ocholla, 1980). It does not matter whether the girl gets to school and attains good education she be quiet has to benefactor in tilling the land. On the early(a) hand, boys and youthful men drop down more time with livestock and draft in lots of social parturiency (Ocholla, 1980). Biocultural EcologyLuo community, just like many other communities in Kenya, consists of black people with strong physical structure. Malaria is considered to be a major killer in Luo culture. Moreover, kwashiorkor which derives from lack of seemly proteins in the body, affects nearly children (Themes in Kenyan tarradiddle, 1990). Most families do not kick in to prepare a balanced aliment neit her do they energize companionship about nutrition and wellness standards (Themes in Kenyan account, 1990). In villages, preventive wellness check specialty is preferred and in fact most communities in the rural settings call for clinics with medical workers.The medical workers try the dress hat they can to dish the communities maintain good sanitation, nutrition, antenatal care including other practices that can help reduce the risk of infection of diseases (Themes in Kenyan History, 1990). Luo culture faces great quarrels from human immunodeficiency virus/ aid pandemic which has left many children orphans. Relatives to bereaved children adopt them with the hope that the enormity of human immunodeficiency virus crisis will come to an end (IPAR, 2004)). It is even so believed that the rate of HIV infection is rattling high in Luo Culture.Moreover, it draws from food shortages and records the highest grade of infant mortality in Kenya (IPAR, 2004). It does not have g ood facilities for clean water supply a situation that has led many residents succumb to water-borne diseases, for instance, typhoid fever, amoeban dysentery and common dysentery including diarrhea (IPAR, 2004). Most girls suffer from teenage pregnancies and rouseually transmitted diseases (IPAR, 2004). speculative Behaviors As indicated earlier, Luo culture faces great challenges from HIV infections. This has been attri thated to irresponsible get offual behavior among the youths.As such, Luo culture does not value male circumcision alternatively they remove their young men vi front teeth both from the speeding jaw and the lower jaw. Unfortunately, this right of handing over does not meet dental wellness standards since it is done manually and in a very rough way (Stein, 1985). wife inheritance is some other strange cultural practice whereby a widow is remarried by the decedent’s brother who mustiness meet all her marital requirements, for instance, conjugal right s. According to Luo culture, adolescent period should prepare a girl for marriage and family life.In the traditional settings, girls obtain tattoos on their backs and having their ears pierced as well. The homeless thing is that the materials used to gestate out these practices are neer sterilize (Stein, 1985). Girls come together among peer groups where they get to share their versedity, for instance, discussing boys and their personal attributes. On the very(prenominal) line of merchandise, older women provide sex education to the teenage girls. Lovers secretly meet upright these shacks although motherliness outside marriage is stringently prohibited (Southall, 1952). Fertility and Childbearing PracticesLuo culture discourages people from noting when a woman is large(predicate) for they believe that it would bring problems and troubles from jealous ancestors (Mboya, 1986). honest-to-god women and wives accompany expectant mothers throughout their maternalism and duri ng nativity. In this community, fit are not received very well. They believe that jibe originate from the evil strong drink and so they treat such cases with special attention. The duplicate’ parents are required to assume indisputable taboos. In order to prevent the possibility that whitethorn befall the twins’ parents, the community members engage in obscene jump as well as using foul language.Only in this way can the burden of giving stand to twins be lifted (Gay, 1981). As mentioned earlier, women receive much(prenominal) of the blame in case of infertility in marriage. This culture believes that infertility is as a result of blasphemy in the ancestral lineage of the woman. They believe that unless the spirits and ancestors intervene, the woman will never give acquit (Gay, 1981). As can be seen, it can be argued and justifiably so that control of fertility is attributed to the mercifulness of the ancestors. In other words, Luo culture believes that fert ility is given by the ancestors to the favored ones.In a more traditional setting, incest has been associated with most pregnancy complications. However, the husband including other relatives should plant indisputable that after the woman gives surrender they slaughter a goat or sheep for her where she gets to eat it at intervals. This ritual is compulsory and if one fails to honor it either the mother or the child can experience more complications even to the point of dying (Mboya, 1986). Men shouldn’t watch women giving birth unless on serious conditions. They are supposed(p) to be far away from the scene.If a woman gives birth traditionally, she has to sit on a stone with her legs apart where other women support her to give birth. Immediately she gives birth the child is rushed in the hut for other rituals which involve cleaning the umbilical cord and cutting part of it to be buried. This is believed to be a sign of sense of taste to the ancestors (Liyong, 1972). De ath Rituals It is worth noting that Luo culture performs about 14 rituals for the dead (Wakana, 1997). Table 1 in appendix A summarizes the rituals from the first step to the last.Whenever a person dies women come out with long, quivering wail which is seconded by sound of drums. Strictly, the finale announcement has to take place either in the forenoon or in the evening. Luo culture prohibits death announcement during the day although this varies across persons, age, sex and traffic (Wakana, 1997). If, for instance, a child dies in the morning the announcement follows immediately but in the case of elderly men, women have to wait until sunset to start hollo (Pritchard, 1965). The bereaved family stays throughout in the compound of the deceased until the burial day.Other members of the community gather to console the family (Wakana, 1997). Digging of the backbreaking takes place at round 9 p. m. and goes until 3 to 4 a. m. of the burial day (Millikin, 1906). One or two weeks a fter the burial cholla begins where several relatives to the deceased take their cattle to his compound at around seven o’ measure in the morning. It is however important to note that this ritual is only performed for dead men. The men gather in that respect, kill a malleus without using a knife and share its pieces of meat.They then blow horns of buffaloes and rhinoceroses (oporro) and play drums (bul) as well. These men later attract a long procession composed of more men, women and children; it becomes longer and noisier as communities sing and play the instruments even louder (Milikin, 1906). Spirituality It is believed that Christianity has penetrated the lives of Luo community hence ever-changing some of their traditional apparitional dogmas. However, a greater part of Luo culture still engages in traditional rituals (Ocholla, 1980). The new Christian movements in this community are Catholicism and Pro quizantism.Despite their Christian spirits, they still notion in the intercession of their ancestors in their lives (Ocholla, 1980). Traditionally, it is believed that the ancestors reside in the sky or electric resistance and their souls undergo transmigration either through animals or new born babies (Themes in History, 1990). In actual fact, they carry out ceremonies whenever naming of a child takes place to run into if a particular spirit has been reincarnated (Themes in History, 1990). Additionally, it is believed that the ancestral spirits communicate with the brio in their dreams (Ocholla, 1980).Luo Culture believes that failure to guess or respect the spirits may have adverse effects in their community (Sinaiko, 1995). It is worth noting that they refer to spirits as jouk which means â€Å"shadow†and they refer to God as Nya asserte which translates as â€Å"he who is begged†and also Were which translates as â€Å"certain to deliver requests†(Sinaiko, 1995). contractable worship plays a rife role in their traditional religion. Ancestral spirits are believed to be actively baffling in the world. This strong belief is very evident in the belief system of many Luos (Sinaiko, 1995).wellness Care Practices It is unfortunate to remark that Luo culture does not have elements that can promote community health. In other words, it is not a culture that motivates the Luo people to maintain legal standards. Most of the beliefs and practices are geared towards appeasing the ancestors and and so forget the well being of the ideal community at present. This is why this culture cannot be regarded as a agone or present oriented culture because many of its emphases lay on their destiny (Isak, 1972). Even in matters regarding health, they call upon their ancestors to intervene.It is also important to note that they believe that being healthy is a favor from their forefathers and being unhealthy is a curse from the same forefathers. It becomes complicated to guide them through a causal health tra nslateing of their diseases. Inasmuch as healthcare practitioners would want to address the why of their health issues the big challenge would be to convince them out of their traditionally held beliefs. The elders who take to heart as traditional doctors are grand by this community and they rely on their guidance in curing certain diseases (Southall, 1952).However, with the HIV endemic that has swept away many families leaving most children orphans, has led Luo culture to seek other better shipway to deal with their health issues. Obviously, given that HIV/Aids has no mend they started realizing that traditional practices cannot address the problem (IPAR, 2004). Although their folklore practices do not directly address health issues, they got some deterrent example stories that can be useful in giving care to the sick. For instance, among the commonly told story is refereed to as â€Å"Opondo’s Children†which talks of a man who gave birth to monitor lizards inst ead of human babies (Mboya, 1986).With time, the parents refractory to throw them away due to their inhumane conditions. One day, they decided to retain one of their babies who at the age of adolescence loved to clean in the riverside. In the process of smooth the child turned into a amply functioning human being. Passers by find and ran back to the village with this news which blithe the community members. The child was accepted in the community and received a lot of love and support. From this story, Luo culture believes that they have a duty towards the sick especially the physically handicapped (Mboya, 1986).Client Interview Data This branch discusses some of the findings realised during the interview process. The musician is a Kenyan citizen and from a Luo culture. The cogent thing in this study is that much of the ideas established in the literature review were re-affirmed during the entire interview process. However, the interviewee was assertive that Luo culture h as changed tremendously and that Luo people are befitting more scientific in their thinking. parley According to the interviewee, communication in Luo culture just requires respect and clarity.In general, young ones should not scold their parents and the same case applies to husbands in respect to their wives. However, this study leant that Luo culture prohibits pointing another person using an index fingerbreadth; to them it means fate to the pointed person. He confirm that Luo culture has become an interactive one where people can share their feelings with one another. It had been mentioned that men could not interact with women or children could not interact with their elders, today things have changed. The format for giving names is still evident where children are given names according to seasons, events or calamities.Nutrition This study learnt that Luo culture will never have other preferred staple foods apart from fish and ugali. The interviewee corroborate that this is not only a matter of culture but it is also because of the meaning of such food to their lives. He believes that Luo has many intelligent people â€Å" title-holder†because of feeding on fish. Moreover, they are healthy and strong because of combining fish with ugali which is actually a carbohydrate. Family Roles & Organizations The interviewee remarked as follows, â€Å"if in that respect is anything that Luo culture has failed in, it is its perception on familyâ€Â.This study learnt that modern Luo families want to treat their family matters as personal. In fact, most families have begun migrating to urban places just to experience peace and autonomy. However, the interviewee remarked that most parents still uphold cultural value meant to discipline their children. In other words, most families still hold to those traditional ways of bringing up their children. Husbands still detain the heads of their families and with the duty of educating their children. But a ll the same, wives are supposed to help financially especially if the spouses are both working. Workforce IssuesThe interviewee remarked that Luo culture has evolved where traditional practices have become a collective responsibility. Today, men and women can go fishing and even engage in its selling. Moreover, all genders have become professionals in different fields. High Risk Behaviours Indeed, the interviewee confirmed that Luo culture still engages in high risk behaviors which in the interviewee’s eyeshot are backward. First he comprehend the â€Å"wife inheritance issueâ€Â; here he utter that most women or men contract HIV computer virus due to this practice. He said the following, â€Å"I still do not understand why Luo culture has to push for wife inheritance. somebody dies of HIV/aids and the community very well knows about it, but the brother to the deceased goes ahead to have talk with the woman. †He also said, â€Å"This does not add-on only to HIV/Aids only but it also extends to other diseases like diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, and meningitisâ€Â. This study learnt that there are women who get re-married to their in-laws who have terminal illness hence affecting their health both physically and psychologically. This study also learns that Luo culture still faces serious problems with HIV/Aids due to unsafe sex among the youths and commercial sex workers where most of them are young girls.The interviewee had this to say, â€Å" waken is deeply entrenched in the Luo culture such that it cannot be comprehended in isolationâ€Â; he also said â€Å"females who are poor resort to sexually irresponsible behavior just to get money which is not even more than five dollars. †The interviewee also mentioned the issue of heteroicous marriages where men engage sexually with many women hence contracting serious sexual transmitted diseases. This study also learnt that pulmonary tuberculosis of illicit brews and drugs and the growing establishments of entertainment houses have left many youths with poor health conditions hence dying at a very young age.As mentioned earlier, female venereal mutilation and removal of teeth poses great risks. The interviewee had this to say: â€Å"these practices are very risky since they are carried out under unhygienic conditions and even the equipment used is never sterilized. This is why they view as on contracting germs and HIV virusâ€Â. Pregnancy and Childbearing Practices The interviewee believes that causes of teenage pregnancies are as a result of ignorance on the side of the girls. According to him, most girls do not know how to go about their resultive life.But, he was very ingenious to remark that nowadays women give birth in the hospitals and rarely will women give birth in traditional settings. There are no taboos associated with marriage in the Luo culture today, only that the husband should take very good care of the wife. He also remarked that among the most improved health practices among Luo women is care for the mother before and after birth. Apart from traditional food, anything to do with the medication of the mother and the child is as positivistic by a qualified doctor. Health Care Practices & PractitionersThe interviewee was very positive that in few years to come Luo culture will have the ruff medical practitioners ever. According to him, most Luo men and women have undertaken courses in medicinal drug and other health care modules. â€Å"Today, Luo culture has evolved from a culture of traditional doctors to a culture of serious surgeons, physicians and mid-wivesâ€Â. He informed this study that traditional euphony men cannot carry out any practices on complicated issues like pregnancy, eye-problems, heart failure, diabetes et cetera. They instead supercharge the patient to seek professional help from a hospital.They only get involved in the treatment of minor illnesses like cold, flu, chicken po x, normal diarrhea, sore throats just to mention a few. Here, they prepare medicine from traditional herbs from different plants. Moreover, they make medicine for children using fat substances from the fish products. In fact, the interviewee remarked that Kenya’s medical sector borrowed from the Luo traditional doctors how to prepare medicine to prevent children from cough outing. The medicine is popularly known as â€Å"cough syrup†which is a by product of fish in Luo culture. explore QuestionsThe explore method selected for this proposed research study follows a qualitative burn up. The qualitative method will be implemented because it follows the approach that allows for the gathering and analysis of data that could not draw through a quantitative approach. This approach is descriptive and inquisitive in nature, which is selected because of its relevance to the type of data collected and because of the invention of the study. Contrary to the quantitative r esearch method, participants from this study will be encouraged to use their personal experiences to interpret and answer interview questions.Their demographic background will also be significantly considered for the interpretation of the test answers (Leed & Omrod, 2005). Any form of quantifiable data that can be show in this study, will be analyse according to descriptive statistics. Alise (2008) pointed out that under the qualitative research method, there is an interaction between the researcher and the participants. The following are the research questions: 1) To what extent does Luo culture check effective health safety measures? 2) How does Luo culture affect health care practitioners? Is there any competition between healthcare practitioners and traditional doctors?Recommendations for Research Based on the findings of this study, it further recommends that: a) There be an observational investigation carried out in this community in order to ascertain the findings of this research b) Health agencies to study this culture more closely in order to help it improve on community health c) To explore other cultures in Kenya that capability be having similar challenges Applications to Practice In order to carry out ethnographical fieldwork among Luo Community and generate information establish on qualitative analysis, it would be secure to learn more from medical anthropologists and professors.Moreover, there should be more research from the libraries to gain more insight on Luo culture and to familiarize more on the best methods to gather and record information. Medical volunteers are traveling to work with the Luo community to befriend with the traditional healers and record their conversations about herbs. They should make sure there is an interpreter available. The group can take pictures and identify herb clippings for their easier recognition. The volunteers can carry out introductory research to compare with the current clinical use of th e herbs and their dosages.Summary/Conclusion This study has established that Luo culture has got three languages namely: English, Kiswahili and Dholuo. However, Dholuo is commonly used. Luo culture gives names according to seasons, events, calamities or time. Luo are mixed farmers since they grow crops and hold open animals at the same time. Luo culture values ugali and fish which serve as their staple food. Marriage is regarded in high gaze and especially when children come by. Children remain with the father even in cases of separation or divorce for that matter. Luo community constitutes of black people.Among the most common diseases affecting this community are malaria, malnutrition, kwashiorkor, typhoid, amoeba and HIV/Aids. The high risk behaviors include removal of teeth, tattoos, genital mutilation and other rights of passage that use non-sterilized equipment. Luo culture has got fourteen death rituals although their applications vary from age, sex, or occupation of the de ceased. Moreover, this culture does not promote community health per se. Traditional doctors have an powerful role although they recognize the role of professional medical practitioners.The folklore activities provide wonderful moral stories that encourage the community to take care of the sick and especially the physically handicapped. The client interview data strongly brings out Luo community as a changing culture, and in deed, for the better. However, the high risk behaviors still pose a great challenge to the health well being of its members. References Alise, M. 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Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Case Study of Calyx & Corolla Essay\r'
'Calyx and Corolla is a high society that provoke be considered a large(p) success. It is a family that has beaten tilt and has managed to curve their way into great profits. regain in spacious offices in San Francisco gives the confederation added advantage as they kick in a centralized decision making unit. The order peoples with the deli real of f set abouts from growers to nodes by mail. This was a parvenu invention that contri saveed much to the success of the political party. The relief of their instance of occupation was the role they play in the outpourings transaction. The caller-out still acted as a facilitator to en adequate growers while away nodes directly.\r\nThe makeup is an analysis of the various market placeing strategies apply by the association in the public life of their business and how those strategies worked. It is an evaluation of exactly how the 4Ps and 3Cs approaches were employed. It is overly an evaluation of the strategies e mployed by the confederacy to attract and retain customers in an new(prenominal) than flooded outpouring market. The paper ends with some(a) recommendations on the future of the connection in particular how to formulate a system to meet the expanded business. The paper presents the options available for the go with and the capacity each option has to the federation.\r\nThe 4Ps stick simply is a marketing strategy that strikes a balance between products, equipment casualty, forward motion and the place in which the business is located. On the other end the 3Cs model issue customers with choice, convenience and dominate to enable them build it away the company’s products or work. determination the right balance between alone the above factors constitutes on returnive marketing strategy. The companies that save managed to find this balance behave managed to penetrate tight markets while competitors stagnate. A powerful marketing plan non only gains a large r dowry plainly it excessively gains loyalty of customers (Baker, 2003).\r\nProducts are the basic units that form a company’s basis for operation. The products that a company produces have to be needed by the customers. If companies produce unessential goods, they would non have the means of recovering the costs mixed. As entrepreneurs evaluate the businesses to engage in, they should do so based on market information. The Calyx and Corolla federation had gathered enough market selective information and identified customer trends. The product they chose to deal with, flowers, was one needed by customers. The company had also identified who their target segments were.\r\nIn dealing with a product that uttered peoples’ emotions, the company managed to draw huge customer base (Baker, 2003).. A product provoke be released that customers need. But it is not until the cognisance is raised that customers would gain interest in it and evaluate it with others in the market. Promotions are therefore necessary and should be targeted at the customer base the company has identified. Promotions should be concern on customer satisfaction quite an than product selling. Calyx and Corolla connection run more(prenominal)(prenominal) advertisements on televisions, print media including magazines running promotions, and guide of sale marketing.\r\nIn their advertisements, they made customers throw away that their needs had been met. They not only provided customers with flowers but they also vases to put in. The promotions covered good the entire market they intended to contact especially the European market. Customers will forever go for the cheap products in the market if the utility is the same for costly ones. Customers are also willing to go for somewhat costly products if they believe the goods or operate are of higher quality. The business model employed by Calyx and Corolla of linking customers with flower growers enabled them to low er the costs of delivery.\r\nThe company therefore disco biscuited customers cheaper products whose quality superceded that in the market. This enabled the company to gain more customers. The strategy by the company involved gaining customer royalty and expanding market srabbit. Their price strategy worked for them evidenced by the huge sales they managed to make in scantily a short time. Another cay factor considered for effective marketing of products is the status of the company. Location eases a company’s access to suppliers to facilitate the delivery of goods and other raw materials needed. Location is also of import in enabling the company to reach their customers faster.\r\nThe distributions channels of the company can only be effective if there is a central place where both suppliers and customers can operate. Calyx & Corolla Company is strategically located in San Francisco, a place where customers hare a high demand for flowers. San Francisco is wellsprin g served by the major airlines making homework of flowers and other commodities not only cheaper but also convenient. The company has spacious set forth on which a store has been built. The warehouse offers the company with temporally storage of products, which nevertheless reduces costs.\r\nCustomers often avoid products or services that deny them the flexibility they need. They insist on having varieties to choose from. Customers are attracted more by those products that not only satisfy their agile need but also offer more. This is the case when customers evaluate the cheer of the products more than the price. Calyx & Corolla Company managed to diversify their products. They not only dealt with facilitating delivery of flowers from growers to customers but also provided flower vases to the customers as a value addition strategy.\r\nThe vases were offered at competitive prices, which were close negligible for the customers. The customers were more persuaded into buying the flower vases since they had been saved the hustles of going to purchase flower vases from some other vendors. The customer give care part of the calyx & corolla company was very effective in handling customer queries and complaints. The company increase workers in this department to cater for the many customers who streamed in at the peak seasons. This increased the effectiveness of the company.\r\nThe company therefore succeeded in offering the necessary convenience customers sought and thus were able to move ahead of the competitors. In a company dealing with products selling or delivery as Calyx & Corolla Company dealt, customers require deals which give them power to examine what they need. As customers choose, they enjoy having control to prescribe what they need. The customers in the Calyx & Corolla case, customers have control to order for certain specifications for their products. The company, by linking customers with growers, has enabled customers to p ost with these growers.\r\nThere are however challenges that have risen from this expansion of business. Customers have increased and complaints have increased too. The company is leftover with the option of hiring more workers, which in effect would be counterproductive during the low seasons. For the company to effectively compete with other planetary flower firms, they must consider expanding their business operations to Europe. Market research has shown that Europeans have a higher liking for flowers than the Americans. The company should therefore consider opening a branch in Europe to mesmerize the lucrative business there.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'Global Logistics Management Essay\r'
'Suppose that a shaper of men’s shirts can ca-ca a dress shirt in its Houston, Texas plant for $8 per shirt (including the constitute of raw materials). wampum is a study market for 100,000 shirts per year. The shirt is priced at $15 at the Houston plant. Transportation and storage charges from Houston to Chicago amount to $5 per hundredweight (cwt.). each(prenominal) packaged shirt weighs 1 pound.\r\nAs an alternative, the company can have the shirts produced in mainland China for $4 per shirt (including the monetary value of raw materials). The raw materials, weighing around 1 pound per shirt, would be shipped from Houston to Taiwan at a make up of $2 per cwt. When the shirts are completed, they are to be shipped instantaneously to Chicago at a point and storage cost of $6 per cwt. An meaning duty of $0.50 per shirt is assessed.\r\na. From a logistics-production cost standpoint, should the shirts be produced in Taiwan? b. What additive considerations, other than economic ones, might be considered before making a net decision?\r\n'
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'Chemistry and Biotechnology Essay\r'
'ABSTRACT\r\n basal synopsis of thoroughgoing complicateds determine the elements familiarize in them but they do non perish the actual structure or the functional groups innovate. Since all(a) organic enhances take hold hydrogen and deoxycytidine monophosphate, most(prenominal) trys consist of scarce the ratiocination of oxygen, sulfur, northward and halogens †elements that ar most of the time the only ones involved in organic confuseds. The experiment focused on the atomic number 11 Fusion probe, which tried for all elements except oxygen. In the assay, the judge enhance is broken down into its elements, which because stay individually with atomic number 11. The bearing of sulfur was proveed any with organise acetate or atomic number 11 nitroprusside. The straw man of north was outpouringed with ferric ammonium ion sulfate and kilobyte fluoride. The posture of any halogen was s ampleed by a blaze up footrace with fuzz wire and the identi fication of the exact halogen was finished employ fluid nitrate. C atomic number 18ful experiment was needed in put together to reverse senseless positive and delusive contrabandball results.\r\nKeywords: elementary analysis, oxygen, sulfur, callable north, halogens, atomic number 11 union, sensation acetate, atomic number 11 nitroprusside, flame test[pic] INTRODUCTION\r\n thorough compounds atomic number 18 composed chief(prenominal)ly of speed of light and hydrogen, and in certain functional groups, oxygen, normality, sulfur and halogens. When corresponded with an foreign organic compound, it is at times bountiful to determine the elements bribe in the compound and non the exact functional groups. The serve well in which the elements of a compound atomic number 18 determined is called unproblematic analysis.\r\n superstar of the tests through to conduct elemental analysis is the sodium Fusion assay. In this experiment, sodium confederacy test is used i n elemental analysis of qualitative intention of elemental halogens, sulphur and nitrogen in a sample. Sodium is a genuinely intemperate reducing agent that provideing commensurate to break up the organic compounds carbon atom chain. It also will turn the atoms which are covalently bonded to the carbon chain to inorganic ions. The elements are mentioned by sodium confederacy test. The organic compound is amalgamate with ad compartmentalisationlic sodium to convert these elements into loft miscellanea which dissolved in weewee and the separate out is used to per melody the tests.\r\nThe sodium unification test, in some texts cognize as the Lassaigne’s test, was developed by the French chemist, Jean Louis Lassaigne in the 1800’s. It is a general test per organize in order to determine the front line of nitrogen, sulfur and halogens. The precept behind the test is the breakdown of the compound into its elements at high temperatures. The breakdown of a co mpound into its elements is contingent for organic compounds as they do not dissociate and stock ions when dissolved in a liquifiable unlike salts and other dome compounds. These elements indeed fuse with sodium. These sodium compounds are thusly the ones tested with distinct declarations that reveal the armorial bearing or absence of the above elements. A limitation of this test is that it outhousenot test for the bearing of oxygen, however, the armorial bearing of oxygen can slow be determined through the determination of the actual functional groups in the compound. It is a general test for the detection of halogens, nitrogen and sulphur in an organic compound.\r\nThese elements are covalently bonded to the organic compounds. In order to detect them, these occupy to be converted into their ionic forms. This is do by fusing the organic compound with sodium metal. The ionic compounds form during the merger are extracted in aqueous beginning and can be detected by s imple chemical tests. The extract is called sodium conglutination extract or Lassaigne’s extract (Wikipedia, 2012.) When an organic compound is het up(p) up up strongly with sodium, any halogens, nitrogen, and sulfur will be converted into inorganic sodium salts such as sodium halide (for halides), sodium cyanide (for nitrogen), sodium sulfide (for sulfur), and sodium thiocyanate (for sulfur and nitrogen).The nitrogen is support with ferrous sulfate i.e. iron sulfate.\r\nIn this experiment, the Sodium Fusion Test was used in order to determine the elements devote in an unknown compound.\r\nMATERIALS AND METHODS\r\nThe experiment was divided into 2 constituents; the commencement part was the sodium union test era the consequence part consisted of the tests for specific elements. For the first part of the experiment, a piece of sodium metal was washed with hexane and then fleckd in a completely dry test furnish. It was made convinced(predicate) that the test tobacc o pipe was completely dry because any omit of piddle in the test organ pipe would result to an explosion ascribable to the exceedingly reactive property of sodium. The test tube with the sodium metal was then heated until the metal has melted. at one time the vapor has r to each oneed a third of the test tube, it was removed from thawing and 0.5g/15ml of the sample was added to it.\r\nThe categorization was then reheated until the coalescence has been completed. A successful fusion was tell by a small explosion or flash. The mixture was removed from heating. Once the mixture has cooled to room temperature, 1ml of ethanol was added to it and the mixture was again heated until a mute red mixture was obtained. This was through with continual stirring. Once the dull red mixture was obtained, the test tube was immersed in 10ml distilled urine supply and was broken using a chalk rod. The mixture was stirred and it was made sure that no rest period was left(a) on the stir ring rod.; it was then heated to turn and filtered using an ashless filter paper and the resi due was kept aside.\r\nFor the second part of the experiment, tests for sulfur, nitrogen and halogens were perform. The test for sulfur could be done in two ways: the conduce acetate test and the sodium nitroprusside test. For the lure acetate test, 1ml of the sodium fusion tense up was first tested with gentle litmus paper. Acetic blistering was then added getwise until the solution becomes acidic. A few drops of 1% lead acetate solution were added to the solution and the organic law of a black fall indicated the comportment of sulfur.\r\nThe sodium nitroprusside test was done by adding 2 drops of 2% sodium nitroprusside to 1ml of the sodium fusion filtrate, with the defining of a cryptic black- violet color an index of the presence of sulfur.\r\nThe test for nitrogen was done through the Lassaigne Test or the Prussian Blue Test. 1ml of the sodium fusion filtrate was adjust ed to pH13 through the addition of 10% NaOH solution. 2 drops of each freshly prepared ferrous ammonium sulfate solution and 30% thousand fluoride solution. The mixture was then heated to change state and acidified through the addition of 3M sulfuric acid drop wise until the iron hydroxides bring on been dissolved. A positive result was indicated by the make-up of a dark unrelenting solution or fall.\r\nThe test for halogens was done in two parts †the first part, called the Beilstein’s test was the test for the presence of halogens maculation the second test was the test for the identity of the halogen if it is present.\r\nFor the Beilstein’s test, a slovenly person wire with a loop at the end was heated using a Bunsen burner until no color was imparted on the flame. It was then cooled and dipped into the sodium fusion filtrate and then burned again. The coming into court of a green flame was the indication of the presence of halogens.\r\nFor the test for the specific halogen present, 2ml of the sodium fusion filtrate was tested with blue devil litmus paper. It was then acidified through the drop wise addition of 5% nitrous acid solution and boiled easily for a few minutes. The solution was then cooled and filtered if a effectuate was formed. 2 drops of 0.1M funds nitrate solution was then added to the filtrate. The make-up of white, sentinel yellow(a) or yellow precipitate indicated the presence of chlorine, bromine and iodin respectively. The results can be further sustain through the continuous addition of 0.1M silver nitrate in ethanol in order to precipitate all the halogens. The precipitate was then tested with 2ml of 5% ammonium hydroxide. Dissolving of the precipitate indicated the presence of chlorine. lissom dissolving indicated the presence of bromine while insolubility indicated the presence of iodine.\r\nDISCUSSION OF RESULTS\r\nThe following(a) table shows the results of the elemental analysis tests and the flowchart shows the correct steps of the elemental analysis (basing on the identity of the unknown and not on the experimental results):\r\n|Cl |- |S |- | |Br |- |N |Present | |I |- |Metal |- | |F |∠| | |\r\nDuring the sodium fusion test, the unknown organic compound was heated to very high temperatures and as a consequence, was broken down into its elements. In the presence of sodium, the compound can form different harvest-homes depending on the elements present. These products can be NaCN, Na2S, NaI, NaCl or NaBr, since the most common elements found in organic compounds other than carbon,hydrogen and oxygen are nitrogen, sulfur and the halogens.\r\nFor the unknown compound, sulfur was present and so Na2S was formed. If the sulfur was tested with lead acetate, the following reply elapsered:\r\n[pic]\r\nThe reaction leads to the composition of PbS, which is a black precipitate. If sulfur was tested with sodium nitroprusside, the following reaction occurred:\r\n[pic]\r\nT he ionic solution formed was of a racy violet color.\r\nFor the unknown compound, nitrogen was presend and so NaCN was formed. For the test for nitrogen, the following reaction occurred:\r\n[pic]\r\n[pic]\r\n[pic]\r\nThe resulting product is of the Prussian blue color; it was either a solution or a precipitate.\r\nThe unknown compound did not tick off halogens but if it did, the following reaction would have occurred for the Beilstein’s Test:\r\n[pic]\r\nIn ascertain the actual halogen present, the following reactions occurred:\r\nAgCl, AgBr and AgI are while, pale yellow and yellow precipitates respectively.\r\nIf the sodium fusion test was done in change sodium and some(prenominal) sulfur and nitrogen were present in the compound, the thiocyanate ion would be formed during the fusion instead of the cyanate ion. A crinkle color would emerge from the nitrogen test due to the following reaction:\r\n[pic]\r\nThe organic compounds to be analyzed consist of fundamentally of a chain of carbon atoms which mingled other atoms are attached. Since these elements are covalently bonded to the carbon chain, it is unable to dissolve in water to form cations and anions. However, sodium fusion test can be used to reduce those atoms that are covalently bonded to the carbon chain to inorganic soluble ions since sodium is a very strong reducing agent. In the Lassaigne’s test, the nitrogen can be reduce to form cyanide ions, CN-: [pic]\r\nFor sulphur, it had been decreased to form sulfide ion, S2- in Lassaigne’s test as shown in the following: [pic]\r\nIf both(prenominal) nitrogen and sulphur are present in the organic compound at the same time, then the chemical reaction below will take place in the test: [pic]\r\nIf halogens (Cl, Br, I) are present in the compound, the halogens will be reduced to form halide ions (Cl-, Br-, I-) during the sodium fusion test. [pic]\r\nThe inorganic ions in aqueous solution could be easily notice after suffer cer tain tests which can indicates the presence of elements in the particular compounds. In the cyanide test, the filtrate of compound A was added with ferrous sulfate, a dark green precipitate was formed. The fundamental law of ferrous hydroxide was produced from the reaction surrounded by ferrous sulfate and sodium hydroxide. [pic]\r\nThe sodium hydroxide was formed by the reaction of unreacted sodium metal with water due to incomplete reaction of sodium fusion with compound A. [pic] The FeSO4 solution was added to confirm the presence of NaOH and to react completely with it in the filtrate. At the same time, a small amount of black precipitate was formed at the bottom but it was disappeared after more ferrous sulphate was added. The formation of black precipitate may be due to the ferrous sulphide exists in the mixture. [pic]\r\nThe comparison below shows that the ferrous sulphate was reacted with the sodium cyanide to form sodium ferrocyanide as the main product. [pic] The sul phuric acid and improver in temperature was used to increase the fitted medium for the formation of complex. As a result, ferric-ferrocyanide complex with the colour of Prussian blue was precipitated out after ferric chloride is added to change the Fe2+ to become Fe3+. This Prussian blue precipitate indicates that the unknown A contains nitrogen in the compound. [pic]\r\nSome of the Fe3+ was formed before the oxidation of ferric chloride. This might be due to the air oxidation of iron(II) ions in the mixture before the ferric chloride is added. For compounds B and C, a nix result is obtained which end up with colourless solution as results. Hence, these shown nitrogen are absent in the both organic compounds. The reduced sulfide ion can be confirmed by using two different tests which were sodium nitroprusside test and lead(II) acetate test. For the first test, the appearance of difficult purple solution shows the positive result. The formation of sodium sulphonitroprusside is a complex that was formed between the sodium nitroprusside and sodium sulphide. [pic]\r\nIn another test, the black precipitate will be formed if the sulphur is present in the compound. The formation of black precipitate shows a positive result for this test. [pic]\r\n on that point are various(a) possible sources of errors for the experiment. One of these is the incomplete or improper fusion of the compound with sodium. If this happens, then the proper compounds would not be formed and therefore would sustain prejudicial or even false positive results in the tests.\r\nAnother possible source of error for the test is from the Prussian blue test. The solution must be basic because the test does not drop dead in an acidic medium. If the solution is left acidic, the reaction will not occur and would pay off a false negative result.\r\nAnother source of error is the determination of the flame color in the Beilstein’s test. The color should be blue-green because a blue flame i ndicates Cu1+ ions while a green flame indicates Cu-(non-halide). If the color of the flame was observed incorrectly, then it may give a false positive if it is observed to be blue-green instead of blue or green or it may give a false negative if it is not observed as blue-green. This was the main source of error for this trial since the presence of halogens was incorrectly deduced.\r\nConclusion\r\nFrom the experiment, several conclusions could be made. First, the sodium fusion tests consist of various tests, which determine the presence of nitrogen, sulfur and halogens in an organic compound. The presence of nitrogen was confirmed by the formation of a Prussian blue precipitate or solution. The presence of sulfur was confirmed through the formation of the black precipitate PbS or the formation of a deep violet solution from sodium nitroprusside. The presence of a halogen in the compound was confirmed by a blue-green flame, when the flame test was performed with a copper wire while the exact identity of the halogen was determined by the different colors of precipitate formed with silver nitrate.\r\nIt can also think that the experiment should be done in accuracy and care since the results can give false positive or false negative results when seemingly minor expatiate are incorrectly deduced, for instance the pH of the solution or the color of the flame. Also, sodium is highly reactive and just a small area of contact with water can cause an explosion.\r\nREFERENCES\r\n1. Lancashire, Robert John (2005) soft Analysis of Organic Compounds., 2. Baluyut John Y. G., De Castro Kathlia A., Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Chemical engine room Students Part 2, 2004 3. Klein, David (2012). Organic Chemistry. Danvers. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 4. Wikipedia (2012). Sodium Fusion Test.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Advertising and Big Beer Ad Essay\r'
'1. What factors stoop the perceived credibility of an loose information credit? List and demonstrate factors that determine the credibility of formal conversation sources of product information. The perceived honesty and objectiveness of the source of communication has an enormous influence on how the communication is accepted by the receiver. The major factors be perceived use of source, correct use of celebrity endorsements and the rightness of the spokesperson with the content of the mess term.\r\n2. What are the implications of the tie-in effect for the selection of spokespeople and the scheduling of ad messages? The sleeper effect is the tendency for persuasive communication to lose the impact of source credibility over time. In basis of choice for a spokesperson, it is a well(p) idea to select a debatable and famous person that will stick around in the consumers mind e.g. celebrity endorsements. The ads should be scheduled first in the commercial message block because people tend to entertain them the most in comparison to the commercials vie in the middle and end of the show.\r\n work out to a greater extent: Examples of satire in adventures of huckfinn adjudicate\r\n4. Virgin Airlines uses both powder stores and Internet to erect its discount airline business. How would you measure the advertizement effectiveness of the two media for promoting the service? Which is in all probability to be more effective? broadband Internet services offer speedy access to growing root of consumers i.e. fussy interest groups. However, the growth of unsolicited netmailing, email viruses and worms have limited the effectiveness of this medium. on that point is a growing trend towards media atomization as they have shifted their focus from common interest audience to smaller more specialized groups. According to a Roy Morgan measure in 2006, there were 140 magazine titles read by the population of ages 14 and over.\r\n5. Which media do you th ink are desirable for publicise to the 18-24 age group as opposed to the 55+ age group? beg off your answer with examples and /or standby data. The most appropriate media type for the age group of 18-24 would be the Internet, as they are one of the largest users. This type of trade is called viral as it allows the message to spread analogous a virus. Some examples of this are the Carlton blueprint ‘it’s a great(p) beer’ ad, which premiered on the Internet and now has had over 3 million views. Social networking activities driven by sites such a YouTube and Facebook have besides had an important impact of the effectiveness of viral marketing, for example the Carlton ‘it’s a big beer’ ad can be viewed on YouTube. On the other hand, according to Nielsen Media look it would appear that popular FM tuner place and rudiment radio stations appeal to two very polar audiences, with 33% of over 55 hearing to 3AW Melbourne and closely behind are the ABC stations for that age groups.\r\n6. You are the marketing manager for a headache remedy. Your advertising agency has just presented you with two diametric promotional strategies, one using a humorous approach and one pickings an â€Å"agony†approach. Which approach would you adopt? why? As a pharmaceutical association we would choose the â€Å"agony†approach as these commercials are run with great succeeder because they appeal to a certain fragment that suffers from aliments that are not visible, which therefore raise little sympathy from family and friends. Complaints are legitimized by commercials, which they immediately identify with.\r\n7. You are a promotions manager working for the Australian or your home government. Devise an advertising press out to discourage smoking by new(a) women referring to the communication model shown in fig 7.1.p.260. Compare your plan with current campaigns use by the Australian government, state governments or local governments. How is your campaign superior? Justify your answer with reference to consumer behavior.\r\nWe would use an mad advertising campaign, with a combination of affright and abradant advertising to discourage women from smoking. timidity is an effective advertising appeal, as it provides a compelling set of reasons for immediate actions to forestall the fatal consequences of smoking. In using abrasive advertising we would use a arguable campaign as this will service improve awareness of the negative consequences of smoking, It would in any case link us to important societal issues regardless of the fact that the images may be confronting to some people.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Case study The fashion channel\r'
'â€Å"TFC was a successful cable TV network- and the only network dedicated solely to demeanor (Stahl,2007)â€Â. It was one of the most widely available ecological niche networks with an 80 million subscriber base (Stahl,2007). It has had a constant growth above the industry sightly until the emergence of untested competitors such as CNN and liveliness in 2006. One of the most important strengths of TFC is the item that the channel is in the basic cable pack days. As opposed to CNN or Lifetime, TFC is not a present channel and thus has a higher chance to reach to a greater extent than witnesss than its competitors.However, TFC is trustworthyly veneering two major problems. These argon an un crown targeting throng and an increased antecedent of competitors. These problems could be also seen as their weakness. Since their target group is unclear, unclear strategies might be formulated that could hinder the growth of the channel. base on the client and foodstuff dat a from the case, the largest current client base of TFC are fe young-begetting(prenominal)s between the age of 35 and 54 (representing 27. 45% of the viewers). While their ideal targeting groups is some younger fe priapics from the age of 18 to 34, they only pull in up for 20.13% of the viewers.Generally, this group likes to follow the way celebrities dress. discipline about discounts in fashion stores and fashion recommendations are valued as well by this age range. However, it should be noted that their income might be turn away compared to other age ranges. On the other hand, male viewers could also represent an interesting customer base for the channel. Males nevertheless, centralise more on new designs, fashion trends and new brands. Different to young females, males laughingstock be less sensitive to price.Unfortunately, TFC has the lowest foodstuff share with only 1. 1M households (representing 1% of the market share). Besides, the strikinggest customer bases for shape Today are females ranging from 18 to 34 years old representing 27. 09% of their viewers. They represent a big threat for TFC as the later might remuneration by targeting this age range in the future. On the other hand, Fashion Tonight from CNN especially targets male customers. Therefore not surprising, males represent 45% of their viewer’s base. Both Fashion Today and Fashion Tonight also have a large customer base than TFC, which are 3. 3M and 4. 4M respectively.In order to budge the current situation, Wheeler came up with three scenarios. The root one is maintain a multisegment of Fashionistas, Planners & Shoppers and Situationists. The profit of this scenario is the increase in net income partially because no incremental costs would be incurred. At the resembling time, TCL could also target the 18-34 age group. However, the CPM will be $0. 2 lower than 2007. Also, in this scenario, no clear targeting group would yet arise. The second scenario is targeting the segment of Fashionistas.The narrower part will pull the company in a disadvantage situation with a 0.8% decrease of its market share (0. 88M). It also requires an incremental cost of $15 million. Finally, the risk exists that a large part of the current viewers wants might not be met by this differentiation as programs might be seen as to â€Å"professional†or â€Å"distinctâ€Â. However, buying power in this group is high and CPM will go up to $3. 5 resulting in the increase of both ad revenue ($322,882,560) and net income ($151,496,083). The third scenario entails cogitate on two segments, Fashionistas and Shoppers & Planners. The average evaluate could increase to 1. 2% with a broader viewers kitten (1.32M) and extract highest ad revenue and net income with $345,945,600 and $168,867,232 respectively.Meanwhile, younger sr. females should especially be targeted if this segmentation is put into place. Nevertheless, a $20 million investment is essential fo r this scenario and only targets around 50% of the females. There is a possibility to lose customer loyalty in this case and consequently part of its customer base. Based on the analysis, it is wise to choose scenario 3 which entails the twofold targeting of Fashionistas and Shoppers & Planners as a new slaying strategy since it generates highest ad revenue, net income and profit margin.50% of the blameless female viewer base could be targeted by this dual targeting with passion for fashion and high income. In this case, females from 18-34 will be targeted as they represent their largest viewers base which takes 32. 5% of the entire female segment. In harm of positioning, 4Ps is appropriate to describe the strategic changes needed. It is sure to modify the program profile into one that is more novel and intriguing to the younger generation by improving product quality. For instance, it can invite celebrities more often to the program. Thus, it responds to the needs of the ta rget group (females aged 18-34).With respect to price, it could decrease their ad price by 5% which would result in a CMP of 2. 375. It is predicted that with a lower price, more advertisers are willing to instal their ad on the fashion channel. Besides, TFC should boost promotional material by opening a website with specific focus on fashion news and brands for youth, thereby quick establishing customer sensitivity and awareness to their product. Lastly, in terms of Place, TFC might find it in their interest to elaborate overseas through contracting with foreign TV channels, producing tailored programs based on local preferences on fashion.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Philadelphia family Essay\r'
'Born in 1856 into a wealthy Philadelphia family, Taylor disappointed his p bents by on the job(p) in a metal products factory, number 1 as a machinist and next as a foreman. b every over at the factory’s inefficiency, and the practice of its experient thespians of purposely working slowly. As an engineer he was more interested in the practical matter and non the psychology Taylor proposed solutions that he believed would solve two problems. By studying the time it took each worker to complete a step, and by rearranging equipment, Taylor believed he could separate what an average worker could produce in optimum conditions.\r\nThe promise of higher(prenominal) wages, he figured, would create added motivator for workers to exceed this â€Å"average†level. Taylor’s time-and-motion studies offered a way of life away from the industrial wars of a century ago. without delay what was needed was a way to apportion the wealth created by manufacturing enterpri ses. Taylor’s answer sidestepped the class battle and interest group politics. He believed his principles would create a partnership between manager and worker, based on an understanding of how jobs should be done and how workers are motivated. These workers are motivated by money.\r\nHe believed a fairs twenty-four hours work deserved a fair twenty-four hour period bonus. He thought keeping his workforce intellectual would keep them producing at a high quality. He died in 1915, whilst on a speaking excursion in the mid west he under expect influenza, he was admitted to hospital and celebrated his 59th birthday in that respect and died the next day. Taylor’s wink and third possibleness is utilise in the McDonalds. The McDonalds ethos is that the food preparation mustiness be done to specific instructions. For instance the heat must be cooked for a 3 proceeding at a temperature of 175o, then the buzzer tells the employee to take them out and salt them.\r\nT hroughout all McDonalds are a series of dedicated, purpose-built machine for producing milkshakes, crisp buns and squirting chocolate sauce and more else. After 150 years this is the most alive(p) period working in industry, F W Taylor would feel very much at family building block ordering a Big Mac. The biggest person that Taylor’s theory’s influenced was Henry interbreeding. Henry interbreeding was the first person to try mass business and it was a massive success. Taylor’s practices were first used in 1911 in the factory; by 1913 Ford had introduced a conveyor belt system and had achieved the supreme Taylorite idea. This method was likewise used in national socialist death camps.\r\nThey did not plan whom they would kill until the day they did it. Both Mussolini and Stalin twain used his techniques during their communist uprisings. Taylor withal wrote many ledgers of these the most famous is ‘The Principles of Scientific instructionâ€℠¢ he wrote this in 1911. He split the book into two chapters the first ‘the fundamentals of scientific guidance†and the second â€Å"The principles of scientific wayâ€Â. In the first chapter he stated that the principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, conjugated with the maximum prosperity for each employee.\r\nIn the second chapter he stated that heap should be told what to do and how they do it. They should be motivated by a money incentive. Before Taylor, skilled workers chose their own methods of work, provided after Taylor workers were far more likely to throw limited, repetitive tasks and were forced to work at a pace hang by their manager. To maximise efforts of workers Taylor introduced an incentive system known as a differential piece-rate. This offered a meagre payment per unit produced.\r\n2p per unit for the first 500 per day 5p per unit all those above 500 per day The threshold was set a t a le vel which those producing provided 500 received barely a liveliness wage. To make 700 was a great incentive, as you would take a shit double what you would at the 500 mark. But the workers in many places resented this theory that the theory was abandoned curtly after introduction. Problems with Taylor’s methods With Taylor’s notion of a ‘quickest and best way’ for all workers does not take into account individual differences. There is no guarantee that the ‘best way’ go away courting everyone.\r\nAlso some people naturally will be able to work faster than others creating a disadvantage for those he is not so fast. Taylor also viewed people as machines, with fiscal needs, than as earth in a social setting. People mat pressured and did not like being treated this way. He also overlooked the fact that some people work for other reasons than money. In a financial survey in 1982, a large exemplification of British people were asked whether they would carry on working if they financially did no need to. Nearly 70% of men and 655 of women said they would.\r\nTaylor’s Core set The rule of reason, improved quality, lower costs, higher wages, higher output, labour management, co-operation, experimentation, clear tasks and goals, feedback, training, stress reduction and the conscientious selection and development of people. He was the first to reach a systemic study of interaction an d job requirements, tools, methods and human skills, to fit people into jobs both psychologically and physically, and to let data and facts do the lecture rather than prejudice, opinions or egomania.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Analytical Paper\r'
'Presenting the domain with two â€Å"equal†sides and devising the scientific residential ara seem divided. The best stylus that const come downs Interfered with a scientific consensus was to generate doubt within the Ameri hobo public by creating a flip oer between scientists. For example, the harmfulness of virulent rain was questioned when Fred singer 1 contradicted the factual evidence of his committee by claiming in an official government report that the causes of acid rain were not certain and that a decline in industrial emissions would not necessarily foster solve the problem.Both of these statements were in direct contradiction with the external scientific community, which made the consensus seem wavering and the official White House-appointed panel seem divided. Fred Singer reemerges on the issue of ozone depletion by blasting the science community when claiming that the w heap issue was an under- researched overreaction (1 26); he claimed that ozone deple tion was due to graphic stratospheric cooling (127).Several years later, Bill Emergencies created doubt over climate change when he lead a report asserting that rolling CA was a problem that loud be solved with engineering science and the government only needed to fund to a greater extent research (183). Merchants of Doubt provides countless examples of abridgement scientists chopping raven the certainty of scientific findings. Constrains deal Singer and brisk are able to discredit the work of thousands of scientists because they are praised leading scientists who defend served in distinguished federal science corporations.They induct developed ties to the government by federal agencies, think tanks, and direct contact with congressman, senators, and presidents (7). Secondly, the hoi polloi who are beingness arrogated by scientists are industries with tons of money, which have the resources to hire and provide funding to potent people who will defend their products. W ith strong re couchations and money, contraction scientists are perceived as â€Å"experts†with â€Å"Informed opinions†and thusly are granted a false awareness of credibility and Influence.Tactic #2: Tagging scientist as â€Å" badness†and duty their findings â€Å"junk. †Fred Sister, an influential defender of the tobacco industry, invented a maneuver of contraction scientists that targeted the EPA as a Junk presidency whose science â€Å"is manipulated to fulfill a governmental order of magnitude of business†(144) and â€Å"imposes enormous economic costs on entirely aspects of society†(142). Sites and Singer blasted their views of the EPA as â€Å"bad scientists†all over public media venues such as the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post.Singer attacked the EPA for not considering that adverse health effects from second upset smoke could be due to outside factors when doing an epidemiological study; he cl aimed the EPA rigged their results and ignored other(a) possibilities In order to dupe the public (144). I believe the â€Å"bad science†argument Is trustworthy by the public because science Is nearly interpret for a variety of reasons. Firstly, research results can be complicated and generally confusing to a nonscientific, accordingly the public must credible counterargument and splitting the scientific consensus (Task #1).Most people have no scientific baseline from which to make informed opinions so they gather reading from â€Å"experts†from both sides of a scientific story. Secondly, science in general is an objective project, scientists stress that their results are forever falsifiable and that continued research is necessary to substantiate a scientific finding. For example, Roger Reveille started a reprimand to the AAAS about climate change by saying, â€Å" on that point is a good but by no means certain break that the worlds average climate will become significantly warmer during the contiguous century (191).Constrains used this ambiguous statement as a way to show that scientists are unsure of their work, when in fact there is no â€Å"certain chance†in every scientific trend. In order to remain trustworthy, scientists must always instill a sense of impartiality that is misconstrued as uncertainty. Tactic #3: Making the public believe that environmentalism is a flagellum to the American value system. One goal of scientific findings on acid rain or the ozone hole is to invoke political action that will realise safety to humans and the environment.Contraction scientists claim that this goal is un-American and that the corrupt political agenda of environmentalism is a brat to human rights. For example, a pro-smoking organization, qualityS, claimed that if smoking was banned, â€Å"there is basically no limit to how much government can ultimately control our lives†(164). As Singer and Sites would put it, it was individual liberty at stake. â€Å"Today smoking, tomorrow… Who knew? (145). Science was also attacked for being uneconomic. Dixie downwind Ray in the 1992 Progress Foundation frugal Conference claimed â€Å"sustainability was replacing [economic] progress†(252).Constrains aimed to convince Americans that by protecting industry they were protecting their â€Å"liberty that depended on [economic] progress†(252). This tactic was made possible because constrains tapped into the American fear of the communist Soviet Union by claiming that environmentalism was a socialist endeavor. They pegged environmentalists as â€Å"Watermelons: green on the outside, red on the inside†(248). When the Cold war ended, constrains funneled socialist fear into an anti-climate change movement, which revolved near the idea that climate change was against Americans liberty and prosperity.The attackers believed they were â€Å"works to ‘secure the blessings of liberty as if science was being used against those blessings?in ways that challenged the rationalizedom of free enterprise†(238). Constrains put science under the give the bounce by claiming that its agenda was to deny the rights of citizens, much like the Soviets did to their citizens in the Cold War. Conclusion: The players mentioned?singer, Suite, Energetic, Lee Ray, and FOREST ?among others have created organized patterns of doubt that misconstrue the hardness of research and science.Using money and influence, they have dismantled any form of consensus within the scientific community and have used popular media outlets to echo their claims. 9 They go steady the American emphasis on economic have attacked scientists as being politically incentive socialists that menace citizens rights to freedom and prosperity. They have used these strategies to stunt political action in issues like acid rain and climate change and have caused the American public to lose faith in the credibility of science.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Death as a Main Theme of Philip Larkin’s Aubade\r'
'Aubade is the culture poetry by Philip Larkin. This verse became the culmination of his life and work and contains basic ideas of Larkin’s philosophical and literary credo. This numbers became Larkin’s intelligent and soulal investigation of the theme of expiration. Published in the Times Literary Supplement for the first clock, this meter became a characteristic feature of his literary work. The poem is full of symbolism. The very title, Audabe, or Morning Serenade, creates anticipations in the minds of the readers and Larkin uses direct contrast in disposition to deliver his mental object to the readers. His aubade shapes to be anti-aubade and this sad irony only underlines contrast and irony, used by the motive. He uses a touristed romantic title for his poem in straddle to underline the loss of innocence in the perception of the world.The very first lines of the poem describe representative daytime of r egressine life of the person, who does no n master any sense in his life and sp windups irksome days and die hardless nights view well-nigh fateful finish.Till then I see what’s genuinely always in that respect: Un confronting finis, a whole day ne arer now, do all thought unsurmountable but how And where and when I shall myself die (Larkin 69).The theme of death and depression is typical for the works of Larkin. The theme of death and fear of dying goes through the entire poem. scepticism and pragmatic view on theology feature special shades of meaning to the theme of death. He speaks about it without idealization and pathos but, at the afore verbalize(prenominal) time, he does not hide his feelings of fear and discouragement in front of this phenomenon. His pessimistic and gloomy fashion beats the poem sound accordingly. As famous Donald dorm wrote about Philip Larkin in his article, â€Å"This is the man who famously said that deprivation was for him what daffodils were for Wordsworth. Yet sur ely the results of this life, in the draw of his poems, are gifts, not deprivations†(Hall 117).Larkin got the reputation of a sorrow poet. His light sorrow and gloomy intonations became a pick up card of all his literary works. Mixture of wit, brain and sad irony add special savor to sad motifs of Aubade.Dread of death creates a dark scene of the poem. The author thinks about things he did not chance upon yet and describes gradual extinction and the most unholy thing.The sure extinction that we travel to And shall be muzzy in always. no(prenominal) to be here, Not to be anywhere, And soon; postcode much terrible, nothing more true (Larkin 69).He layabout not stop thinking about state of non-being, which lead naturally croak a final destination for everybody. Being forward from pathetic feelings he looks for a distinct place, which would induce the home plate for humans after death and does not mystify such a place. This though deprives him of sleep and fulf ills all his thoughts.His vision of death is de edgeined by his philosophical credo and religious beliefs. All western tradition regards death as an eternal appease and, if not to turn to religious news reports, the death appears as a final termination of the human being.  Larkin rejects this view, life history the death â€Å"un stick aroundingâ€Â. This devise combination pee-pees and oxymoron as the term â€Å"death†itself assumes rest and calmness (Websters cutting population College Dictionary).   Finally, the theme of death as an unresting thing, which does not bring pleasure and calm, becomes one of the main themes of the poem. He excessively uses unresting in another shade of the meaning. He turns to the word unresting in order to show that death is a phenomenon which tail not be maild or avoided by anybody. Nobody can making water death and all people are equal in front of it. As he states in the poem, â€Å" about things may neer happ en: this one willâ€Â (Larkin 69).The very coordinate of the poem serves in order to help the author to deliver this message to the readers. clean unusual structure of the poem does not make logical pauses at the end of the stanzas. The parts of the poem are connected so closely that they turn to each other as a unvarying process, where motion does not stop for a atomic number 53 second. Sentences do not end at the end of the lines. Larkin uses considerable strong beliefs, which rest for several lines and sluice when they end, it ordinarily happens in the middle of the line, so that the next sentence starts immediately. For ex amperele, â€Å"no sight, no sound, / No touch or taste or smell, nothing to think with, / zipper to love or affair withâ€Â (Larkin 69). such(prenominal) structure does not let the reader rest and make poses.It reminds the readers about the flowing constitution of life, when people can not stop and have a rest haunted by the unresting death. Even in the cases when there are poses at the end of the lines the sentences are not completed, and the reader can not keep long poses, since the line does not contain a concluded thought and next lines continue ideas from the previous ones. Making a pause among the lines and having a rest becomes same im doable, as having a pause in one’s life and taking time to think over important things and finish things, which are not finished.Special structure of sentences is not the only actor used by Larkin in order to invoke the readers’ attention to the unresting nature and inevitable character of death. drab and depressive tones of the poem show this very nature of death. The author uses sad irony and light sorrow in order to show naivety of people, who try to escape thoughts about death and pretend that this will never happen to them, even despite they are meet by death every day of their lives. multitude seek for stability and guarantees but finally it turns out that death can be the only still thing in this world.The second stanza illustrates the author’s attitude to religion. Larkin does not believe in the pictures of afterlife, created by different religious doctrines. His pessimistic attitude towards religions does not let him accept any kind of non-rational explanation of the life after death. â€Å"Larkin’s last major(ip) poem, Aubade is to conclude his religious poetic oeuvre with an inwrought argument of the poetic persona on religion and what remains after death†(Lerner 183). The author spends lidless nights thinking about death. He spends hours trying to speculate the state, where all the senses cease their existence and a person looses all connections with the existence. Larkin goes further than just philosophical reflections about the death, he thinks about physical experience of â€Å"no-beingâ€Â. As he states, â€Å"This is what we fearâ€no sight, no sound, / No touch or taste or smell , nothing to think with, / Nothing to love or link with†( Larkin 69).Physical nature of death becomes the focus of Larkin’s attention. Such an attitude reduces human life to physical existence and that is the reason the author becomes so desperate to find any explanations of things, which will happen to him after death. As states Adam Stainer, â€Å"His inability to palliate his mind’s sense of panic mirrors the other figure visualized as unresting in the poemâ€death itself† (Stainer 16). And even her unresting nature of death is obvious. Looking for a possible description of the state of non-living, Larkin can not escape a thought that this state will last forever. He regards the death not as a single event, which causes transformation, but rather as a continuous process of perpetual anaesthesia, where people stay forever.Larkin uses irony to show how eternal state of breaking wind can be the most terrible thing, which brings uncomplete cal m nor peace.  What is notable, even during short period of life people can not get liberate of the threat of death. It surrounds them whatever they do and the author does his trump to show this state of living under unceasing threat in his poem. Ceaseless nothingness appears to be the biggest Larkin’s fear and this thought does not let him fall asleep at nights and deprives him of calm and felicity when he is awake.In the next stanza he speaks about courage, which turns to be useless in the face of death. Merciless nature of death makes no distinctions between those, who are unnerved of it and who are not.The last lines of the poem contain a deep metaphor, making a contrast between routing life and death, which he can not leave about even for a minute.Meanwhile telephones crouch, getting misrepresent  to ring In locked-up offices, and all the uncaring multiform rented world begins to rouse. The sky is white as clay, with no sun. Work has to be done. Postmen like doctors go from house to house (Larkin 69).Postmen, walking from one house to another, present for Larkin inevitable entreeing of the dawn, which, in its turn, symbolizes an inevitable approach of death. He compares them to doctors, who must save people’s lives but constantly fail, as nobody can overcome death. Careless world wakes up in order to make one step towards death. For Larkin this is a phenomenon he can neither escape, nor forget. The author does not separate thoughts about his own death from the commonplace philosophical questions. This underlines Larkin’s perception of the death as the most private and the most common and semipublic event at the same time.Works CitedAgnes, Michael, ed. in chief, Websters New World College Dictionary, fourth edition, MacMillan, 1999.Hall, The New Criterion Vol. 4, No. 6, February 1986.Kirszner, Laurie G., and Stephen R. Mandell, eds. Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing. 6th ed. Boston: Wadsworth, 2007.Larkin, Philip. Collected Poems, Farrar Straus & Giroux, 1989.Lerner, Laurence: Philip Larkin. In Writers and Their Works series. Plymouth: Northcote House Publishers Ltd., Plymbridge House, 1997.Steiner, Adam. Honors British Literature. Dr. Fraser. Concepts of simpleness and Unrest in â€Å"Aubadeâ€Â, 2005.Salwak, Dale ed. Philip Larkin: The Man and His Work. London: MacMillan, 1989.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'What Does It Mean to Be Well-Educated Essay\r'
'In the article â€Å"What Does It Mean to Be Well-Educated†Mr. Kohn phase out 6 blocks on universe educated. Point 1.The Point of instilling. (Nel Noddings the professor emerita at Stanford University, urges us to reject â€Å"the deadly nonion that the naturalizes’ initiatory-year priority should be quick development†and contends that â€Å"the briny aim of nurture should be to produce competent, caring, loving, and loveable nation.â€Â) I like this quote on the purposes of education. I work in a Christian School the maine goal for us as t separatelyers and coaches is to participate in the development of a well-rounded student so they stick out learn the dumbfound intercourseledge and skills they need to be successful in life. The next point that I would like to discuss is the concept of evaluating throng as a whole vs. any(prenominal) matchless’s education. In this point Mr. Kohn talks active the difference in being well educated and the difference from app bently being provided with a poor education. Is thither a difference?\r\nI individual exclusivelyy intend there argon different types of education and not all tidy sum learn the same way. In the metropolis that I live in there atomic number 18 many choices for schools from private to public. In some cases people move multiple cartridge holders to keep their children in the district with the best schools. You must(prenominal) look at the person and where they came from in some families unfortunately education is not a main concern excerpt as a whole may be. therefore we must look at the whole person not just the education someone may overhear. The next point is the absence of consensus, in this point Mr. Kohn discusses what a high school student should know or be able to do. He goes on to talk closely the local and state and topic standards. Should they all be the same? I believe it would be hard for every state to go the same standards acr oss the board for education.\r\nThere argon going to be obvious subject fields where education is cute and areas where simply surviving is important. The district in my area is too large and some of the same standards do not make sense and utilise to each town and county. I think that having standards is a expert thought entirely there should be a better way of measuring these standards than simply testing the students sometimes individuals are not very favorable at test taking. Another important point Kohn discusses is all the definitions used for accommodations and school shapes that do not make sense. The concept of seat time, which is the creative thinker of being in a seat for a specific amount of time dose not mean that you are conditioned. Just by ambit in a lecture or auditory sense to a new concept doesn’t evermore mean that you provide keep open that information that was being taught. The average person forgets or asshole’t remember what was s aid to them 48 hours ago.\r\nAnother term is the term job skills Kohn states that â€Å"It would be a defect to reduce schooling to vocational preparation, if only because we can easily imagine downs who are well-prepared for the workplace (or at least for some workplaces)†In this description he is telling us that someone with just one skill will be at a disadvantage, throughout life because of the way the world is ever-changing with new technology that is making everything move quicker. The creative thinker of test score is a point that interests me as well, just because you scored well on tests does not necessarily mean that you will be able to retain information from what you read. I think that some people have anxiety when it comes to tests specifically those with time limits and the added squeeze of scoring well. In some cases teachers are down the stairs so much pressure to teach what will be on the test more accordingly the concepts formulas of the material of the part. They are not always inform what the proper foundations are of the subject. They are required to have certain dozens for their classrooms to be successful.\r\nAnother enkindle point that is made is the Memorization of a batch o’ facts. Kohn explains, â€Å"Familiarity with a list of words, names, books, and ideas is a uniquely poor way to judge who is well-educated.†Just because you can talk about great authors remember some quotes and tell some theories doesn’t mean you are well informed. Kohn excessively talks about the pecking baffle of the graduation process and who is in charge of decision making who passes and fails because of a standardized test. It seams to be problem in multiple states. To be able to graduate you must fit in the required credits courses requirements. â€Å"This is impress not merely because of the inherent limits of the tests, but also because teaching becomes distorted when passing those tests becomes the paramou nt goal. Students arguably receive an inferior education when pressure is applied to raise their test scores, which means that high school exit exams may actually lower standards.â€Â\r\nWith this command you can figure that Mr. Kohn feels that’s the test scores are not actually relevant to all. He goes on to tell us more about the â€Å"Pass this standardized test or you tire out’t graduate,†If we look at most states we see that they are using curriculum standards to help students graduate with the same standards as others students in other states. Students are learning facts, skills, and sub skills that they are expected to get the best at the grade level to continue on to the next grade level. The final point Kohn brings about talking about what it takes to be well-educated. Kohn, lists some qualities that are used to help you to succeed. â€Å"Schooling is organized around problems, projects, and questions †as opposed to facts, skills, and dis ciplines.†If teachers can focus on this and apply this to there classroom then friendship and learning become exciting for the students. â€Å"Teachers are generalists first and specialists (in a given subject matter) second;â€Â\r\nWith this statement you can see that if you can apply this to your class room that you can succeed and continue to have a great learning environment. Well-educated people have general knowledge of world postulate for making rational decisions in personal and intellectual life and basic skills, which develops the analytical ability to order and adapt to the changing environment. With an open mind, which helps to set up new and different goals in life, and with experiences and the skill to meditate and value the others’ ideas or thoughts. In Proverbs 1:7â€9. 7 the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. 8 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your dev elop’s teaching. 9 They will be a garland to grace your head and a train to adorn your neck. This verse speaks to the lessons you have learned not only from your parents and the Bible but also from your time in school. Learning never ends to be well-educated you need to have the desire to learn and make as the world continues to change.\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Mergers and Acquisitions in Australia\r'
'A merger is one of the forms of transmission agate pull combination. A merger is the joining to lead offher of two or more companies for a common goal (Schencke, 2007). It kitty be in the form of vertical integration, plain integration or diversification. Consider the study of manufacture food (bread) party: we fuddle the dredge  phoner, the bakeshop and a butter federation.If the bread community stupefys the flour ac alliance that would be vertical integration; this whitethorn be more comprehensive and raging . The trouble is upliftedly involved because of the procedures involved and consequences too. This is a backwards integration because it go forth be merging with the furnish source. It great poweriness lead to restricted sum of sensible materials then inflexibility.If the bread guild stimulates producing cakes that would be level integration; this office be hit the booksed demand in order to stupefy a more crossroad line whereby their consumers bequeath now be open to enjoy more number products from the akin beau monde. This ordain enable a peculiar(prenominal) bread companionship destiny with its competitors because a variety of commodities leave alone be available to them.The company will overly s musical mode a more commercialize shell out because well-nigh of its products will dominate the mart. richly market sh ar sterilizes gainability because the Total gross sales figure has a factor of units and sales argon directly relative to the profit margin. The peculiar(a) bread company thence plumps a market attractor and enjoys totally the economies of dental plate. richly al-Qurans after part be produced at low cost and and then the company becomes a market leader in the application. The company grass now have efficient pricing policies for the different commodities that it is offering in the market.If the bread company starts producing butter to match with its quality of bread then that would be market diversification; This results in phylogeny market capitalization which is in truth healthy for a company in the constancy. This word form of expanded production line whitethorn be risky and uncertain because very modest is cognise almost that particular product line. This whitethorn grouse for comprehensive look, which mogul be costly for the property company. Demand and supply factors of that particular company hold to be unsounded and analyzed keenly to determine the future of much(prenominal)(prenominal) an operation and how relevant it talent because this is a complimentary commodity.Merger or an acquisition leads to wishing of competitiveness and would have a luxuriously Herfindahl index. industriousness concentration is also affected. In the case translate above, one has reduced players in the exertion over receivable to mergers. indeed we find that there’s no competition out-of-pocket to getting of a supply chain, pr oducing related commodities or even engaging in the production of complementary goods. Market diversification results to company being able to chasteness its prices for the different products it has with ever-changing the profit.This shows that market forces do not determine prices and closure is at different levels. Some companies also become market leaders and whitethorn decide to turn down its prices in the market at the expense of separate companies. The fact that a company raise acquire a supply chain is harmful because this whitethorn limit resources/raw materials to separate companies with in the industry or supply at inflated cost. A prices control board should therefore establish to grant with this. Some companies may be forced to let go production and this may lead to monopolies in the industry, which may not be healthy.Motives for mergers include:Synergy; The prize synergism determines the purchase price for the acquiree. Synergy is the unite power of a gro up of companies when they argon functional together which is greater than the total power achieved by each working separately. Synergy can be operating synergy or financial synergy. operating(a) synergy includes economies of denture and economies of stove, by merging steadfastlys are able to receive huge discounts repayable to lavishly volumes of production and this results in high kale, this means high price of shell outs and high market capitalization.Owning of supply bring means constant supply of raw materials without delays and control over the prices. This indicates low cost of production and increase profits. Being a market leader may result into a monopoly and this means enormous profits. Discounts can be offered to customers and result in high sales payable to high volumes. All these work to the payoff of the acquirer. More overlapholders due to emendd earnings per contend lead to more funding and adequate interchange in flows are available. Synergy canâ₠¬â„¢t be compared to international expansion, which is slack up. Merging is with fast(a)s already operating and with the ask recourses so no lag periods experienced which might hinder the gain and development of a company, which negates the reckon to the shareholders and other interested parties.There might be imply to expand to other geographical location. The acquiring firm will look for firms in operation at that location to merge with in order to desexualise the catch period which normally due to miss of knowledge of military control operations at that particular area and business smartness required. crosswise integration in this case will be necessary. This might be after researching and identifying a possible business location. Suppliers will also be considered in this case. pecuniary synergy is however more questionable due to the uncertainty of business operations.Merging may be for the learn to grow and develop. This can be inside or external.. Internal growth can be slow and uncertain because the company doesn’t have past(a) business experience on a particular field. Outside expansion leads to diversification and market capitalization is advanced. Growth of a company in the industry tracts more shareholders to the company and therefore funds for support business operations are adequate. This leads to market starring(p) and high volumes are sell bringing about high profit margin.Merging may be due to the pride of the trouble team of the bidder company. The management may want to associated with all players in the country that are performing expose. This will be a way for the management to market itself and therefore the same directors can be restored at the next annual superior general meeting. The management might have been watching the firm to be acquired and may have an idea of corrections to be made in order to increase perfection.They may w ant to acquire a firm that is just about due to liquid issues, restore its op erations and hence cash flows. They therefore be associated with the recovery of the dieing company and hence improve their employment opportunities with other companies. They may also look for promotions and being part of the recovery team may a good ground for such. They management may also want to part of the management of a market leader in the company and this calls for all necessary strategies possible including mergers and acquisitions(Schlossberg, 2007).Horizontal integration whereby a company starts producing related products leads to increased market share due to increased sales out of the high volumes of sales. This may result in very radical proceedings, which might be risky. In business yield comes together with risk taking. Vertical integration in this case is considered most because its more risky but the gains might be more than the costs. variegation into other line of production may be a motivate factor.The company may have identified another(prenominal) variety of related products, which might be utile and may want to be part of that industry. Therefore the best way to go may be the merger in order to pump in capital into the other company, which is facing liquidity issues, and hence have a major share of the profits. Horizontal integration is always considered best because it involves dealing with the same kind of business, which has a better cross discharge (Schlossberg, 2007).In Australia the following steps are necessary in merging:Research should be first through to determine possible candidate. This inevitably the help of experts in the research work so that all necessary data and information is available to the management of the acquiring firmThe motive to merge should be first soundless and the angle to be lendn determined. Synergy should be well understood and illustrated.Evaluation should be done on the acquiring firm. The firms’ business strategy should be understood in order to determine the degree of compatibili ty and the other aspects of business mergers. This also helps in justifying the acquisition.Immediately after the merger, dinero go down first due to the expenses incurred in research and implementation costs. Diversifications are normally big-ticket(prenominal) and gains can’t be realized immediately. boodle are normally derived at by; gross revenue-cost of goods sold â€expenses. The cost of goods sold=opening stock + purchases-closing stock. high-pitched cost of goods immediately after the merger can be due to high opening stock, high purchases and low closing stock. This will therefore result in low profits.In the long run profits are supposed to increase due to;Economies of scale and scope, due to merging with supply and distribution channels, discounts will be given to the entity and this results to low operational costs. fully grown volume sales enable customers to get discounts and volume of sales is increased. This other unnecessary costs are avoided leading t o maximization of profits.Diversification to another line of business; this means exploring of virgin grounds and operation benefits are taken advantage of. This means that sources of gained are increased and the total volume of profits is increased.Increase in market value; High market value is due to being a market leader and commands a greater share of the demand in the market. High volumes are sold and the sales figure is high. Sales are considered to be directly related to the profit volumes.The risk taken at first yields benefits; Diversification may be risky therefore benefits may not be realized fast. Benefits can all after recovery and it will be to the enforceable future.Geographical advantages are realized. The merge entity need time to get used to the business environment and therefore gains take time to be realized (Bruner, 2007).Merging is better than internal expansion. Merging may be a little bit fast to pick up because acquired firms have existing resources and pe rsonnel. This reduces time spend in ply professional development and growth.A troubled company needs to merge as near bankruptcy physical exercise situation. This helps in maximizing the value of the company where such companies are considered to be damaged goods. Shareholders, Board of Directors and the managers discontinue for firms specializing in a workout that is salvaging the value that was presume to be left in them.Liquidations can’t be left behind. The use of highly leveraged transactions (HLT) expanded the profile of financially troubled companies (Schlossberg, 2007). financially troubled companies are businesses that were leveraged and unable meet their debt suffice burden but still separate pleasant or even optimal operating cash flows given their internal resources and market opportunities.PublicityA demerger is expected when competitors start taking advantage of slow growth and development and they may take advantage of opportunities created by merged enti ty. This is because the competitors have been having existing offices, management and resources supply. Diseconomies of scale and scope start occurring and therefore the operations may not be profitable and a demerger may be considered. The company may at times consider internal expansion to be worth trance and may start investing in such hence the merger becomes irrelevant (Bruner, 2007).The expansion to another geographical areas may prove to be vain and thus the firm may consider demerging and concentrating in its primary business operations. The external growth may start being costly and the acquiring company decides to sale its share of the acquired company. The pride of management may be at some cost to the company and the shareholders may decide to demerge. The diversification to another line of production may prove to be exceedingly costly to the company and a demerger may be asked for so that focus can be on the basic profit gaining activity/business.Both the acquirer and acquiree benefit. The acquiree is funded and its liquidity position is revised and merging is normally a workout for near bankruptcy situations (Gaughan, 2004). The acquirer is also in a position to enjoy; economies of scale and production, advantage of geographical expansion, this is an external growth that vernacular be compared to the slow internal growth with uncertainties, management pride is improved, market share is improved and they convey into a business that they have clear spoil record. ACCC is an independent authority of the Government of Australia established in 1995 with the amalgamation of the Australian Trade practices Commission and the charges control authority to administer the trade practices Act 1974 (Cth)It’s meant to protect Consumer rights, business rights and obligations, perform Industry ordination and price monitoring and prevent illegal anti Competitive behavior (Schencke, 2007).The more of the following criteria a troubled company meets the more marketable it will be to the acquiring company:Is it a manufacturing earlier than a distribution operation. Acquiring a manufacturing company will be horizontal integration and will be more profitable to the entity (Robinson, Tranter, Loughran 2007). This kind of synergy results to taking advantages of economies of scale, diversifying into other lines of production, increased market value, expanding to another geographical location and this will be better than internal expansion. Merging with a distribution company will be a vertical forward integration and may be very risky with uncertainties due to lack of a clean track record.Fills a unique product niche rather than produces a commodity item.Has a well-known label or trademark that is undamaged by its accepted situation.Sustains a strong defensible market share. A company with a strong market share means that its quite stable and will be profitable to merge with. This will also improve the whole entity’s image an d then the share price improves in the stock market.Has a well-maintained machinery and equipment. These are tools of production and this indicates indefinite operation of the company into the future. much(prenominal) a company is not risky to deal with and may result into huge future losings. consequently the idea of merging may not be necessary.Ernest & youngish (2006) pg20In conclusion, mergers and acquisitions should be considered in the company’s research and development. It involves a lot of research that collects data and information in order to evaluate worth candidates for merging. The long-term objectives should be increasing the company’s market share within the industry, devising use of economies of scale available and being a market leader.Mergers resulting in long term losses should be avoided because this won’t lead to growth and development of the company. Mergers also determine the structure of an industry because they lead to a decrease d number of market players in the industry. This leads to high concentration and competition is reduced. Monopolies may be formed and this may not be healthy to the industry as a whole. Price control bodies need to be in spatial relation to control the dominance of the market by a particular holding company.References:Ernest & Young, Ernest & Young LLP. (2007). Back to Basic Techniques onMergers & Acquisitions (Pg 19-23). Wiley PublicationsGuy M. Robinson, Pal. J. Tranter, Robert Loughran. (2007). Economy companionship &Environment. Oxford University PressHans Schencke. (2007). Accounting for Mergers & Acquisitions in Europe. IBFDMichael A. Hit, Jeffrey J. Harrison. R Duane. (2007). A Guide to creating value forStakeholders. Oxford University PressPatrick A. Gaughan. (2004). Merger, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring.Wiley PublicationsRobert F.Bruner. (2007). apply Mergers and Acquisitions. Wiley PublicationsRobert S. Schlossberg. (2007). Understanding t he Antitrust Issues. American BarAssociation.\r\n'
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